My blood sugar is at 92 (which means my cells are acting proper again, allowing insulin back into them, like a youngster who’s never been allowed to eat junk food) my ketones are at 2.3 giving me a Glucose to Ketone index of 2.2. (See chart) disease hates me now, as I’m the deadliest women in the world to those buggers. #KETOMOJO has been my help mate thru it all
I finally got below 150 lbs just today, which puts me in the high end of a normal BMI rate of 24.9. Exciting. 18.5 to 24.9 is my range. I’m in there, finally, just barely.
My waist is still way to big to be considered health as there is to much visceral fat hanging around my organs because I became insulin resistant. At a 33 inch waist, I’m two inch too big for healthy humans at my height.
But in this moment my blood is so powerful – it’s better then medicine – it’s a disease killing machine.
Why I share this?
Because we’ve messed up in this country with our food. And everyone needs to understand this.
The food is making you sick starting at a very young age.
SO Deadly our food is – its slow but sure guaranteeing the healthcare industry will get rich off you.
50% of women my age will get breast cancer. 75% of their daughters will get it. It’s time we stand up and say, enough.
Sugar is your enemy. Fat is your friend.
But we were lied to about that to sell a bunch of shitty processed foods that flies won’t even land on because even they know that it ain’t food.
Sugar sets you up for disease, and we put it in everything.
Gone are the days that an average person eats an equivalent of one packet of sugar a week. Now it’s an entire baggie full a week. It’s killing your brain, it’s making you depressed and sick.
I just wanted to try something different then just marching into old age sick.
If you got a disease that you were not born with … food is your medicine.
AND I REALLY wanna help if your interested.
Jana.Lynch on facebook.