Grace Pipeline

Grace Pipeline is what I want to contribute to the PaintedArtist Interactive Garden. My hope is to also identify about 12 other artist who want to build their art concepts into a huge art instillation for the world to see. Their job will be to create it; my job will be to find the funding. In my case, I want to create Grace Pipeline because this is how I try to live my life. For me it’s been an exceptionally happy way to live. It’s called grace – I do my best daily to rely on it daily . I fail frequently, but God is there to remind me to get up and keep moving.

It takes practice to learn how to “Ride The Grace Pipeline”, which is the title of my art contribution to the garden. Mostly, I pray, which is to rebound, give thanksgiving, pray for others then for myself. This equals happy if you know God’s plan, which I study about daily.

I can not personally afford to produce this project. To rent scaffolding is expense, and I will need tons of exterior acrylic paint. I’ll be looking for a businesses to sponsor me. For that business, I will put a sign up with your business name in it and a hashtag painted right into the art. If you’re interested let me know. This will be a ‘selfie’ opportunity and could be a inexpensive way to get a good bang for your advertising bucks.

The Grace Pipeline will be the third proposed art installation for the Interactive Garden.

Proposed wall for Grace Pipeline

Street View of wall from Porr Drive. 2019 copyright Jana Lynch with permission of my church in Houston – Beracha Church Thieme Ministries.

Grace Pipeline is actually the third installation proposed for the Interactive Garden. The first installation was in the Peace Tree, which is an ongoing art installation for the entire community to participate. Come by and paint wooden butterflies in honor or in memory of a loved one. The more butterflies on the tree, the more spectacular this art institution will be. So please come paint one. $1 donations or more recommended to cover cost of wooden butterfly, varnish, glue and paint. Painting times are Thursday to Sunday 2-8 pm.

Joe Eby, Straight Line Tile, is sponsoring the tile patio that will be built around the Peace Tree.

The photo above features butterflies waiting to be installed into the Peace Tree.

The Art Cave.. a fun place to create.

The Butterfly Tree in the Peace Garden; where your butterfly will become a part of the art installation.

The second art installation is the “River Run’s Through It”. This title is a work in progress. The river will take at least until next autumn to complete. I want to thank the forestry department for giving us (and anyone) a good deal on mineral rights, so that we can collect rocks for this project, and our many pathways in the interactive Garden. Labor so far has be supplied mostly by Jay Thomas, a local author, and myself. Special thanks to Rayna Bo, Jack Dykes and Angelina Marie Jones, summer interns of the PaintedArtist. Russ Warwick, owner of Black Sheep Lawn Care will be suppling labor to build a grass chair for people to sit in. We could use a business sponsor for local art Carla Marrow who will be designing a giant art instillation to contact the butterfly tree in the Peace Garden over to the River and Grace Pipeline Art installation. We are taking tiny amounts of money that would do the trick.

Photos of Jana and Jay constructing the river that we will be painted once complete.

PaintedArtist is always looking for serious students of art to come experience art as an apprentice. We are developing products for online and walk-in sells called “Hello from Ruidoso”. These products will match people’s experience, who tour the interactive garden. Approved interns will also be given the opportunity to create an independent body of work for retail sales out of the Art Cave. Apply today! Only serious students of art (any age) should apply. Earn money from sales of art and products.

Sample of products interns will be developing:

Above: Since deers just walk right up to you and say, “hello”, we thought creating cards with them would be fun!

Below: Products will match all art installations in the Interactive Garden as these match the Butterfly Tree In the Peace Garden.

Jaz Nava heart of a Saint, voice of an Angel …

and I for one love her …

And what’s not to love? She encourages so many to find !exceptional! in anything they wanna go do.

Jazmine Nava was one of the very first peoples to welcome me to my new world her in Ruidoso NM, and even though she has moved away to go to collage, we have remained friends every since.

It’s always such a treat to see her working hard on her school breaks over at Sacred Grounds. I love you so much you amazingly talented lady! The world is yours and I have no doubt you’ll go after it.

If you have not heard her sing … well, you are in for a real treat!

Listen to Jaz and our friend Sierra Edmister sing at our first live performance, a life drawing event at the Art Cave! — Live recording on Facebook.

So deeply proud of you ~ thank you for writing this about me. Humbled and touched by your kindness. Love you, my sister in Christ! ~ Jana

Written by Jazmine Nava

Surpassing Disability

Writing this essay has allowed me to tune into a special place in my heart. When it comes to things that disable us from continuing a certain passion my first thought goes to mental disabilities such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Especially with problems rising in society it’s hard for individuals to overcome this sense of fear and misunderstanding in oneself. There is one disability that is overlooked way too much. It goes by the name Dyslexia. This is something that is not paid attention to in most school institutions. There is no awareness and difficulties with making friends can arise due to bullying and certain factors that cause the child to be embarrassed with reaching out to their peers. I am always amazed at hearing recovery stories, but I was never able to meet anybody with a disability.

One day being at a local coffee shop in my hometown Ruidoso, New Mexico. I met a woman that had ambition that could knock everybody off their feet. I am still amazed with the different things that one can accomplish but my mind was blown meeting local artist Jana Lynch. She represented her own personal practice in Vegas Nevada, and is continuing to touch the lives of the youth in Ruidoso, New Mexico. First meeting her I was unaware that she had any disability, but coming to knowing her I realized that she developed Dyslexia during her youth. She decided to surpass this disability that has affected her for a whole portion of her life, and opened a business to help artists receive credit and applause for their artwork. I noticed her disability when she hired a writer to publish her works. To the normal eye you would never assume that this lady ever had any type of disability. With her ambition She opened up an “art cave” where she hosts parties and painting sessions with local artists, and she even goes the extra mile to provide emotional support for people who are struggling with mental and physical issues. She truly is a star that I will hold in my heart dearly due to her determination to not let her disability take hold of who she is. She is an inspiration to anyone and everyone who has met her.

 I decided to pick this woman as a topic to write about because too many times it is played by society that we need to glorify these disabilities and allow them to take over. I notice that too many times we romanticize the ideas of having certain illnesses because it causes us to be “relatable” in this messed up society, but I have noticed that knowing this woman for as long as I have. She has never left this affect her drive to study, to pursue her passions, and to better her weaknesses. She is the definition of ambition and I am proud to know this woman. I hope Dyslexia is more observed  by the normal person, and is talked about in school because it seems to be a common issue especially in today’s age.

In its infancy … David, Jana, Jaz and Blake fantasizing about what would become the PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden.


PaintedArtist Art Cave & Garden winter hours at Thursday thru Sunday 2 pm to 8 pm. Join me Tuesdays at Outlaw Golf Course for art fun starting end o February (dates to follow) and starting NOW – see me every Wednesday on the slopes as a Ski Apache yellow vest mountain host.

Jana – The Name, The Woman, The Leader

By: Katy Lynch

“What’s in a name?” We all know names are chosen for us and have nothing to do with anything other than identifying ourselves from others. From my perspective, however, there is so much meaning in the name Jana. That name conjures many exquisite verbs in my mind. Verbs that describe only one person: my aunt. I’m very grateful to write about such an awe-inspiring person. I’ll take her most profound traits, and examine them. I hope that many of you reading will be able to know more of her soul, and her art, by the end of this article.

As a child, we all need someone who demonstrates unyielding determination, and we need to see how it positively changes the outlook of people and life events. Whatever the activity may have been, Jana always figures out a way to get her way. She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it, and nothing will ever stop her. She is an ongoing force of nature, much like the wind blowing through the mountains and valleys. If you get the opportunity to examine her art, determination is a prevalent theme. 

This painting (which I was so lucky to inherit after my father, Wyley Lynch, passed away from this planet to be face to face with our Lord) reflects determination of not only Jana, but also 13 local, Las Vegas artists. Each artist collaborated together to start, edit, and eventually produce such a beautiful work of art. Jana’s determination brought people together to create this fabulous painting. I’m incredibly happy that she’s able to continue her collaborative spirit in Ruidoso.


Jana has courage throughout every fiber of her being! If you ever met her, you can tell in five seconds this woman is coated in gloriously bright, golden pieces of courage glitter. Are you kidding me!? Who can honestly say they: owned and created multiple successful businesses, has been married for over 20 years, has a style all their own, says exactly what they’re thinking, transitioned a move to multiple states, and has maintained a lifelong friendship with a childhood friend. Whoa, that’s a lot and it’s not even everything I could use as an example. So, I for sure can’t claim all that, but Jana can! She can boast all her accomplishments, because she’s had one trait that many people (sad to say) don’t have: courage. Courage in the face of adversity is one hell of a trait! She won’t crumble, she won’t fall, and she stands the trials and tribulations of her life with a strong stance. Wherever she walks, she walks tall. Have you noticed? Take a look next time, because you might just catch some courage glitter flying about.

Her courage glitter can be seen in the above painting. The colors in the painting remind me of Jana’s personality. Her art is oozing in vibrant, unique shades of perfectly paired pallets. 


Katy Lynch is the editor for PaintedArtist blog. She noticed Jana’s wonderful writing, but couldn’t help notice all the mistakes! We love her, and bless her heart, she’s just overcome with dyslexia. Katy wanted her message to be loud and clear, so she called up Jana and asked if she could help edit the posts. She is a writing and reading teacher in Fort Worth ISD, and engaged to Al Lazarus, a defense attorney. They recently bought a new home in the city, and look forward to their future together.

Ice sculpture in the Ruidodo news

A story about my ice sculpture is going to be in the #RuidosoNews. Check it out in this weeks newspaper!

Jana Lynch, coming to us all the way from hot Las Vegas, NV! She opened a business here called the PaintedArtist Art Cave & Interactive Garden. She had never (I repeat never) made a snowman, let alone an ice sculpture with paint mixed in it! For her first “poor attempt,” she admits her inspiration was like an announcement to the world. She and her husband Kevin Stepp have found their village and have fallen in love with it’s people. “We are so pleased to be here,” Jana states.  “A nest seems symbolic and most appropriate.”  Sadly, Jana states during the second day of work, the weather got warm and prevented her from the beautiful strong chisel marks she hoped for. Better weather planing will be needed for future attempts.

Both Outlaw Golf Course event were a huge success

I want thank Outlaw for allowing me to come out and make a painted mess with your members. Everyone had a grand time! So much so, that starting at the end of February, this event will happen weekly! Tuesday at 1:00 pm, to be exact. I will come up with the project, same as the other class. I will offer multi samples of stuff to make, but I will always encourage you to make your very own creation… ether way it is, well, FUN!

Look what we did in the last two classes:


The sunset is spectacular up here at Alto, NM be. Coincidently, it’s setting just at the end of my class ! The view alone is worth the trip up!




Here are examples of the future project I will be developing for our next art adventure!


Potpourri Boxes!


The 5×7 inch is a perfect size for a book or knickknack shelf.


The perfect gift! A 6x6x1 inch size!

My Journey from 2018 to 2019!

This painting is a work in progress. I’m trying to capture my journey in 2018 from Las Vegas, NV to Ruidoso, NM.

They say when God closes a door, he opens a window; and that’s exactly what happened to Kevin and I. But at the time, it felt like a huge ass whippin’! God shut us down fast in Vegas; without warning, so swift it was scary.

Here we go… 

I owned a business that I worked hard at for 5 years. After time, it was finally primed for a huge success and was named Jana’s RedRoom. Also, I was on track to becoming the world champion in American Tae Kwon Do. In December 2017, I received my black belt, and I lost 80lbs. I was in the best shape of my life at 55 years old!

Then I got the crazy news on January 6th that we were about to move to Ruidoso, NM. My husband was greatly needed to be the store director of Albertsons, with a salary we could not refuse. I had two weeks to close a business where I represented and loved over 230 local artists. Also, I needed to decide whether to rent or sell my home, one I thought I was never leaving and

..On top of all this, my amazingly talented brother and best friend Wyley Lynch, an American Composer, died at 58 in his sleep from the flu complications on January 7th. That was like taking a bullet. Oh and he never heard the news of our move.

So, I was heart broken on all fronts. However, we got in the car to find a place in Ruidoso to lay our sad heads until we could figure out where to buy a home. A place where I could open a new ‘Local Artists Only’ art gallery, and a place where I could continue my dream of becoming world champ. I felt like I was a nomad, walking into unknown places, and wondering why God placed me here in upheaval.

On the drive to the unknown, I started this painting. I had no idea animals would just walk up to you here. At the time, I was unaware that God did not want me to have another gallery (as there are too many galleries already here) nor did he want me to become the next world champion (as there is nowhere within 60 miles to study Tae Kwon Do). While painting, I tried to capture the extreme change God was pointing us towards. In the painting, the elk blocks my return to Vegas. This is where my painting started almost a years ago- in a car, in my extreme grief, with vegas in my view, blocked by an elk.. my unknown future at my back. The above photo is during the trek to Ruidoso, NM. A place that would become our new home. I was shocked how much this photo matched my painting. 

During this moment, Kevin and I had no idea how blessed this entire deal would turn out to be.

God said no to my art gallery and no to becoming a world champ. But something even better awaited me in Ruidoso! Shown in the photo above (June, 2018) is me and my father, Doyce Lynch, standing in the middle of what will be my next adventure… 

Outlaw Golf Course Reschedule

Due to 20 inches of snowfall, the roads are closed, so we had to reschedule this event. Please join me Saturday January 5 at 1 pm for wine, food, and “Get-Your-Art-On Fun!” We’ll paint mini-canvas and easels. I’ll have samples you can follow, or you can develop your very own concept. Ether way, I guarantee a good time and a successful painting!

Call Outlaw today to reserve your seat!

Sample paintings … can you say FUN?!

We got a Christmas Miracle.

Let me set this up … Kodi Lou won a trip to Spencer Theater for being top producer this year at the PaintedArtist. We saw an exceptional ballet called “The Nutcracker”, brought to you by Dali’ Ballet Company, in Ruidoso, New Mexico. It was exceptional!! 

Kodi sat on the edge of her seat and would love to study ballet, I believe! Money may be an issue, since baby brother is on the way. But this, as with all things, is God’s business; it will happen if it’s meant to be. 

Anyway … I digress. Here’s some photos from her fun day.

Now, here’s the miracle –  I forgot to add in this video explanation that even the ducks we saw earlier in the day, would not eat her pancakes. Ducks?!? Lol. See, God was saving them to answer a silly unlikely prayer for me and Kodi, my sister in Christ. 

… click play for more  …

And then, here are the wild ponies we asked for and God delivered. When Kodi says at the beginning of this video, “even more ponies!”, it’s because I had little faith that this could even happen. Some people live here their entire life and never see a wild pony. Earlier in the day, I made sure she saw a pony, even though it was in a pin, and not wild at all. God laughed at me- he has an amazing sense of humor.. He lead those ponies to the middle of a golf course for us to easily find! Oh, and we found them right at sunset! Afterwards, we listened to Susan Boyle’s songs, Silent Night and Amazing Grace, while holding hands and crying all the way home!

And you of little faith, will shoot holes in this story. But me and Kodi Lou-Who know exactly what happened this day. 

Enjoy … click play to see wild ponies …

I wish you and your family a blessed new year! 2018 was tough for me. I lost my brother Wyley. But, sad is just apart of life. I look forward to 2019 with my new life here in Ruidoso NM … She has found my heart!

This is a 60 year old Christmas stocking made by my mother for her first born Wyley. Thank you brother Hollis for framing it!


PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden – New hours 2 to 8 pm – Thursday thru Sunday. Find me being a yellow vest volunteer on the slopes every Wednesday!

Big holiday fun had by all!

I want to thank OutLaw County Club and Lost Hiker Brewery Co. for hosting the ornament painting events at your amazing locations. The community come out and supported! Some money was raised for The Nest!

… Check it out …

The gals up at OutLaw Golf Course having a blast! 

OutLaw Sunset: the best I’ve ever seen, and ever been around. There’s nothing like it! A must see! 

The community came out to support The Nest, a safe haven for mothers and children in need. My paint station was very popular! 

I also want to congratulate our top selling producer in 2018.

It’s little Kodi Lou-Who, my sister in Christ. Put me and a child like Kodi (who is interested and will listen) together, with her hands on the canvas plus my knowledge?! Oh boy, the results are magic!

Congrats littlest PaintedArtist … you did it!

VIP Kodi Lou-Who seen here with the star of Nutcracker! 

Your future is so bright, you gotta wear shades! 

Photo taken at Spenser Theater. Kodi and I saw the Nutcracker as her reward for being top producer.

Starting in January, our new hours are Thursday thru Monday 2 to 8 p.m. You will find me on the slopes at #SkiApache on Wednesdays. 

I’ve been asked to go on the road …

Sorry it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden is open for you to come get your art on. Our winter hours will be Thursday thru Monday 2 pm til 8 pm. Right now we are making ornaments only $4 or be apart of our community art installation by painting wooden butterflies in honor of a loved one, to be installed into our peace garden tree.

ALSO – I’m on the road – Two great events to get your art-on. First at the Lost Hiker Brewery Co on Dec 22. Come paint ornaments with me. Great beer good times!

Next on Dec 29 at 1 pm. Open to the public for this one event only – join me at Outlaw Golf Course … seats limited to 20 so make your reservation today.

I’ve been on the radio a bunch lately. Check it out – click listen live. Then hit the menu button and scroll down to click on podcasts. Then on those recordings click description. Description is always just the date. I was on 12/13/18 the last 30 minutes of recording and on 12/17/18 last 10’minutes of recording. It’s with Tom A Ruiz – New Mexico in the Morning ! Click link – listen in tonlearn about my business model —