Buttercup is clearly pregnant

I got to see her in person last night and I think she’s due in like 3 weeks.

In fact, I think she will have her litter Easter Weekend. That means, if she so choices, we will all see them like June 7 (my birthday)

If this plays out, do you know how special this deal is?

This will be our 4th generation of watching the same raccoon family.

Actually it’s 5 Generations, I just didn’t know flowers mother that well. Actually, I didn’t even really know I was looking at the same raccoon every night back then. I was not as observant.

So we start with the First i really recognized and she was Flower, she had Blossom who had Buttercup, Rose and Patunia. (By the way all three were on my porch this week) Rose and Petunia came from far away dens just to commun with Buttercup at my water hole.

They chatted. (Check out the footage earlier in the week). I liked to think that they discussed this issues of raising kits. As I bet they are all carrying and it just So sweet, as I pray for special moments just like this. And God honors my silly little prayers.

Should we go with Easter flower names for Blossom’s litter this time? Like Blue Bonnet or Lily? What other flower names are associated with Easter time?

If this happens and I’m allowed to see? … I will cry.

Happy Monday everyone. After Ellie Figueroa kicks my big ass into shape at the gym I get to make a butterfly for Anne Locke and paint on Susanne Taylor Mathis, ES Wedding Venue sign. Fun!

Make a keepsake egg

THIS WEEKEND. PaintedArtist.com presents THE EGG:

Make a keepsake eggs for Easter. I’ve cleaned out your egg and we have it’s stand too plus paint, varnish and even glitter all ready for you to make yum on an egg.

I guarantee your success. $20 each or two for $30

Come get your art on!

—- Only ONE WEEKEND only —-

Starting Friday March 12 thru Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm

204 Porr Drive Ruidoso

Yard art … who’s in?

Who wants some yard art? I love going into a fantastic world filled with your thoughts and ideas. Message me. Thank you Diane Butcher-Brown for wanting these too. This is for a club here in Ruidoso. It’s going to look amazing on their merchandise that I get to design when they are ready (after stupid Covid is over)

16x16x2 or 12x12x2 inches per paver are available. Price does not include ship and will very expensive as these guys are heavy.

My Raccoon adventure

Loves her our Buttercup.

Buttercup mated we believe feb 2.

She’s been mia for two days other than captured on front camera where a boy was following her back to her den.

I saw her in person tonight.
She’s looking good, guys … seemed calm.

If I’m right. We will have a litter by April 5 which means I get to see them like June 5 if Buttercup wishes.

Ok so please Pray for our girl. She’s got three injuries that she has recovered from.

Two on her left hip she got as a baby when her mother Blossom got killed. One on the other hip. And tonight her tail looks a little ruff.

The wild is so wild here. She’s free, which is more than most humans can say, but she needs our prayers.

Our Buttercup was her mother’s favorite. Her mother hugged her close up under her arm, so unlike Rose her sister, Buttercup is very WILD … she knows me with great caution just like mama taught her.

I wish she could survive to see her grandkids. We’ve come this far, right? … but that’s God’s business … as He knows every raccoon and every hair on your head he has numbered.

I love her. Happy pregnancy girl. Day 2 … 61 more to go.

Make valentine gifts

TODAY! Make art – get happy!

ArtCave open Friday thru Sunday 1 to 4 pm.

Right now we are making Valentine’s gifts for our loves.

$15 or two for $25 when you make it yourself or if you want me to make you one it’s $30 includes tax and shipping or $25 local.

Reserve your seat at my art table by messaging me. Limits 12 students for now because of Covid. So message me.

Interns welcome back! Can’t wait to create stuff with you.

I guarantee your success. 204 Porr Drive, Ruidoso

I guarantee you success

Attention 50 + insulin resistant ladies

This is interesting … thought you guys might think so too.

Micah over at Veritas in Lubbock asked me to get my blood ketones to 1.5 or above all the time. That’s a tall order. But if i can do it it means I’m burning fat all day long that lives on my body. So I’m measuring all the time so I can figure out what causes my levels to dump.

This info might help other 50+ women who are insulin resistant. So …

Background: I’m finally off all forms of sugar including fake and also I’m off processed foods. I do not have them or booze on the daily. (Vacation I eat and drink everything – one day I hope I can even stop this)

So This is the cool – If I eat anything other than FAT before I run or ski or lift weight. My ketones numbers go down and I can’t recover my 1.5 or higher until the following day.

It’s because muscles at work kicks glucosamine into the blood so if I eat protein or carbs before work outs it’s just way to much glucose in the blood for me to recover. But get this.

If I just eat fat (I do coffee with butter and heavy whip cream and nothing else) before my workout, then I come home and eat my protein while that food is digesting I go from 0.7 to 1.5 or higher shortly after that work out.

Because of you guys (veritas) I’m going for it. This is my inspiration. She started at 59. I’m 58. She’s 73 now!!

I’m going to need good plastic surgeon to cut the skin off my stomach because I allowed myself to get to 225 lbs but other than that I got this. Do you know a surgeon there you love?

I am so blessed to have found you guys. An answer to a pray. I wanna be your poster child one day!

I’ve come a long way and I’m digging the journey!

Jana Lynch, owner of PaintedArtist.com
Art Cave & Message of Hope Garden

Me smoking and 225 lbs big
Me 7 lbs heavier than I am today.

I’m here to help.

Yes. That’s me. Bless her heart. She quit smoking. Got really fat and did not care because when she’s fat She look just like her mother whom I miss greatly. Turned on a really Nasty skin disease #HS (don’t look at to closely you will puke 🤢 … So loads of problems here.

Awww thank you and I loved you sick mama Jana enough to change my mind.

I’m here to help you if you’re sick … you are the cure and food is your medicine.

If I can do this anyone can.

I’m on my way … I lift 5 days a week. I support patrol on ski every Thursday and I dance down the road about 2 miles a day. I eat 75% fat 22% protein and only 3% carbs. No processed foods fake sugar or sugar. Sugar makes disease. I’m disease feee today.

Art apprentice kicked it at the ArtCave

What a great day. Loads of art finalized.

First this gorgeous mirror by lead art apprentice Dave Shanks (Miriam Shanks) assisted by Oden (Ha DiTh) and Sara McGee. $140 or best offer.

The Bird by Sara McGee

Look at this lovely glass painting titled “the bird” it’s a mini piece of magic by art apprentice Sara McGee $125 OBO

All offers considers. My part of the proceeds will go to help build the Peace Garden. If it’s your art simply name your price.

DeeDee cleaning

And today DeeDee got these mariachi guys cleaned up so we can art in them soon.

Patio floor
Design for floor

And I got to work on the patio floor. Who did I paint for today? May I honor one of your loved ones permanently into the Peace Garden floor? Message me. $108.44 I’ll send you a free print of the design and your loved one will be honored here for all to see.

We take all forms of money, ship all over and even offer zero % layaway!

Tomorrow 1 to 4 pm! Make art. It’s Valentine’s and I’ve developed some cute products for you to produce $15