Ever wondered how to sell your artworks in an art gallery ? Here are our options, we works hard and listen to your showing artist to have options for everyone budged .
Rent a wall or shelf space in the gallery. We are offering multiple wall and shelf sizes to showcase your artworks and sculptures or any other art crafts. Price range from $50 – $300, Artist cut 70% or 60% depends on wall rental space . To get an idea what is available for the upcoming month please contact our curator Jana Lynch [email protected]
Become a resident artist in the Gallery. Resident artist have a commitment of 3 – 6 month contracts to rent wall space , every month we rotate the artist space and hang new artworks up, the artist cut is higher here, since the artist have a longterm commitment 80%. Read more about this program here
Wall space with solo show opportunity If you like to host your own soloshow and have a reception on one weekend ( besides 1st friday weekend) . We offer you a solution, to get more options and information click here or contact our Curator Anja [email protected]
Enter our completion “Call for Artist” with a submission fee of $25 you can enter up to3 artworks , any medium to the monthly themed contest, all artworks get judged and the winner will showcase in the main room for 1 month. For the latest contest information click here
Pop up shows, one weekend your art in our gallery, these shows are very fast booked and we are looking for collaborations, inspiring shows, sup lures, performer , poets… something besides showing your art… a show that tells a story. Click her for more info and contact Anja for availability