Jana to be in Her First Play

Murder Mystery Diner Theater brought to you by Lincoln County Community Theater. Make a reservation by Saturday (Call +1 (575) 257-2733) for this fun event at Cree Meadows Country Club. It’s my first acting job! I talked about this on the radio show, “New Mexico in the Morning” with Tom Ruiz. I also mentioned Outlaw Paint Class, CORE (supporting victims of domestic violence), Ski Apache, Zia Natural Gas, and PaintedArtist Interactive Garden. “A message of hope” was also mentioned Joe Eby, Jay Thomas abd Carla Morrow … thank you Tom A Ruiz …

Listen in … https://youtu.be/42J_Ymk3zRI

PaintedArtist in the Zia Natural Gas Newsletter

What a sweet deal! PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden was exposed to over 40,000 Zia National Gas Company Customers inside their gas bill.

I’m so grateful people are learning about this amazing way to honor their loved ones.

Here’s me next to the Art instillation that all are welcomed to participate in. I will happily paint your butterfly, which will honor your loved one, or you can paint your own.

We have raised thousands of dollars for local charities utilizing my talents. You will find me May 11 painting little butterflies in memory, or in honor, of a loved one at Alto Golf and Country Club. All proceeds benefit Dancing for the Cause.

This awesome evening of entertainment is sponsored by COPE, which assists victims of domestic violence and their families in our area. Tickets will go on sale soon at the COPE office (575-258-4946) or at the Chamber of Commerce.

Make it a good one …

You may not have control over every situation of your life, but when you wake up in the morning, you get to decide your attitude … so make it a good one.

I want to thank my mother Janet Wyley Lynch, my stepmother Terry Barnes Lynch, and my father Doyce Lynch, for living their life with a good attitude no mater what may come. Thank you for your exceptional example!

This is an acrylic work in progress, titled “Always Hope for the Little Gal, She’s Working Hard to Still be Around” – Jana.

It’s always a great day at the Art Cave. Making art, simply put, makes you feel good.

Join me Thursday to Sunday, 2 – 8 pm. Look for special events like ‘Drink and Draw’ coming soon.

It’s Time to Go, yes … It Was.

I’m painting this work in progress, and I’ve noticed that all of my creations are becoming very biblical.
This is a close up of a section of my painting about us moving from Las Vegas to Ruidoso. Keep in mind … we were NEVER leaving Vegas … but God had other plans … and now we could not be more pleased. We stepped into His geological will for our lives. It’s now my charge to build a “message of Hope” by creating the Interactive Garden here in Ruidoso for the world to see.

I’m beginning to dig this part of my painting. WIP Titled “It’s time to go, yes … it was”. That’s me, peacefully asleep as God gently blows me to his preferred geological location. And that’s my brother, Wyley, (tiny figure) who I lost last year. He’s on top of a mountain facing God. 

This painting is light years from complete, but I’m enjoying the process. 

Jana Lynch, owner of JanasRedRoom.com and PaintedArtist Art Cave & Garden 

Work starts again on Inn of Mountain God art

Anaya Holder, 19 year old Native American Artist, works on a collaborative painting that we started together almost a year ago. This is a work in progress titled … well … we aren’t sure yet. We are thinking the native word for Guardian … it needs more work to be sure.

It’s in our hearts to cut the painting in a deerhide shape, then tie it to native, Aspen tree branches with leather straps. Our hopes (with a please and thank you) are that the God’s would hang it for their visitors to view.

Painting Butterflies. Proceeds Go to Humane Sociaty.

On Saturday, February 16, I painted butterflies in honor of your loved ones for the Peace Garden Art installation, and I’ll be painting again at the Albertson’s parking lot while you grocery shop. I’ll write your loved ones name on a butterfly, which will each be a part of our installation. We ask a donation of only $2, but more is appreciated… All proceeds will go to the Humane Sociaty of Lincoln County. Come over and meet the dogs (who desperately need your support) and be apart of our community art installation.

Great meeting at the Rotary Club … Wade of Zia Natural Gas and Peter Fox, who proved that supporting Art installations was economically viable for any city involved, both stepped forward offering their support for the Hope Garden, where local talent and myself will build. Here’s the speech they heard, which explains the plan.

– https://youtu.be/dVO7ZJwIsYw

Also, get creative and paint your helmet with special glass paint at the Art Cave … only $40 includes instructions. Thursday to Sunday, 2 pm to 8 pm.

Jana Learns a New Technique

I took a class with a local artist and middle school art teacher, Megan Goza Rebourn, over at Lost Hiker Brewery Co., which is owned by Jennifer Croake Carey and Husband, Dan Carey.

This is my first attempted at papier-mâché. It’s still a long way from completion. It’s titled “new mommy”.

Attendance was mostly kids with parents, who created animal heads on card board backing. Megan is an exceptional teacher. I’m so pleased I attended because I see myself using this technic in order to build giant art installations for the Painted Artist’s Interactive Garden.

This class concludes Tuesday, February 19 (6 to 9pm) where we will paint our creations.

I hope to have mine completed by then.

WIP – New Mommy by Jana In papier-mâché

Supply list:

Brown Masking Paper

Flour & Water – Mix to a Pancake consistency

Masking tape

Heavy box cardboard (as a base to mount your art)

Cereal box or poster board

Aluminum sculpture wire

Putty sparkle

Tissue paper

Plaster gauze

A Fun “Get Your Art On” Paint Event.. coming soon!

Get Your Art-On! The PaintedArtist ArtCave and Interactive Garden will launch their first fun-painting events, and I’m looking for an interest list.

First Class: Beginners Paint: A Still Life in Acrylic. This is a 2 week course, two days a week. Four classes to make one great painting. Paint an interesting still life, which Jana will set up and properly light. Learn proper layout and color placement to paint reality, but with a magical twist, which will create interest in your painting. Learn proper paint procedures, such as back to forward painting. Learn to identify and to paint the light to add a yummy richness to your work. Jana will be there every step of the way, and she guarantees you’ll leave with a painting you’re pleased with. $200 includes everything you need for this two week (four sessions total) class … that’s the 14’’x11’’ canvas, paint, varnish, food, soda, and coffee. Your still life set up will remain in place from class to class, so that you can complete your art.

I’m looking for interest in this class. Message me on http:// facebook.com/Jana.lynch

This class we be at 4-6pm every Thursday and Saturday. It will last two weeks starting in March. I need six people interested in attending to launch this class, which is limited to ten students.

Here are some samples of Jana’s still life paintings:

PaintedArtist excepts all credit cards, PayPal, cash, or Venmo app. We also offer layaway, so that you can make payments.