Local Artists from Las Vegas Converge on Jana’s RedRoom – It was a great meeting, an opportunity to check on the status of the RedRoom. The speakers were, Jana Lynch, Patti Frenzel, Annie Wildbear, Marian Shambo Rasfeld, Michael Volpecelli, Roger Wildbear and F. Andrew Taylor.
Discussed topics were where we are going, what we are doing and how we are doing. Jana Lynch, Owner/Founder, elaborated on the opening of the new Downtown Crown enlightened the artists with information about the future plans for the Arts Factory. RedRoom Book Keeper, Patti Frenzel, talked about being the 1st paid employee, Annie Wildbear, Director of Online Sales & Product Development, spoke about the Jana’s RedRoom eBay store, online sales, product development, art prints and talked about early plans for an art installation submission for the Life Is Beautiful Festival. Marian Rasfeld spoke about her Artist Chat she will be conducting on a monthly basis. Michael Volpecelli, Art Center Director, gave some insight on the newly named Jana’s Multi Arts Center. He will be directing the business of art instruction. Roger Kai Wildbear, Media Director, gave a brief history of his background and made sure everyone knew he was in their corner. He will be taking on the task of support, helping to bring the art here in Las Vegas up to the high standard, it deserves. F. Andrew Taylor filled us in on The Las Vegas Glenn-efit at the Downtown Crown on Sunday, January 24th.
What a beautiful group, so much positivity and good will. Roger & Annie will be attending events all over Las Vegas. Come with us! I can’t think of a better place to start your weekend than to come to Preview Thursday, February 4th and February’s First Friday at Jana’s RedRoom,
We’re havin’ a party, ya’ll are welcome. Come by and say Howdy and get your savings on! This January 27 & 28th we will be having our Art Flip Sale, 20% off on all art leaving the RedRoom, being replaced by ALL NEW ART. Don’t forget Jana’s Layaway Program for art you want, but don’t have all the cash for up front. The artists and the Gallery Gals & Guys will be in attendance decking out Jana’s walls with all new art for February. Come see all that’s happening in this happiest place on earth.
The Juried Show winners were announced, the judges Roberto Rico, K.D. Matheson and Alexander P. Huerta said it was the most difficult show they’ve ever judged. I can only imagine, based on the level of talent that participated and the amazing work that was produced. The winners are:
Best of Show Winner – Kat Tatz
First Place Winner – Yobana “YOBI” Graciano
2nd Place – Fernando Reyes
3rd Place – Drina Fried
Honorable Mention – Lee Lanier
Roger Kai Wildbear – Media Director
Jana’s RedRoom, The Heart Of The Arts District