By: Katy Lynch
“What’s in a name?” We all know names are chosen for us and have nothing to do with anything other than identifying ourselves from others. From my perspective, however, there is so much meaning in the name Jana. That name conjures many exquisite verbs in my mind. Verbs that describe only one person: my aunt. I’m very grateful to write about such an awe-inspiring person. I’ll take her most profound traits, and examine them. I hope that many of you reading will be able to know more of her soul, and her art, by the end of this article.
As a child, we all need someone who demonstrates unyielding determination, and we need to see how it positively changes the outlook of people and life events. Whatever the activity may have been, Jana always figures out a way to get her way. She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it, and nothing will ever stop her. She is an ongoing force of nature, much like the wind blowing through the mountains and valleys. If you get the opportunity to examine her art, determination is a prevalent theme.
This painting (which I was so lucky to inherit after my father, Wyley Lynch, passed away from this planet to be face to face with our Lord) reflects determination of not only Jana, but also 13 local, Las Vegas artists. Each artist collaborated together to start, edit, and eventually produce such a beautiful work of art. Jana’s determination brought people together to create this fabulous painting. I’m incredibly happy that she’s able to continue her collaborative spirit in Ruidoso.
Jana has courage throughout every fiber of her being! If you ever met her, you can tell in five seconds this woman is coated in gloriously bright, golden pieces of courage glitter. Are you kidding me!? Who can honestly say they: owned and created multiple successful businesses, has been married for over 20 years, has a style all their own, says exactly what they’re thinking, transitioned a move to multiple states, and has maintained a lifelong friendship with a childhood friend. Whoa, that’s a lot and it’s not even everything I could use as an example. So, I for sure can’t claim all that, but Jana can! She can boast all her accomplishments, because she’s had one trait that many people (sad to say) don’t have: courage. Courage in the face of adversity is one hell of a trait! She won’t crumble, she won’t fall, and she stands the trials and tribulations of her life with a strong stance. Wherever she walks, she walks tall. Have you noticed? Take a look next time, because you might just catch some courage glitter flying about.
Her courage glitter can be seen in the above painting. The colors in the painting remind me of Jana’s personality. Her art is oozing in vibrant, unique shades of perfectly paired pallets.
Katy Lynch is the editor for PaintedArtist blog. She noticed Jana’s wonderful writing, but couldn’t help notice all the mistakes! We love her, and bless her heart, she’s just overcome with dyslexia. Katy wanted her message to be loud and clear, so she called up Jana and asked if she could help edit the posts. She is a writing and reading teacher in Fort Worth ISD, and engaged to Al Lazarus, a defense attorney. They recently bought a new home in the city, and look forward to their future together.