Ever wondered what happened after you win the contest “call for artist” and display your artworks at the front panel at the gallery ?
we are selling you artworks !!! Like last month winner Patricia Caballero’s art. the Artist and the new Owner
The new theme for the January show is “Flow” you have time to submit your artworks until December 20th…. good luck.
For more information on the contest read below.
TITLE: Flow ( see detailed submission rules below )
THEME: the flow in the color, the flow in the moment, flow in life, rethink the meaning of the word, flow above and into an idea.
ART DELIVERY DATE: Dec. 22nd – Dec. 28th
SHOW DATE: Dec. 28th – Jan. 24
Submission fee will be $25 per Artist // Artist gallery split is 70% artist, 30% gallery Artwork sample by Anja Whitemyer
TO ENTER : Send and Email [email protected] : “Call for Artist” With your Name, email and category you chose We will be forwarding you the detailed submission rules and more information
We have a 3 step program you have to follow.
1. Step… pay your submission fee of $25 Jana Lynch : [email protected] ( attach the Transaction ID of your payment )
2. Step send the paypal Transaction ID with your 3 images of the artworks you like to enter into the completion to Jana Lynch at [email protected] Include the contest theme you chose, your name and contact information. Enter the size, name and selling price of your artworks as well.
3.Step after we approved your images you get a notification and your images are entered into the judging process. Sit tide, and wait until the Artist notification day is there.
4.Step If you made it into the show : you will receive a email with all further instructions how to showcase your artworks. If your a local artist we make the paper trial on art delievery day.
- Artworks display agreement
- Sales agreement
- Art shipping / handling agreement
- General agreement
- right for publication contract
- If your a local artist , we make the paperwork on the day of your artwork arrival
If your a local artist , or decide to bring your artworks in , you do so during our regular “Artflip days “ Wednesday and Thursdays ( 11a.m. – 7 p.m. ) the week before 1st Friday …. dates will be given to you.