She can’t possible know what this means to me! Prof. Cruise speaks!

Click and follow her for all things cruiseee
She talked about me?!? Super kind!
She’s the real deal guys! Trust her reviews.

Sarah AKA Prof. Cruise ties my name to Regal Princess in her resent blog about her cruise Feb 23, 2025.

She cannot possibly know how much this means to me. I’m in tears. I have to thank her followers, who reached out and told me that she was on my cruise and that it was her birthday.

They told me how nice she seems and that I just had to meet her.

So when I learned that Giuseppe Moschella, Cruise Director – Head of Entertainment requested that I speak on the Wake Show I took this opportunity to shout her out. Check it.

It seemed the entire ship watches the Wake show – but Sarah had missed it.

I was sad at her lack of response. I thought perhaps I had outed her, that she travel incognito so that she could do her job, writing cruise review without being noticed. I was sick I felt I messed up.

But I prayed on it. It took a days of prayers and almost the entire trip before I finally spotted her – working on her review blog. I got up the nerve to go apologize. And to my surprise she just had not been aware of the gift. And her kindness took my breath away.

I was so pleased I was able to present her with the duck I made and I invite her to attend my class. I was so pleased when she come.

I was shocked to learn that her followers had also told her … about me. ?!? What a cool deal! Unreal.

Thank you Prof. Cruise. You made my year!

Mark your calendar. Let’s Welcome HOPE!

Meet me Thursday at the 602 Brewing Co. Main Street Bastrop Tx. From 4 to 8 pm.

Let’s paint butterflies honoring our loved ones.

Let’s raising money for folks who are hungry.

Who’s with me this week? First 602 brew on the house.

Can’t attend? Let me paint for you. Just message me – You choose your donation amount. I’ll paint and include your honor butterfly in our community art installation.

Benefiting the #BastropEmergencyFoodPantry

Hope to see you there! This is a healing event for all involved.

Your money delivered to the food bank on Friday and Your butteries installed before the next Thursday into our community art installation located at #EdenEastFarm – Bastrop Tx.

50 ducks got their colors and are ready to set sail March 23 – Grand Princess

Every cruise I go on I make 50 ducks to give away. I do it in hopes that my art makes it to every continent in the world and boy I’m close.

50 ducklings brought to life and are now ready to find their forever home.

My hope is to have 100 ducks complete for this cruise since it’s a 16 day trip instead of the 7 day ones I usually take, but with only a few days left to create … I’m not so sure. But like my husband says “Jana just focus on one duck at a time.”

My favorite ones so far. However they are all so darn cute.

That is an excellent way to live life.

If you focus on all that you have to do, it will overwhelm you, and that make you wanna give up. So here’s to one foot in front of other.

Let’s go!

Thank you Prof. Cruise

Well it starts here:

I’ve been absent on WordPress for a while, opting to speak my thoughts on Facebook.

But I met an interesting gal. She’s an influencer about any and everything travel. She’s word really hard and it shows. She was on my last cruise, Regal Princess – Feb 23, 2025.

I got to teach my duck painting class and she attended. She painted a beautiful duck, by-the-way. Check it!

Anyway, She was so kind to talking to me. She explained to me that if someone is search for what I’m saying, Google will not search for content on Facebook. Oops … my bad. hehe

She also told me, that I’m an influencer ?! huh

I never labeled myself that … But after hearing that, I think she could be right.

So let’s go! I’ll start by making sure folks can search for my content, which Sarah, Prof. Cruise said what I have was a niche. Humm

So I’ll write here then I share what I wrote here, to other places like face book etc.

This is my home now. It feels lonely out here. lol I’m sure I’ll get use to it.

So something that took my breath away. Touched me very deeply, that I’m still in tears over it today:

Of course getting to teach at sea is a hoot but this time … we’ll just check it.

April Schneider Command Sergeant Major awards Jana with her Coin of Excellence.

Cannonball Jelly Fish -bombing a World War II German freighter ship

I get to teach pro-tip pro-tool art class on cruise ships. But I’m just on an adventure like the rest of you.

Check it:

1941 the sinking of the German freighter “Antilla” in Aruba’s waters near Oranjestad during World War II. The ship was scuttled by its crew to prevent it from falling into Allied hands. The wreck now serves as a popular diving site.

Lubbock Avalanche Journal – circa 1984 – Judy Johnson had the helm in the art department.

This just made my day. Judy Johnson and my cousin Valoree Mclean saved my live. I was born to do art but didn’t know it as school had simply beat that out of me. Valoree brought to me the job that was posted in her department – after much encouragement “you can do this” type of conversation – I timidly went for the interview and to my shock – I got the opportunity to work and learn under Judy’s leadership.

I owe these two souls my start. As it put my life right back on its correct course.

And there I am – the bandana has never left my head. It looked better on my back then. Circa 1984 Lubbock Avalanche Journal)

And my life has been for this purpose to say – “it’s never too late – if you want it – get after it – and never give up!”

Realizing now – that of course, it wasn’t just my career the incredibly talented Judy launched.

Forever grateful.

Read more about Judy. – to follow

Jette Island

I wanted to jump on the ship tomorrow with this little painting complete. But she is miles away, just like the Regal Princess is today.

Its title: Jette’s Isle.

Named after one of my favorite employees at sea – Jerry from India – I thought I heard her say “Jetti is my name” I thought to myself “what a cool name”. Hehe.

She’s a hard working, amazingly fun, and an entertaining gal and I’m giving her the rights to this painting.

Now truth is, that’s not worth the paper it’s written on ….. for now.

Only giving more time will those who remain here will determine it’s true value – and that will be long after the constrains of the planets have lost their power over me.

But until that day …

I get a ton of joy from worlds I create, like right here, on “Jette’s Island”

How delightful.

It’s mikes from complete – I’ll have to finish it on board March 24 thru April 5 – end of season cruise.