Let me set this up … Kodi Lou won a trip to Spencer Theater for being top producer this year at the PaintedArtist. We saw an exceptional ballet called “The Nutcracker”, brought to you by Dali’ Ballet Company, in Ruidoso, New Mexico. It was exceptional!!
Kodi sat on the edge of her seat and would love to study ballet, I believe! Money may be an issue, since baby brother is on the way. But this, as with all things, is God’s business; it will happen if it’s meant to be.
Anyway … I digress. Here’s some photos from her fun day.
Now, here’s the miracle – I forgot to add in this video explanation that even the ducks we saw earlier in the day, would not eat her pancakes. Ducks?!? Lol. See, God was saving them to answer a silly unlikely prayer for me and Kodi, my sister in Christ.
… click play for more …
And then, here are the wild ponies we asked for and God delivered. When Kodi says at the beginning of this video, “even more ponies!”, it’s because I had little faith that this could even happen. Some people live here their entire life and never see a wild pony. Earlier in the day, I made sure she saw a pony, even though it was in a pin, and not wild at all. God laughed at me- he has an amazing sense of humor.. He lead those ponies to the middle of a golf course for us to easily find! Oh, and we found them right at sunset! Afterwards, we listened to Susan Boyle’s songs, Silent Night and Amazing Grace, while holding hands and crying all the way home!
And you of little faith, will shoot holes in this story. But me and Kodi Lou-Who know exactly what happened this day.
Enjoy … click play to see wild ponies …
I wish you and your family a blessed new year! 2018 was tough for me. I lost my brother Wyley. But, sad is just apart of life. I look forward to 2019 with my new life here in Ruidoso NM … She has found my heart!
This is a 60 year old Christmas stocking made by my mother for her first born Wyley. Thank you brother Hollis for framing it!
PaintedArtist Art Cave and Interactive Garden – New hours 2 to 8 pm – Thursday thru Sunday. Find me being a yellow vest volunteer on the slopes every Wednesday!