Go Braves! Go!
I’m proud to be Ruidoso’s middle school cheerleader sponsor!
The PaintedArtist – Art Cave is open! Attention: local Ruidoso artists of all ages … interview today to be an artist in the Interactive Art Garden … the hugest art installation I’ve ever developed. I need loads of art hands to help execute the plans in this exciting interactive art garden. This is a huge resume builder!! Looking for interns today – let’s make some crazy big art!!
There is always a community project in the Art Cave to work on or build your own works of art. I will help you create a successful piece of art that you will be proud to hang!
Mention this post get $5 off your first personal project.
See you Wednesday thru Sunday 2 to 8 pm. Minors must be out by 6 pm unless you get a personal invitation from me to stay. We take art serious around here but boy do we have a blast doing it!!
Join me at 204 Porr Dr – Ruidoso