Rose I miss you

No sign again our Rose. I had a total boo boo cry break down this morning.

Now, I’m feeling silly I got so attached to someone who lives such a short life. 😞

The wild is special – blessed I get to glimpse into it if only for a moment.

Anyway, maybe the two kits just dispersed and Buttercup won the territory.

Little skunk came by with Buttercup. I guess they are buds now. I can literally be on the porch asking that skunk to leave and she doesn’t even bother to raise her tail. She knows she’s got the upper hand. Buttercup even flees if I open the door. But atleast she flees to the make-shift den.

So last night was the most time ever spent by anyone ever in the make shift den and that was by Buttercup. One hour she stayed. I hope she knows it’s hers.

Shown here, she is playing with two different toys.
Anyway no mo crying because Today I’ll make call on the T-shirts see how they are coming along and the Art Cave is opens 1 to 4 pm.

Design for prints, hand-enhanced canvas, t-shirt and of course the patio floor in the Peace Garden.

Make art at the Cave today

What will you make today ?

Art Cave is Open 1 to 4 pm today thru Sunday.

I’ll be working on girl friend gifts today.

Make your own only $20

Or I got these really cute snowmen. Weekend special only $8 all inclusive includes glitter and jewels and I guarantee your success.

It feels good to make art. So come get your happy on this weekend!

Rose and Buttercup made it to adulthood

The wild is WILD! And it kept me up much of the night last night.

I was so sad and could not sleep because these kits were a no show for second night in a row, which is rare for these two.

I read some good news … usually about this time of year, the mom would be dispersing her kits to different dens. That made me feel better. We did it guys!! We got them to adulthood as free wild animals.

They are all grown up. And they are big and health looking coons.

I have to remind myself that in the fall, these guys will slow down. We may not see them as often. But it’s a short wait to mating season now as that’s in February – March. If you pray please do so for these little girls.

In the wild we only get 1.8 to 3.1 years with them. My experience here, is its on the short end of that deal.

So I just want Flower’s lineage to keep going! If it does that will be the 4th generation. It’s just super special. Don’t you think?

Photo: Really Rose? You had to eat a really extremely cute chipmunk and bring it to my den?

But I’m proud girl, You hunt well!!

I’m picking up “Hello from Ruidoso” garden prints today shipping FREE to my proof readers, thank you ladies!! Also, I will order round two of t-shirts today and this will be the second order and I’ve not even received first order yet. We got a hit, I’m so Grateful thank you!! What’s your size … I’ll order you one today ? I got canvas prints available and giclees have been ordered.

In Progress PEACE

I don’t know who I’m making this one for, but I’m digging it.

In progress titled

P.E.A.C.E = Prayer expedites abundant creative energy.

This will have a ton of fun things all over it as I feel we need a little FUN going on up in here!

Me in water with my signature

The absurdity of thinking your safe.

I’ve had several people tell me that they think it’s hard to contract Covid from a grocery store. ???

Have we lost our minds?

You can not hid from this. You would have to go in a bubble, produce your own food and water and never come out.

Even if you ordered everything online … you are getting exposed.

Fear rules the day and justifying that you can’t get it at grocery stores, or other places where you most go, is just crazy thinking?!?

Poor employees are forced to were mask (BTW that’s not good for their health), but fuck them, because we wanna feel safe. This is just selfish and ridiculous thinking.

These people aren’t wearing masks in sterile environments. Watch how often they touch their dirty mask and then touch everything else around them.

This is goofy and fear rules the day.

I’m not picking on Amazon. As no one can stop this.

I’m just pointing out the absurdity of thinking you are safe. You are not. By the way, you never have been safe, that’s called life and it’s here today and gone in a blink and it always has been this way and your government can’t save you.

I wanna thank all the people, who kept moving, so the rest of us could shiver in fear at home.

In progress extid=0&d=n

Hello From Ruidoso super soft T-shirts available soon

This T-shirt is happening. The response has been huge $32 includes tax and shipping add $2 for XL OR XXL – it will print on extra soft black T-shirt. $25 includes tax is local ruidoso price add $2 for xl or xxl

Pull over extra soft black hoodie shirt is $63 including shipping and tax – local Ruidoso $53 includes tax. (Steve Matlack)

Long sleeve extra soft black T-shirt $39 including shipping and tax or local Ruidoso $32 includes tax. (Dawn Durham Hatley)

I’m collecting interest list. In message say size and if you want it printed on something other than T-shirt include that in message. (If you already told me size I got you!)

Proceeds after costs going to the construction of the Peace Garden which will include this painting in giant size painted on patio, a waterfall, a fish pool and rock benches.

Let me know if you want to memorialize your loved ones in this art on the patio floor. 12 inch square – $100 plus tax zoom in on gridded art to select your square.

T-shirt design
Choose your paver to honor a loved one permanently in the Peace Garden.

Fake sugar is killing us

It’s hard. But I did it.

I’m off artificial sweeteners and the 30 extra pounds I carry are dumping faster now.

Fake sweetners are 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and cause an Insulin reaction of great magnitude to deal with it, but yet finds no sugar.

??? Deadly given enough time. Absolutely.

This is why, we the people, are sicker then we were say 70 years ago. 50% of woman my age will get cancer. 75% of our daughters will get it. Hu?

Thank you processed food and fake sugar. Government not going to tell you this as there is too much money in sick people. And big lobbyist representing these overly processed products have the governments ear.

Dis-ease lives on sugar. We were sold a big old lie. Diabetic? Just go to fake sugar. Eat fake processed sugary breakfast cereals instead of bacon and eggs if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol issues … NO .. NO NO that’s not true.

We were lies too to sell a ton of crappy man-made product that are making us sick.

If you want to reverse disease … Eat more fat and more protein. Limit the carbs to only those that are God made … like fruits and veggies.

I now drink topo chico with real hand squeezed orange juice in it and or tea with a teaspoon of honey. Organic coffee with heavy cream and butter in it. I eat coconut oil right out of the jar. And the weight is dumping.

My boobs are no longer grainy and they’ve been that way my entire life. ?! Can you say … inflammation be gone ?!? Thank God.

Is REAL Natural Sugars as good as fake to me yet?


If you have belly fat, you are most likely insulin resistant. Cut the sugar and or diet sodas, all processed carb and fake sugar, belly fat will be leaving no matter your age.

At least that’s been my experience.

Me at 225 smoking and drinking diet sodas.

Peace Garden on the build!

I mailed out the first group of free keepsake prints to those of you sweet enough to sponser the Peace Garden by honoring your loved ones on a paver for the patio floor.

Guys I just saw the design for the waterfall by Jay Thomas, American arthor.

It’s a environment design, that is going to appear to be floating in thin air As if it’s heaven right here in earth, complete with vegetation cascading down to the fish pond and rock chairs.

BUT we need more funds for this community art installation.

Who’s name or business may I honor for you permanently in this patio design?

Jana Lynch honoring your loved ones in the Peace Garden

Zoom in and message me the number of your paver concrete square. $100 plus tax.

This is where the butterfly tree lives our very first community art installation.

Freedom vs Security

Titled “Just let go” who did I paint this for?

It’s 12x24x2 mix media on canvas. It’s $576 or best offer. If it’s yours don’t be shy make me an offer. Lol.

Footage of me painting this LIVE available here in facebook. Proceeds go to help build the “Peace Garden” where we honor our loved ones. Prints available soon. $20 includes tax and shipping.

Choose freedom