I am so excited to celebrate our independence on the 4th of July at the Arts Factory!
I live in the greatest country in the world, where I can create anything I want without censorship … how cool is that?!? And even more exciting is that I live in a city where people love and support my local artists at Jana’s RedRoom … Yippi!!
Anyway, I bought some fire crackers to help us celebrate!
Please come Preview Thursday to Jana’s RedRoom … this month I am featuring more local artists than ever before. The party starts at 6 p.m. at Jana’s RedRoom and ends with fireworks and sparklers at 9 p.m. on the Bar + Bistro Patio located at the Arts Factory … YAY!! … Thank you Wes Myles, Owner of the Arts Factory, for letting us do this! Good Times!!
Shown below is only a Snick Preview of the art showing at Jana’s RedRoom this month. Say What?!? It’s Fabulous!