Just thought that since I read a whole bunch of interviews, posts, bios, profiles, websites, blogs, statements and manifestos, I would share this questionnaire with everyone. This is how our beloved artists can give everyone their views, this is for posterity. I noticed the same topics coming up and put them down here, so you can see what will be asked and with your wit, will be able to have a quick and precise answer. Having photos with you would be a plus, like on your phone.
You can be ready to give gallery owners, the press, your family and clients your prospective. If you don’t say it, someone else will, and you will be denying that the rest of your life. Type in GOOGLE, BING or any search engine, any artist you are a fan of. You’ll notice they all have something to say, negative and positive. The art comes alive when we all know what your feelings are, this is a great gift you have been given. Artists have entered competitions, done massive installations and hired thousands to bring their creation to life, you are the engine of the human experience. We feel you and want you to be successful, so you can continue to inspire us with your endeavors, you deserve it all. Thank You
This is a guide. These questions have been devised to allow you take your place in the social fabric of artists. The more you put into the answers, the more we’ll all get to know you. Maybe you’ll find out something about yourself. On this questionnaire you will say what and how YOU want to be portrayed. All art (artists) have a story. You can read about all of them through the centuries online. Artists through the ages have had sponsors. Las Vegas has the potential to become a center for the arts. Some artists are making a fine living right now, just have to believe in yourself FIRST. If you take the time to give this the importance it deserves, you will be prepared to supply anyone asking for a bio, profile or press release. You probably won’t get a second chance.
Education? Experience?
When were you realized? Age for acknowledged talent?
When did you realize?
Influences, historical (even last week).
Favorite style(s)?
Favorite Artist(s)?
Feelings about success? How? Plans? Goals? (make a list now.) What’s next?
Time devoted to art?
Would you teach? Are you?
What kind of travel are you prepared to do?
Mission Statement? Artist Statement? Manifesto? What am I doing? How am I doing it? Why am I doing it?
What influences me most? How does my art relate to the art of my contemporaries?
What do I want others to understand about my art?
Am I unwilling to discuss any aspects of my work? If so, why?
Anyone else in your family or friends artists?
Support? Financially? and Encouragement (not fans)?
Do you expose yourself to art? Museum, Galleries, Homes with collections?
Where have you shown?
Belong to any art clubs or groups?
From where?
Where are you going?
Media Director – Roger Kai Wildbear