I’m eating tomorrow morning! I did it. I Could eat the ass end out of a cow … But I won’t.
It wasn’t that hard guys since I’ve acclimated my body to eat fat. Fats a super hot but a nice slow burning fuel. It’s like taking your body from 35 miles an hour with only a tiny reserve tank to 135 miles an hour with a huge reserve tank.
Me 6 months ago.
Today on this fast, my longest since I started learning to cure myself 2 years ago, I literally can feel my body cleaning up a ton of wrong doing I did to the old gal over it’s lifetime.
I even think my heart reset last night so says my EKG Apple watch tracker, and I can breath deeper, as if I had never smoked 2.5 packs a day for 32 years. (I quit in 2013)
Blood sugar indicates today that I am no longer insulin resistant. If it spikes above 100 after I eat tomorrow I will know I got more work to do.
My trainer at Anytime Fitness kicks my ass.
I Still don’t lose a lot of weight. Too much important healing going on to worry with that, my brain must be thinking. I just say to it “you can do it”
I speak of this for one reason only, I’m here to help those who are ready to help themself.
You are the cure, food is your medicine. ArtCave open today 1 to 4 pm. 204 Porr Drive Ruidoso.
Fat mama Jana 2014. I loved her enough to try to help her.
I get to work with a very special gifted young man today.
Make or buy art today, we can always use your support, as this what I do, is a labor of love.
Be apart of community art installation the butterfly tree where we honor our loved ones.
Your blood can cure disease if you fuel your body correctly.
This is my two year anniversary when I joined Veritas when I started trying to cure my diseases with food. Thank you staff over their, you are saints the lot of you!
It took a lot of blood tests daily to see which foods spiked my blood sugar. (Too much sugar is the cause of disease) And If you born with it, sugar ignites your disease big time.
It took two years to eliminate all those addictions out of my systems.
It all had to go in my case and I was only insulin resistant.
Doctors call that shit boarderline? What a joke, as truly you are seriously sick, you’re just A-symptomatic for the moment, so you don’t know it. (So “Here’s your pill, I see you next year when we move on to insulin” so says most doctors) Then they got your money for life. There is no money for anyone if you’re healthy – so here’s your pill. Let’s keep this going.
No thank you.
For me at my age it all had to go. Cigarettes (2013) then Booze, then diet soda (makes your brain die slowly), sugar – both fake and real, no processed carbs, no bread, no pasta nothing white really. I get only a squeeze of fruit a few times a week and a tiny salad daily. I eat 75% healthy fat. Fat is the only thing you eat that does not spike your sugar. 5% carbs (my salad mostly uses that) and 20% protein. (I eat and drink it all on vacations except soda, fake sugar and smoking i can and will not ever do those things EVER again they are killers – to be honest the allurer of sugar and booze is starting to fab also. Maybe one day I can go on vacation and not want to eat any of it. Right now I still wanna put my face in it. No fork needed.
Hard to do? Oh hell yes. But being sick is way harder.
I am so close to not being insulin resistant. I’m off all pills. My body is almost heeled. Including LBB heart damage which doctors say is impossible to fix. It’s impossible for them to fix … but not for your body if it’s fueled properly. Did you know, that you get a brand new skin every month? Eat right for a few years and watch what happens. Bye bye sun skin damage.
Maybe I will loses weight again soon like a kid?
Can’t wait to see as I’m still 30.1% body fat and it’s mostly all hanging around my vitaul organs. That’s really bad. Atleast I’m finally in my proper weight range just barely.
Me now and my beautiful BFF. Who, listens to me non-stop about this as I’m now so into it.
What a journey it’s been … I’m so grateful I found it.
You’re the cure … food is your medicine ~ YouTube Dr. Ben Edwards. Veritas medical lubbock. He trashed his booming MD practice so that he could help people actually get well. Catch him and all his exceptional PAs who study cell structure – both in form and function.
The only reason I share this is, I’m here to help if your interested.
(Photo of me I gained a ton of weight 2014 after quiting smoking, insulin resistant since I was 30, and then I turned on a horrible skin disease losing weight on low fat – high carbs which is what most doctors are selling – fat is bad. (NO, THATS A LIE)