I got to see her in person last night and I think she’s due in like 3 weeks.
In fact, I think she will have her litter Easter Weekend. That means, if she so choices, we will all see them like June 7 (my birthday)
If this plays out, do you know how special this deal is?
This will be our 4th generation of watching the same raccoon family.
Actually it’s 5 Generations, I just didn’t know flowers mother that well. Actually, I didn’t even really know I was looking at the same raccoon every night back then. I was not as observant.
So we start with the First i really recognized and she was Flower, she had Blossom who had Buttercup, Rose and Patunia. (By the way all three were on my porch this week) Rose and Petunia came from far away dens just to commun with Buttercup at my water hole.

They chatted. (Check out the footage earlier in the week). I liked to think that they discussed this issues of raising kits. As I bet they are all carrying and it just So sweet, as I pray for special moments just like this. And God honors my silly little prayers.
Should we go with Easter flower names for Blossom’s litter this time? Like Blue Bonnet or Lily? What other flower names are associated with Easter time?
If this happens and I’m allowed to see? … I will cry.
Happy Monday everyone. After Ellie Figueroa kicks my big ass into shape at the gym I get to make a butterfly for Anne Locke and paint on Susanne Taylor Mathis, ES Wedding Venue sign. Fun!