Ok. So. You guys know, or you are learning this just now … that I am no longer in Las Vegas NV. I’m no longer involved, at all, at the Arts Factory or the Las Vegas Arts District. But Instead I bought a home/business here in Ruidoso, New Mexico. My new business sponsored by JanasRedRoom.com is called the PaintedArtist (sm) ArtCave and Garden. (More to come about what this is about) so anyway …
Patti Frenzel, my exceptional bookkeeper, of janasredroom.com informs me that I now live, in what is called a “fly over” state. FYI the majority of us in the USA, live in a fly over state. My village being even more of a fly over state than most, as we are not even a city. But instead a Village. “So, what’s a Village?” you may ask. Well, a Village is a town with no public airport or train leading to it. And just so you get it … the Internet is really slow here. So we actually have meetings here and also here we actually tolerate differences in thought, views and beliefs. Here a simple hand shake equals a binding contract.
So, ok … I’m listening …to real people … instead of the Internet.
I live in a place with NO noise pollution. There are more animals here; like deer, elk, bear and mountain lions than there are people. So here’s the truth …
… the stories on the Internet have skewed the news , in an attempt to sway you, one way or the other, to their particular point of view. So understand this, in the 60s, when I was a child, the newsmakers, (for the most part) were NOT allowed to do this. The rule was, just report the facts and only the facts.
The majority of us, (and I don’t care what side of the ticket you are on) the majority us, just loves this country.
The majority of us, DO NOT believe in bullying.
I’m not talking about religion here (religion is man’s ATTEMPT to skew the news … the good news of God). God’s news and his truth is this “that we have ALL fallen short of his glory” … We, all of us = sin! That’s exactly why we ALL need God’s truth and love. So his truth is this … anyone who judges you, for your “perceived” sin, in God’s news, the sin of judgement, is way worse, then the perceived (sin) in which you are accused. For, it is a million times worse, to judge a person, than that sin in which you are judging a person for … make sense?
So … everyone needs to STOP being so cruel to each other, and learn to LOVE. Learn to Love the diversity.
Let God deal with the world. He’s got an unchangeable and perfect plan for her. BTW … There is an angelic conflict, an angelic court case going on … it’s going on right now, this case, for the most part, most of you know NOTHING about … so STOP … you are not qualified to be the judge … I’m just sayin …
Anyway …more to come from the PaintedArtist (sm) … BTW, you fortunate people … for every $5 you spend with me, $1 goes to buy art supplies so that kid that can’t afford to create with me can play for free. So let’s play (create) so that our less fortunate can also.
(Thank you BTW, thank you for the donations, your kindness takes my breath away. No names mentioned here as, you know who you are).
Reporting live from the Mescalero Apache Reservation … where I’ve learned Native Americans celebrate bigger than I ever did in the past on this day. I can’t wait to learn more about that !
Fireworks! Fireworks and more fireworks! I wanna thank Inn of the Mountain Gods for putting on a safe and wonderful 4th of July Event. It was the best I’ve ever seen which is a huge statement as Ive just moved Here from Las Vegas NV !