Youth art at Jana’s Redroom

We like to start an new tradition in the New Year 2018 and we are very excited about it. We like to give the new generation of Artist to be a show space at Jana’s Redroom.

Each young artist from age 6 – 18 years old, can showcase up to 2 artworks , maximum size 5×7″ or 10×14″ if possible ready to hang, we can provide 5×7″ frames , Each artwork can be for sale with parents / guardian permission , the hanging and handling fee will be $10 per single piece $15 for 2 artworks.

We have our wonderful Artist Kimberly Blake in the house on Mondays, Kimberly teaches art classes as well, to support her student and new young artists we like give them a  change to showcase their artworks in a real art selling Gallery.

Please contact Jana Lynch [email protected]

Artworks by Anja Whitemyer ( disqualified for this contest… to old 🙂 )

Happy Holidays from Janas Redroom

We wish you and your love once the best of peace , health and prosperity in this joyful Holiday Season. Enjoy this time to the fullest .

We like to Thank all our outstanding artist for their trust into Jana’s Redroom and our Gallery staff.

We like to Thank our wonderful volunteers to support Jana’s Redroom with their time, knowledge and without them , we couldn’t open the door to all our customers the way we do it.

Thank you to all the wonderful resident Artist over the year , with your support and up leave artworks you brought the Redroom to the next level.

we wish you all a very merry Christmas.

Jana and Kevin Lynch

 artwork by Anja Whitemyer . Merry Christmas


Goodbye to a wonderful Artist : Deborah Jo Anne Weaver

We are sorry to hear about the passing of one of our contest Winner “Call for Artist ” Deborah JoAnne Weaver. We are sending prayers and our deepest condolent wishes to her sister Denise Weaver Ross, who is one of our resident artist in the Gallery.

 Denise Weaver Ross about her sister :

Deborah JoAnne Weaver, 63, of Albuquerque, NM, passed away suddenly on December 12, 2017 after a long struggle with multiple medical conditions. She is survived by her daughter, Sarah Parker, of Omaha NE as well as her sister Denise Weaver Ross and mother JoAnne Weaver of Albuquerque NM, her nephews Colin Alexander Ross and Nicholas Ross, and countless extended family members and friends.

Deborah was born in Duluth, MN. Her family relocated to Milwaukee, WI, when she was in grade school and later moved to Oconomowoc, WI. She graduated from Oconomowoc High School in 1972, received a B.S. in Biology in 1976 from Wheaton College, IL. She went on to teach the children of Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico City for a couple of years before returning to the U.S. where she received her Masters in Linguistics at the University of North Dakota in Fargo. She then to moved to Dallas, TX, where she began her community college teaching career, married and relocated to Albuquerque, NM where she completed her course work for a doctoral degree, and adopted her beloved daughter, Sarah Parker.

While raising her daughter, she worked for many years at TVI (now known as CNM) teaching English among other subjects, started a strategic management business, and worked as the COO at Kirtland Credit Union, where she led their Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award process which achieved Kirtland’s 2008 Zia Award. During her time at Kirtland she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and began focusing on cancer-survivor support groups and creative endeavors. She was a member of the New Grounds Print Workshop, revived her life long interest in fiber arts, and provided marketing support to Little Bird de Papel on Mountain Road. She also showed her creative work at New Grounds and Tortuga Gallery in Albuquerque, and at Jana’s RedRoom in Las Vegas.

Her family and friends are holding an informal Memorial Luncheon at Tortuga Gallery, 901 Edith SE, in Albuquerque on Wednesday, December 20 from Noon until 3p.m. Please bring memories and food to share.

This Sunday Dec. 17 come join us for some Holiday fun

Ready for some Holiday Fun? It’s a Holiday Party for Artists and all their Family, Friends and Fan!
Urban Lounge, Tacos Huevos, & Jana’s RedRoom Present:
Hangout with talented artists. Dance. Enjoy live performances. Paint. Drink. Eat. Come be creative with us, every 3rd Sunday of the month – next up is SUNDAY Dec 17th from 1 to 5pm.

Fun social gathering at the Palette patio located at the Arts Factory: 107 E Charleston, Las Vegas NV 89104

• $5 Jana Shot and Urban Lounge Mystery Shots
• $5 Chicken Wings
• Tacos Huevos $3 Chips and Salsa – soda refill

(No outside food is allowed on patio)


• Indie Recording Artist Wizdom Phoenix, – – Listen in on iTunes –

Luke Anthony, Musician,

Corinthia Peoples, Artist and Storyteller, –
DnB KARAOKE – hosted by Bob and Debi Lindemenn, Singer
Also be sure to join us inside at Jana’s RedRoom to see a special art show of collaborating artists from 11 am to 7 pm.

We’re delighted to have this month’s featured charity is Open Door Prison Ministry


We sell your ART

Ever wondered how to sell your artworks in an art gallery ? Here are our options, we works hard and listen to your showing artist to have options for everyone budged .

Rent a wall or shelf space in the gallery. We are offering multiple wall and shelf sizes to showcase your artworks and sculptures or any other art crafts. Price range from $50 – $300, Artist cut 70% or 60% depends on wall rental space . To get an idea what is available for the upcoming month please contact our curator Jana Lynch [email protected]

Become a resident artist in the Gallery. Resident artist have a commitment of 3 – 6 month contracts to rent wall space , every month we rotate the artist space and hang new artworks up, the artist cut is higher here, since the artist have a longterm commitment 80%. Read more about this program here 

Wall space with solo show opportunity If you like to host your own soloshow and have a reception on one weekend ( besides 1st friday weekend) . We offer you a solution, to get more options and information click here or contact our Curator Anja [email protected]

Enter our completion “Call for Artist” with a submission fee of $25 you can enter up to3 artworks , any medium to the monthly themed contest, all artworks get judged and the winner will showcase in the main room for 1 month. For the latest contest information click here 

Pop up shows, one weekend your art in our gallery, these shows are very fast booked and we are looking for collaborations, inspiring shows, sup lures, performer , poets… something besides showing your art… a show that tells a story. Click her for more info and contact Anja for availability

How to showcase your artworks at Jana’s RedRoom

How to display your artworks at Jana’s Redroom:

there are multiple choices to be part of the Jana’s RedRedroom Artist family.

1. you can rent wall space for 1 month

we have multiple wall sizes and different price ranges : from $50 – $300. Here you can showcase as many artworks as you like: it has to be hang and displayed in art gallery style !! ( space between the artworks, don’t over hung… we help you with this.)

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

2.  you can apply to become a resident Artist for 3 month. $300 / per month

during this time you get each month a new wall to showcase new artworks. And you have to be ready to showcase each month new artworks of yours. One month guarantee showcase in the main gallery room or on one of the main wall panels ( your choice)  !!

Artist cut: 80% Artist   20% Gallery

3. emerging Artist, you like to test the water on showcasing your artworks, we have a very limited wall space for you, you can showcase only 1 artwork , not bigger then 24×24” for $10 / month

Artist cut: 60% Artist   40% Gallery

4. Enter the contest : Call for Artist !

Call for Artist is a contest that we are offering to local, national and international artist. Only the best 3-6 Artist can showcase in Jana’s RedRoom. How to enter: you pay a $25 submission fee, enter up to 3 images of the artworks you like to showcase at the month you picked. Each month is themed, you can submit to multiple theme’s ( month) but have to pay each submission fee separate. Only the best 3-6 Artist will get chosen to show their artworks…. no size limitation or media limitation*  ( * no digital media, film or jewelry at this time)

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

                          view all categories for the Call for Artist, click here 

5. Rent a shelf: we are displaying and selling fine jewelry, sculptures, art wear and pottery. To show your works you can rent shelf space for $50 per month… multiple display areas are set up in the gallery.

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

Regulations : we need to approve your artworks before you can showcase at the gallery.

please submit 2-3 digital photographs of your to displaying artworks , with size, media and sales price to Jana Lynch [email protected]

After approving we contact you with the options we have available at that month or upcoming month.

Call for Artist , Deadline December 20th

Win a change to showcase your artworks at Jana’s Redroom for the January show, Enter 3 digital images you like to submit and that match the word: Flow.

Individual judges will pick the winning artist, that we are displaying in the main room on the front panel.

All showing artworks need to be for sale, submission fee is $25 , Artist cut by selling their artworks is 70%.

TITLE: Flow ( see detailed submission rules below ) 
THEME: the flow in the color, the flow in the moment, flow in life, rethink the meaning of the word, flow above and into an idea.

ART DELIVERY DATE: Dec. 22nd – Dec. 28th
SHOW DATE: Dec. 28th – Jan. 24 

Submission fee will be $25 per Artist // Artist gallery split is 70% artist, 30% gallery  Artwork sample by Anja Whitemyer

TO  ENTER :                                                                                                                   Send and Email  [email protected] : “Call for Artist”                                          With your Name, email and category you chose                                                          We will be forwarding you the  detailed submission rules and more information


We have a 3 step program you have to follow.

1. Step… pay your submission fee of $25 Jana Lynch :  [email protected]       ( attach the Transaction ID of your payment )

2. Step send the paypal Transaction ID with your 3 images of the artworks you like to enter into the completion to Jana Lynch at [email protected] Include the contest theme you chose, your name and contact information Enter the size, name and selling price of your artworks as well.

3.Step after we approved your images you get a notification and your images are entered into the judging process. Sit tide, and wait until the Artist notification day is there.

4.Step If you made it into the show :   you will receive a email with all further instructions how to showcase your artworks. If your a local artist we make the paper trial on art delievery day.

  • Artworks display agreement
  • Sales agreement
  • Art shipping / handling agreement
  • General agreement
  • right for publication contract
  • If your a local artist , we make the paperwork on the day of your artwork arrival

If your a local artist , or decide to bring your artworks in , you do so during our regular “Artflip days “  Wednesday and Thursdays ( 11a.m. – 7 p.m. ) the week before 1st Friday …. dates will be given to you.

If you live out of town, and decide to ship your artworks, please follow the shipping instructions… read these very careful.

Each exhibition will run for 1 month, during one 1st Friday show of the month, where over 5000 people visit the Arts District / Artsfactory that night.  Las Vegas has over 52 million Tourist a year. Jana’s RedRoom is located at the center of the Art District. The Gallery is open 7 days a week 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Works in Acrylic, Air brush, Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Art, Graphite, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil,Painting, Pastel, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking and Watercolor, will be considered. * no digital displayed media, movie at this time.

Acceptable sizes: We do not have a limitation on sizes of work but have found works over 60 inches to be costly for shipping and recommend sizes that are manageable.



Sorry notes from Jana….

It is very , very rawly that we have to close the gallery early or have to stay close ( in 5 years of the opening only once, due to massive construction works in the gallery ) but if , Jana and everyone in the Gallery makes sure you can reach us, and there is a note on the door…. but today, the one hour we had to leave early, Jana topped her note up. 

She referred this note to a fun joke about the different about a massive general store who can afford to stay open alway and the mama and papa’s store, that needed a break from being open with the excuse :” sorry we are close , we are sad today……”

Never a dull moment. To hear the full story visit Jana Lynch at the Redroom Saturdays / Sundays, we are open 7 days the week ; 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

We wish you all a very happy holiday time, and don’t forget we are shipping artworks national-wide .

Wizdom Phoenix will be performing on Paint at the Patio Dec 17

We are very proud to announce the live performance from Wizdom Phoenix on this month 3rd Sunday happening. Make sure to stop by, see her and hear her sing, and watch local artist live painting at the patios . Right by the Artsfactory Las Vegas .
Artist Bio:
R&B Singer/ Song writer Wizdom Phoenix is from San Diego, CA and has been singing since the age of 6 years old. She is currently an artist under the 23rd Letter Entertainment umbrella. She has 1 Album release entitled “Swaggalicious Misses” and 2 single releases entitled “Yes Dear” and The Internet” with 1 video for her unreleased single entitled “Don’t want to let go”.
Wizdom Phoenix is a 3 time BMA nominee and was awarded  “Singer of the year” by LV House Radio Music Awards. She has been recognized as an “Ambassador of Peace” by the Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce, Ceasars Entertainment, The International Peace Educational Center and The City of Las Vegas! Wizdom Phoenix is a U.S. Navy Veteran, a Business Major and a cancer survivor.
Wizdom is scheduled to release a new single and video project in the early spring of 2018. When she is not in the studio recording or giving her time to charity, she is on the road doing radio interviews, performing and promoting her brand. You can catch her live performances Saturday nights right here in Las Vegas at the Lucky Club Casino and, she has recently been welcomed to the Silver Nugget familie’s recent inductee to the Rock and Roll Las Vegas Hall of Fame, The Queen of Blues, Lady Brandy and the Night of Soul Band, Performance set to begin January 2018!
To see more of Wizdom Phoenix check out her Social media links:
Twitter: @wizdomphoenix
Instagram: @wizdomphoenixthefirstlady
Reverbnation: Wizdom Phoenix
Soundcloud: Wizdom Phoenix
Vh1: Wizdom Phoenix

Resident Artist on view

Visit our Gallery to get a closer look of all the wonderful artist we are showcasing this month.

Here are the resident artist of Jana’s Redroom, each artist is diverse in his medium, custom works are available of request.

 Jeff  Knox Fine art photographer Regina Vinicky multi task Artist, from gauche to oil on canvas a wide verity for artworks are available

  Denise Weaver Ross, Oil and acrylic on Canvas, very detailed artworks from small to large scale

 Irene Tanya Morse water color to oil paint and sculpture art available

James Digman abstract / graphic artist   Ivan Meza cuban fine art artist specialized in oil paintings and pencils drawings, family portraits available on request.

For more information on the display for this month contact Jana Lynch [email protected] and see hour Artist Info page for social media informations.