Thank you Prof. Cruise

Well it starts here:

I’ve been absent on WordPress for a while, opting to speak my thoughts on Facebook.

But I met an interesting gal. She’s an influencer about any and everything travel. She’s word really hard and it shows. She was on my last cruise, Regal Princess – Feb 23, 2025.

I got to teach my duck painting class and she attended. She painted a beautiful duck, by-the-way. Check it!

Anyway, She was so kind to talking to me. She explained to me that if someone is search for what I’m saying, Google will not search for content on Facebook. Oops … my bad. hehe

She also told me, that I’m an influencer ?! huh

I never labeled myself that … But after hearing that, I think she could be right.

So let’s go! I’ll start by making sure folks can search for my content, which Sarah, Prof. Cruise said what I have was a niche. Humm

So I’ll write here then I share what I wrote here, to other places like face book etc.

This is my home now. It feels lonely out here. lol I’m sure I’ll get use to it.

So something that took my breath away. Touched me very deeply, that I’m still in tears over it today:

Of course getting to teach at sea is a hoot but this time … we’ll just check it.

April Schneider Command Sergeant Major awards Jana with her Coin of Excellence.