Reserve your seat

Want a seat at the art table ? Message me. This is going to be fun!

This Saturday and Sunday!

Well … here they are … I had a blast developing these tiny pieces of art.

Let’s make Valentine gifts together.

$15 each or two for $25 … includes everything you need to complete this art .. and I guarantee your success.

I truly believe you can best me on these designs. And I can not wait to see what you make … I’ll be here to help.

FREE RedHots, apple cider and hot chocolate.

Starting January 16th every Saturday and Sunday’s 1 to 4 pm til Valentines.

Choose from heart shaped boxes with glass hearts or lavender sachets inside, or Watercolor and ink bracelets or necklaces.

Tons of glitter and jewels include.

My human figure and his zebra friend loves them! LOL I hope you do as well.

I reside a good amount of time in a fantasy world … please join me there … at the happiest place on earth … the ArtCave.
Reserve your seat today.

Tons of other stuff to make too!

Make Valentine Art

Well … here they are … I had a blast developing these tiny pieces of art.

Let’s make Valentine gifts together.

$15 each or two for $25 … includes everything you need to complete this art .. and I guarantee your success.

I truly believe you can best me on these designs. And I can not wait to see what you make … I’ll be here to help.

FREE RedHot Punch, apple cider or hot chocolate.

Starting January 16th every Saturday and Sunday’s 1 to 4 pm til Valentines.

Choose from heart shaped boxes with glass hearts or lavender sachets inside, or Watercolor and ink bracelets or necklaces.

Tons of glitter and jewels include.

My human figure and his zebra friend loves them! LOL I hope you do as well.

I reside a good amount of time in a fantasy world … please join me there … at the happiest place on earth … the ArtCave.
Reserve your seat today.

I miss Rose but …

I woke up this morning thinking that kevin woke me in the night to tell me that there was two Raccoons on the back porch.

But sadly it was just a dream.

I love Buttercup, don’t get me wrong … But I miss Rose the most.

I’m still pretending that she went to one of her mom’s other dens to winter and that I will see her in the spring.

But if not … proudly, we still got this one, a not so little girl anymore, it’s Buttercup and she’s looking amazing !

If she makes it to litter it will be 4th generation coons I’ve been admiring.

Flower the first, then Blossom the second, now Buttercup the third.

What will we name her litter? Should we continue with flower names?

I hope I live to see so many generations of the same family, that I run out of flower names eventually.

I get to work on LOVE today for Jana Johnson.

How about you, whatcha going to do today guys?


Christmas ornament paint party

Free Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider PAINT Party.

Every Saturday thru Christmas 1 pm to 4 pm

Come get your art on!

Ornaments $10

Nut crackers $15

Tons of other project to choose from $20 to $30

Message me for your seat. Limited seating due to Covid.

Ornaments are all $10 each. Includes everything you need to complete a successful ornament.
Nutcrackers are all $15 each. Includes everything you need to complete a successful nutcracker.
These projects are all $20 each. Includes everything you need to complete a successful piece of art.

Glass projects are $30 for two glasses. Includes everything you need to complete a successful glass art.

Honoring our loved ones

Honoring our loved ones in the Peace Garden.

We are building a patio, fish pond and waterfall where the butterfly tree (a community art installation) lives.

We paint wooden butterflies honoring our loved ones $10 or I can include your loved ones permanently right into the patio floor $100.

I truly believe this patio will be stunning.

We also have long or short sleeved T-shirts $25 to $32 plus shipping $7. And paper prints abd hand enhanced canvas prints.

Proceeds go to the construction of the Peace Garden.

Let me know if I can honor your loved ones with a butterfly or paver personally design for them. Zoom in on design.

$25 local $32 shipped includes tax.
$32 local $39 shipped includes tax.
Zoom in $108.44 honor a loved one on paver and be a permanent part of patio floor
Hand enhanced canvas prints. $65. Hand signed Paper prints $15
Honor a loved one on the butterfly tree $10.

Student art show!

Tomorrow! The link will be Live to our art show.

So excited to be included in this. Extremely appreciative to our collage !!

Hard year for artists. Please consider buying holiday gifts here! Attached are the pieces I entered.

I’m so grateful to ENMU!

$125 original look box – mad hatter
$125 – original look box – drink me
$1200 – ceramic – Mother Nature
$390 ceramic – please don’t eat me says the fish
$320 – skull – wild horses
$900- acrylic and ink – PEACE
$65 – canvas print – hello from Ruidoso


Buttercup … you’re a butterball.

You can torpor (a type of hibernation) right here if you please. But I know you won’t.

Pray that this sweetie survives the winter, and makes a litter for us next spring. (She looks tame in these cute photos, but she is definitely not. She FREE unlike me)

But I’m free in my mind and today, as all days I’ll get to study the mind of Christ, and it is there that I will find peace.

Than after…
I’m so grateful I get to workout with my trainer via zoom. I’m afraid had this not been an option, I would have gotten unmotivated during these strange days of lockdown. Thank you Ellie Figueroa for zooming with me !

Later today yea, I get to look at great art produced by our newest art apprentice Marian Shanks and Dave. I’ll show you what they made. Then I get to paint.

What up with you!? Hard is it may be I’m wish you all A great day.

Buttercup was her mother Blossoms favorite kit. She won my territory for her winter home. I hope she survives to litter in the spring. Ruidoso is wild! There are tons of Raccoon predictors here including bobcats, mountain lions, bear and big ass birds.

Thank you Diane.

I wanna tell you guys how grateful I am to Diane Butcher-Brown.

I got to paint today for her loved ones and that means the world to me. These flies will be included on the butterfly tree in the Peace Garden.

She also bought a ton of Peace Garden T-Shirts and a patio floor paver where she will be a permanent part of the patio design.

And all of these funds, after costs, will go to the construction of the Peace Garden which will include a waterfall, fish pond and our butterfly tree.

I invite you all to come see it, but for now thanks to people like Diane, it is a work in progress!

Want in? Message me.

Honoring loved ones in the Peace Garden
$25 local includes Tax $32 includes shipping and tax
Pick your paver and be a permanent part of the patio floor $108.44
I’m digging painting this design big on the paver.
Diane will be a permanent part of the patio floor
Butterfly tree was our first community art installation.

Mini canvas perfect for holiday gifts.

These are SOLD but I can paint you one like it. If you love it.
These are available.

Who wants a friend gift. I have only three blank mini canvas left for me to design on.

I can make one for a special love one in your life.

And today I’m feeling festive, so I’m creating at a discounted price if you order today. (You don’t have to pay today. You pay only when art is completed and ONLY if you love it)

These are 3 inch MINI canvas on A SUPER cute mini black glittery easel. All hand painted.

Only $15 local or $20 ship plus tax.

These are in progress. They need a bit more love and glitter.
This one is sold but if you love design I can make you one like it.