At Sacred Grounds coffee house in Ruidoso NM, the Warrior highschool choir did a lovely performance and fundraiser (to pay for their travels). It was a beautiful ‘dinner and show’ like set up. The opening song was the national anthem, which was amazingly performed. One could swear that they had sounded like angels. They executed each of their roles professionally and with beautiful elegance, thanks to their amazing voices, which was accompanied by skillful hands welding the piano and guitar with insperational passion burning throughout each and everyone of them. Jana and I had so much fun listening to them, and after the first three songs, they had what was called the ‘dollar dance’. A fun and goofy dance for everyone to let loose abd have a blast without a care!Jaznine Nava did an absolutely beautiful piece that made me increasingly admire her soothing and lovely voice with her impressive ability on the guitar. With this entrancing combination, she stuns people into a state of aw.
If this feels all too fancy and to much talk of beauty, then you’ll love the local (and non-teenager) band that came up afterwards! They played music that made you want to get up and dance to the classical rock entertainment. It was fun and made you feel like you were in a concert, with all the good music blasting in your ears and the thruming vibrations in your heart and your very being. They even wrote their very own song! If one didn’t even know any better, then one could say that they have been writing their own music for many, many years to come. I hope that they and the whole choir, will continue for many years to come. Despite going their own paths and straying from eachother, and the many choices they make throughout their lives, I hope they continue through doing things that inspire, make them laugh and to do what it is they love.To do what makes them happy. See more at Jana’s youtube channel Janalynchart: