I will be taking a break from painting Peace Garden patio art today to paint this … concept titled “just let go!”
I will be taking a break from painting Peace Garden patio art today to paint this … concept titled “just let go!”
Let me know if you would like to be a permanent part of the Peace Garden. $100 plus tax – one foot square. Only 77 total square pavers to build the patio. Patio will include a waterfall, rock seats and a fish pond and of course our loved ones Butterfly tree.
I got to make a very special paver, for little Andy Bill today. Paver Number 6.
Thank you Paulette Seigle Binion! It’s a super special square. As I was painting, I prayed I’d find a feather, I stepped back to go clean my brush and as I was walking to the sink, I looked up and a feather was floating by, I ran outside and followed it until it landed. It will be apart of this paver.
It means so much to me, that you guys are letting memorialize your loved ones like this.
Zoom in on 12×7 patio design to choose your paver. I’ll send you a Free print of this art, with your square and words included in my pen, as a thank you gift for sponsoring our community Peace Garden.
Covid sucks. BUT who can name some good things that happened during this time?
For me:
Because something became crystal clear to me during this Covid, and that is, no one but you, will ever care about your health. (I appreciate the help I get from trainers, my doctors etc) not talking about those fine individuals.
I’m talking big picture, There is absolute NO MONEY to be made when people are healthy.
No one mentions this in the news, I don’t care what side the fence you on, not one word was said about how to clean up your health terrain.
They can’t tell you, because lobbyists representing billion dollar companies have got our country by the balls, despite the fact that these products are making us sick.
50% of women my age will get cancer. Hu? Children with diabetes. Hu? Depression is huge now because you were told fat is bad to sell overly processed food. Hu? Your brain is fat! Now we all get to look forward to mental illness and dementia.
Well, I’m not going to play in their sandbox any more, they messed with our food and sold us a lie, to sell food that isn’t really food. It’s slowly and over time making us sick, and that’s where they can make a ton of money off us.
I’m buying more locally grown and raised food! Im eating REAL food. I would like to learn to grow my own. It’s on the list.
I know the plan and it’s been interesting watching it unfold. This sick was allowed AND could have totally be turn around as big time blessings, but for the most part we looked everywhere else but up, for answers. It was simple, we were support look up. But no one hardly believes that anymore. The truth is, a Government can’t save our dump asses … that was a test that we failed as The majority of us played the blame and hate game.
Aren’t we tired yet?
This since day one has been out of our hands. Security is a lie, sold to us by a big evil government that we built.
Freedom for ALL and the right for ALL to pursue happiness is God’s plan. No matter what bullshit human spin we try to sling on to that.
Anyway I’m choosing to look up.
Not looking for debate on what I learned, these are my turths – thankfully you are still free to choose yours … what are somethings you learned this year?
Oh wow listen to them talking to each other!
I’ve never heard that till now.
BTW That’s a parrot toy that Rose is tearing up. BUT can you hear them talking? Wow!
So earlier, here’s what happened, See Boolie and her 4 kits came around and left watery foot prints laying around, oh and those kits even had the nerve to get on top of Rose’s favorite cushion. It belonged to her grandma Flower after all. So, bad on Boolee’s rug rats for doing that. Oops.
Then later here comes our three motherless kits …
Hummm, I think they are talking about that. Listen.
Peace garden floor coming along bit by bit.
Happiest place on earth cause a deer dropped by to say hi.
So did you know that I’ve been studying the same family of raccoons now for 3 generations ?
And I’ve observed something … that all momma raccoons dote over one kit, more than all her others.
Why is that you think?
There’s always one kit that the mother makes stay right by her side at all times. In this case it was Buttercup. Blossom pulled on, hugged on, hovered over and even has a special call, a call that makes that one kit, in this cause, Buttercup, come running if it gets too far from her side.
Do they do this in hopes of protecting their lineage?
Because Buttercup hisses, is very skittish, runs and hides and is not as curious as her siblings. She also looks mean at me, like she doesn’t know me … very shy too.
I’m now starting to suspect that Boolie (the mother coon with the 4 kits, who comes around like twice a week) might have been Flower’s favorite kit. And that would make Blossom (who’s dead) and Boolee Sisters.
Boolee looks mean at me like she doesn’t know me just like Buttercup but yet she’s familiar with the patio … Boolee was Flower’s favorite kit? I think it’s possible.
Video of Blossom’s remaining kits still with us … safe another night. Petunia (the one that almost lost an eye) is huge and is now the boss, she comes over a full 15 minutes earlier every night before the other two, and she won’t let Rose come anywhere near me now. (Rose is the one who would hang out on my knee) Rose is the runt and has the sweetest face. And she’s curious about everything but now Petunia punishes her. Maybe Petunia is trying to take a mother roll over Rose to protect her?
Rose and Petunia don’t interact to much with Buttercup, probably because mother would not let the others get to close to her.
I love animals and they trust me. So special.
To all of you who bought a piece of my fine art over the last 10 years: (I’ve been creating art for noncommercial purpose since 2010):
First I am on my knees with gratitude. I can’t even begin to express to you HOW great my appreciation. Thank you!! The words “thank you” are not enough.
You have no idea what this means to an artist like me, that you would reach into your pocket and pay your hard earned money for one of my creations. (Just say that takes my breath away)
But I might have some good news about the future of your art purchase (investment in me): I wanted you to know that even thou I’m still living, I believe the value of your art purchase has already gone up.
This has been growing over the last few years, but yesterday a painting sold, for way more money per square inch than ever before!! The gal who bought said this art, to her, is priceless. (Wow I cryed)
I’m still alive, but for all of us at some point, well, my art factory will be closed. Death will do us part.
So my hope is that good things for you financially will come from owning my art. Geez you deserve it.
You have brought me so much joy as I watch my work find a home. My work is not home decor. It’s concepts are deep, and it’s a hard sell at times.
SO at the very least, you invested in my art because you loved the piece. BUT best case, it’s worth tons to you one day.
This is my Daily pray for your art investment in me … I pray it pays off big time for you or your children one day.
THANK YOU! I Love you all so much … you made my life worth living.
(Buy original art, buy in your budget, buy art you love … but one day your investment could pay off … if you can bare to part with your art)
Blossom Kits here early tonight. Petunia eye is almost perfect. They here early I think because that Boolee with her really young kits came early yesterday and stayed a long time. Lol. They do not get near the temporary shelter. Boolee and kits know that Blossom’s kits own it. They are still so tiny … hoping they make to adulthood without mommy Blossom.
And just like that, while I’m typing this … they left. Go be wild but safe please.
This design is complete and will be painted onto the Peace Garden’s patio floor.
You can honor your loved ones on one of the 77 one foot square that will each have a piece of this design on them. It will kinda be like a giant puzzle that contains the names of our loved ones.
This painting is 9×12 and it will be for sale along with prints of it.
All proceeds will go to the construction of the Peace Garden patio floor, a water fall with rock seating and a fish tank where we can honor our loved ones on the community butterfly tree. All this will be produced by local artists.
I’m glad I saw you come into this world but most likely I won’t see you leaving it. (I better not … if you do that to your mother I’ll kill you again … haha)
You are a rock star! I love who you have became!
Go live life large!!
Happy birthday my fabulous most gorgeous brother in Christ!
Drink one for me! — at Paintedartist Artcave & Garden.