No sign again our Rose. I had a total boo boo cry break down this morning.
Now, I’m feeling silly I got so attached to someone who lives such a short life. 😞
The wild is special – blessed I get to glimpse into it if only for a moment.
Anyway, maybe the two kits just dispersed and Buttercup won the territory.
Little skunk came by with Buttercup. I guess they are buds now. I can literally be on the porch asking that skunk to leave and she doesn’t even bother to raise her tail. She knows she’s got the upper hand. Buttercup even flees if I open the door. But atleast she flees to the make-shift den.
So last night was the most time ever spent by anyone ever in the make shift den and that was by Buttercup. One hour she stayed. I hope she knows it’s hers.
Shown here, she is playing with two different toys.
Anyway no mo crying because Today I’ll make call on the T-shirts see how they are coming along and the Art Cave is opens 1 to 4 pm.