What better way to celebrate art than to honor the artists ability to share themselves with the world. In ancient times March was the beginning of the calendar, a stormy month when growth starts and the world is soon to be draped with beauty and new life. It is like an early spring in Las Vegas and the events planned in the 18b will be on point, come see us at the RedRoom.
Jana’s RedRoom wlll be featuring 3 artists that personify their creativity in their own terms.
Su Limbert – “Site specific installations explore the impact of civilization on the natural world and the contradictions of the human condition through evocative storybook narratives. Her multidisciplinary installations incorporate sculpture, drawing, painting, and ceramics.”
Tankbilt – ” I have managed to slip the grasp of insanity through the expression of art. My work is rarely political, nor does it frequently carry a heavy message. Rather, I create to expand the horizons of what society perceives to be possible or beautiful.”
Sean Jones – “Overstimulated by modern popular culture, my work has often attempted to find stimulating connections between diverse realms of high and low art. Feeding on the collective media memories of generations raised on film, popular music, and television, I attempt to create a fresh experience for the viewer and their relationships with their contemporary iconography.”
Villa Gerardo – Premium Wall Artist – March 2016
Lisa Herr – Premium Wall Artist – March 2016
Yvette LaForce – Premium Wall Artist – March 2016
Barbra Loveless – Premium Wall Artist – March 2016
Paula Smiles – Premium Wall Artist – March 2016
These 5 artists have brought their work for you to enjoy, this will be a very special month, you won’t want to miss March at Jana’s RedRoom.
The classes and workshops are getting ready for a banner month, you’ll want to learn a new skill or find a new passion, these instructors are here to give you the confidence to succeed.
This March 2016, Jana’s RedRoom is on a regular monthly schedule of art classes. You can always use a new skill. You can never tell where it will take you. Meet up with Michael Volpecelli to see if furthering your experience can help start you on a new adventure of inspiration.
Beginning Acrylic Painting Class Jana Lynch Every Second Saturday 1-3pm
Mosaic Workshop Lisa Fields Clark Call For Schedule
Live Figure Drawing Class Julinya Vidigal De Vince Every Second Tuesday 5-8pm
Come Draw With Me Michael Volpicelli Call For Schedule
Pen & Ink Floral Water Color Liz Gini Every Second Thursday 5:30-8pm
Studio Fine Art Classes Julinya Vidigal De Vince 4 Classes
Floral Water Color Class Liz Gini Every Third Thursday 5:30-8:30pm
Click on the link for more info, Call for more information to Jana’s RedRoom. (702) 454-3709
Preview Thursday & First Fridays will be even bigger and better in March. The artists, vendors and planned improvements make this, “the 18b, the place to be“. There are new upgrades and amazing restaurants, like the Downtown Crown, now showing art from Jana’s Redroom. Check out their game room and events on the patio.
Will we see daffodils?
The best thing about being at Jana’s RedRoom and the Arts Factory is the community. Over 200 local artists show at the RedRoom alone. There is so much to see and experience. Come in to the Arts District, see where imagination and talent can move you in ways you never thought possible, maybe just to say hi, you never know who will walk through those doors.
Accepts major credit cards, ask about our LAYAWAY plan, World Wide Shipping
Roger Kai Wildbear – Media Director
Jana’s RedRoom, The Heart Of The Arts District