Big holiday fun had by all!

I want to thank OutLaw County Club and Lost Hiker Brewery Co. for hosting the ornament painting events at your amazing locations. The community come out and supported! Some money was raised for The Nest!

… Check it out …

The gals up at OutLaw Golf Course having a blast! 

OutLaw Sunset: the best I’ve ever seen, and ever been around. There’s nothing like it! A must see! 

The community came out to support The Nest, a safe haven for mothers and children in need. My paint station was very popular! 

I also want to congratulate our top selling producer in 2018.

It’s little Kodi Lou-Who, my sister in Christ. Put me and a child like Kodi (who is interested and will listen) together, with her hands on the canvas plus my knowledge?! Oh boy, the results are magic!

Congrats littlest PaintedArtist … you did it!

VIP Kodi Lou-Who seen here with the star of Nutcracker! 

Your future is so bright, you gotta wear shades! 

Photo taken at Spenser Theater. Kodi and I saw the Nutcracker as her reward for being top producer.

Starting in January, our new hours are Thursday thru Monday 2 to 8 p.m. You will find me on the slopes at #SkiApache on Wednesdays. 

I’ve been asked to go on the road …

Sorry it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden is open for you to come get your art on. Our winter hours will be Thursday thru Monday 2 pm til 8 pm. Right now we are making ornaments only $4 or be apart of our community art installation by painting wooden butterflies in honor of a loved one, to be installed into our peace garden tree.

ALSO – I’m on the road – Two great events to get your art-on. First at the Lost Hiker Brewery Co on Dec 22. Come paint ornaments with me. Great beer good times!

Next on Dec 29 at 1 pm. Open to the public for this one event only – join me at Outlaw Golf Course … seats limited to 20 so make your reservation today.

I’ve been on the radio a bunch lately. Check it out – click listen live. Then hit the menu button and scroll down to click on podcasts. Then on those recordings click description. Description is always just the date. I was on 12/13/18 the last 30 minutes of recording and on 12/17/18 last 10’minutes of recording. It’s with Tom A Ruiz – New Mexico in the Morning ! Click link – listen in tonlearn about my business model —

Two cool events. Both well attended. Plus Jana was on “New Mexico in the Morning” radio show with Tommy Reese …

Fellow Ruidoso villagers come out on Halloween to work on a community art installation. We painted butterflies for our Peace Garden. This will be an on going, never ending project. Please come Wednesday – Sunday from 2 pm to 8 pm with a donation in the amount of your choosing (minimum $1 recommended) and make a butterfly in honor of or in memory of one of your love ones. Your butterfly will be apart of our art instillation .

On Friday Nov. 2 we did our first Live Model drawing contest. So much fun!! With exceptional timed Poses by Ashton Blake, Rayna Bo and Christian Hernandez – a blast was had by all. Let’s do it again! I’m thinking every First Friday of each month?

Oh it was so much fun! I was radio KRUI – New Mexico in the morning – a talk show with Tommy Reese – Be my friend on facebook at – to see the interview. FYI Tommy Reese is single gals! Wanna meet him? — link to radio show

Halloween at the Art Cave


First on Wednesday, Oct. 31  2-8 p.m.

Trick or Treat … Come get Candy!

(all ages welcome)
Best costumes will be randomly selected throughout this event to win prizes. While you’re here, paint a butterfly “in honor of” or “in memory of” one of your loved one.  Your butterfly will be a part of an art installation in our Peace Garden tree.
Then on Friday, Nov. 2  8-11 p.m. 

Live Model Sketch Party … Get your Art-on!

(must be 15 or older to attend • costume optional)
Life Drawing, Scary Movies, Music & Costume Contest. Drawing materials supplied.  Models will be striking timed poses for you to draw. Be brave and pitch your drawing on stage … you could win a prize.  Snack and Soda Provided!
Join Us at the PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden • 702-524-4527  204 Porr Dr. Ruidoso

See our ad in the Ruidoso News

New plastic store front to keep us warm this winter!
Jana is looking for Art Apprentices – learn to create magic by learning sweat equality and residual income. Come interview with me !

I am a Middle School Cheer Sponsor. GO BRAVES!

Go Braves! Go!

I’m proud to be Ruidoso’s middle school cheerleader sponsor!

The PaintedArtist – Art Cave is open! Attention: local Ruidoso artists of all ages … interview today to be an artist in the Interactive Art Garden … the hugest art installation I’ve ever developed. I need loads of art hands to help execute the plans in this exciting interactive art garden. This is a huge resume builder!! Looking for interns today – let’s make some crazy big art!!

There is always a community project in the Art Cave to work on or build your own works of art. I will help you create a successful piece of art that you will be proud to hang!

Mention this post get $5 off your first personal project.

See you Wednesday thru Sunday 2 to 8 pm. Minors must be out by 6 pm unless you get a personal invitation from me to stay. We take art serious around here but boy do we have a blast doing it!!

Join me at 204 Porr Dr – Ruidoso

PaintedArtist Art Cave & Garden is open.

Good luck Ruidoso Warriors it football tonight! Let’s go! Have fun at homecoming!

Finally we have a real schedule over at the PaintedArtist.

And now … we are now open Wednesday thru Sunday 2 to 8 pm.

Make your own creative project or work on free art for our interactive garden.

New logo !

New store front coming soon!

Tons of creative projects to choose from.

Music, movies or games running at a times … It’s a good times. Join us!

Mention this post get $5 off you first project.

Mention you saw me in this shirt get $10 off your first project.

Attention Las Vegas Artist.

Important notice to local Las Vegas Artist. (Ruidoso NM meet Las Vegas NV. – WIP by Jana).

Please listen see footage on FaceBook @ jana.lynch in as this effects you. My personal body of work that I bought from you, or you gave to me, is up for sale. I know it is my art, and that I own ii and that I can do with it what I wish … But gawd … I just love you … and I want you to have options. SO please Listen in to that footage on facebook.

PaintedArtist (sm) Art Cave & Garden is getting exciting. I’ve got the most amazing office in the world. Would you agree??

Artist please message me. Let’s talk about your wishes with my personal collection, your art. That is NOW showing at my new studio in Ruidoso NM. If you are not COOL with this, you must email me at [email protected]