How to become a resident Artist = Angel

Are you ready to showcase your artworks on a monthly base ?

We have room for more resident Artist = Angels!

Due to the Angels commitment Jana’s RedRoom has the ability to let new coming, emerging artist showcase their artworks on a low-cost for the 1st time.

We are looking currently for new artists who are willing to make a 3 – 6 month commitment to showcase their artworks in our Gallery. Every month you have to be ready to showcase new artworks for the following month, which includes always one 1st Friday showing. We like to showcase the diversity of your style. During your residency you will showcase at least once on one of the front room panels in the main room, and will rotate during your residency time on different wall spaces in Jana’s RedRoom.

Every residence Artist, we call them Angel , will get named on our Website , with links to his/her social media links. We are promoting your artworks over FB and Instagram.

The Gallery is open 7 days the week from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Jana’s RedRoom is an art selling Gallery, all showcased artworks have to be for sale. Pricing will handle the Artist , Artist cut on sales as an Angel is 80%.

Jana’s RedRoom also host upcoming events in the RedRoom and outside the Patios in collaboration with Taco Huevos and the Urban Lounge , Restaurant and Bar located in the Artsfactory.

For more information on pricing and availability please contact Jana Lynch at [email protected]

Here is the link to your momentary residency Artists / Angels 

Entryhall wallsMain Room Front Panels Entry view of the main room 2nd Gallery room 


RedRoom NOW! Watch Episode 1 online!

The first episode of our new show, RedRoom NOW! aired on Saturday at 12noon and on Sunday at 11pm.  Did you catch it on either Prism TV Channel 22, or on Digital Broadcast, on Movies+, channel 47.5?

If you missed it, watch it now online, here’s the link

We’re excited about being able to share all the creative things happening in our neighborhood in the Las Vegas Downtown Arts District!  Watch our show, and stay tuned for more!

RedRoom NOW! On The Air!

The new year is as busy as ever for Jana’s RedRoom.

We are proud to present RedRoom NOW! our television show that spotlights the Las Vegas Downtown Arts District.

We aired two TV episodes at the end of last year. But we paused to regroup, and rather than using an outside production company, we are now producing the show ourselves, with a talented and dedicated cast and crew. We’re working very hard, on a budget that can generously be described as a shoestring!

The goal of our show is to capture the excitement, the fun, and the heart of the downtown Las Vegas Arts District. We are featuring chats with locals artists, reports from live events, demonstrations of art techniques, fabulous musicians, singers and dancers, and we will show you around the neighborhood where all the fun is happening! Join us as we walk around to galleries, restaurants, bars, shops and events. There’s so much to see and we are excited to bring it to you.

RedRoom NOW! airs on Saturdays at 12 noon, and the episode repeats on Sunday night, at 11pm.  Our first new episode airs Sat. & Sun., Jan. 21 & 22.  Watch us on Century Link Prism TV Channel 22 and also on Free TV — Digital Broadcast, on Movies+, channel 47.5.

After it airs on TV, you can watch our new 30-minute episodes, right here on the Jana’s RedRoom website. We will post that link soon!

Stay tuned! There’s more exciting news coming soon from Jana’s RedRoom!

Mosaic Class At Jana’s RedRoom was a blast!

Lisa Fields Clark taught an amazing class last night here at Jana’s RedRoom. Ten local artists all learned to make these beautiful mosaic pieces … WOW what a blast! These all-inclusive classes include drinks, snacks and all supplies so that when class is complete we each left with a beautiful piece of work.

It is my secret hope that some of these works come back for retail sells here at Jana’s RedRoom – I am certain that our fans will LOVE them!

Read more now and reserve your seat today into our upcoming all-inclusive art classes with exceptional teacher. —>

Ten local artists attend Lisa Fields Clark Mosaic class - Fun was had by all - plus we all learned a new skill including gold Leaf application"

Ten local artists attend Lisa Fields Clark Mosaic class – Fun was had by all – plus we all learned a new skill including gold leaf application”

Student work by Carrie Bourdeau

Student work by Carrie Bourdeau

By Student, Karen Waiksnis DiSorbo

By Student, Karen Waiksnis DiSorbo

Student Work by Jana Lynch, Owner of Jana's RedRoom

Student Work by Jana Lynch, Owner of Jana’s RedRoom


Student work by Annie Wildbear

Student work by Annie Wildbear



2015 Elite Artist Team’s Work is HERE!

Back in January I hand selected 18 artists to be this years Elite Artist team. With a roster of over 200 local artists it was really challenging to find just 18 to represent my team of amazing artists; and if I might add; it is always so emotional for me, because I love all my artists so deeply. So anyway, I managed to do it, and I handed the 18 selected artists each a 10x10x1 inch blank canvas and said, “Do what you will with it” … and, boy, did they ever deliver! Their artwork is here! And, you will not believe what you will see … It is such a stunning representation of the vast variety of art we represent here at Jana’s RedRoom.

Clarice Tara, 2015 Elite Artist Original Painting titled "Sunyata"

Clarice Tara, 2015 Elite Artist Original Painting titled “Sunyata”

Kimberly Blake, 2015 Elite Artist Original Painting titled "Transcend"

Kimberly Blake, 2015 Elite Artist Original Painting titled “Transcend”

I can not wait for you to see!

Painting by Sally Valentine, Jana's RedRoom FIRST Resident Artist!

Painting by Sally Valentine, Jana’s RedRoom FIRST Resident Artist!

Also, I am excited to announce I have my first Resident Artist! Just so you know what that means … a resident artist here at Jana’s RedRoom, is an artist who is ready to turn their entire body of work over to the RedRoom Team to manage. I am happy to announce that Sally Valentine is our very first. I am so excited, because her work will knock your socks off! It is as I like to say … oh so yummy! As a resident artist she will get her own RedRoom online store and her work goes into product development with our team of designers. More to come on this soon.

Did you know that Preview Thursday is (today) April 2!

I have dropped into our space, the most gorgeous baby grand keyboard, and my brother WYLEY has come in all the way from Southaven MS, just to play exclusively for RedRoom artists and fans! You do not wanna miss this evening of toasts and cheers as we celebrate the NEW Happiest Place On Earth – Jana’s RedRoom!

~Jana Lynch, Owner of Jana’s RedRoom

P.S. A note about our hours: We strive to be open everyday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. but sometimes things come up in the schedules of our Gallery Guys and Gals, who volunteer to be here. Please be patient as will build up a larger  roster of people so that we are sure to always be here. FYI my schedule never varies … it is Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday from 11 to 4 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Except on Preview Thursday then I am here from 4 p.m. until the party ends!

Meet Kathy Morton Stanion – RedRoom’s Newest Artist

April’s Preview Thursday is going to be a blast!

Did you know we show the work of over 90 local artists? I am continually surprised at all the talent right here in Nevada, just begging to be seen. And that’s exactly what we do here at Jana’s RedRoom, we give local artists a venue, a voice and a place to be!  And boy, do we ever have a blast around here!

I am particularly excited about our newest artist, because It is extremely rare that I feature a brand new RedRoom artist, but I could not resist in this case, and soon you will see why.

Introducing Kathy Morton Stanion:

“Art, to me, is a free-fall … a wondrous journey of release, boundless and open. Its the removal of intellectual analysis and preconceived barriers; an acceptance to whatever may come.

I feel my work is an on-going creative adventure.  I am always experimenting and exploring new ways to develop my art.  But more then just create pretty pictures, I really try to put a piece of my soul into each piece.  I want the viewer to be drawn into it and to take a creative visual journey.  Often I will hide secret messages and/or symbols intending to leave a positive thought in the viewer’s subconscious.  I believe we all can always use a little more positiveness in our world and if for a brief second I can accomplish that, then I have succeeded with the work of art.

My exhibition here at Jana’s RedRoom is a body of work deriving from years of experimenting with uncommon, discarded and recycled materials. I find such pleasure in the knowledge that something once destined for the landfill is now a thing of beauty. Enjoy.”~ Kathy

Be here by 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 3 to help me toast our brilliant artists!  Our show, if I do say so myself, is SPECTACULAR! 

See below a few samples of Kathy’s work … and you will see why I am just so gaga over her  … Exclusively priced, this month only, at Jana’s RedRoom … Come see them all! ~JANA

"Elemental Voices" Mixed Media By Kathy Morton Stanion

“Elemental Voices” Mixed Media By Kathy Morton Stanion

"Journey of Wonder" Mixed Media By Kathy Morton Stanion

“Journey of Wonder” Mixed Media By Kathy Morton Stanion

"Rhythm Of The City" Mixed Media by Kathy Morton Stanion

“Rhythm Of The City” Mixed Media by Kathy Morton Stanion

It’s our Preview Party this Thursday at 6 p.m.

I am so excited to present hand-selected works of art by featured artist Jennifer McCarty and Justin Lepper.  Both of these young kiddos are emerging on to the Las Vegas Art Scene so super FAST, they are like Shooting Stars!

Jennifer McCarty is a self-taught artist. She has always felt that creating art is a necessary part of life; whether it is painting, drawing, crafting, muraling, or gardening. She sees art in everything around her.  An avid admirer of other people’s artwork, she is constantly inspired. Jennifer’s art ranges in mediums, styles and emotionally driven circumstances. For Jennifer, art offers a release from the everyday details into a world of passion, dreams, and meditation. Today, Jennifer’s work embodies her unique philosophy towards life. Jennifer’s artwork is an interesting journey towards the nature of self-discovery. Future is so bright … you need to wear shades.

Jennifer McCarty's acrylic painting titled Transformation of a Ram Goddess

Jennifer McCarty’s acrylic painting titled Transformation of a Ram Goddess

Justin Lepper has been writing since he was 14 years old. And became a published poet at 23. One of his processes as a writer was when he experienced a writers block, he found that drawing really helped him … but also he just LOVED it, so one thing led to another and now hes painting all the time, enjoying the whole process, from start to finish. Justin loves life and lives without boundaries, striving to see the world unfiltered. Justin enjoys executing all forms of art, writing and music. He loves traveling the world, and teaching others. The future is getting brighter everyday for this young man as the world discovers his talent!

Justin Lepper oil painting titled "The Fire Man" 5'x3'

Justin Lepper oil painting titled “The Fire Man” 5’x3′

And that’s not all …

Jana’s RedRoom is showing a collaborative exhibit consists of eight 9″x12″ stained glass mosaic pieces entitled “Blending Contrasts.”

Collaboration by Bodlar Deathbringer and Lisa Fields Clark titled Blending Contrasts

Collaboration by Bodlar Deathbringer and Lisa Fields Clark titled Blending Contrasts

Bodlar Deathbringer, a thirty-something, creates contemporary and spontaneous abstract acrylic paintings on paper which he calls “Gestures.” These pieces are meant to capture a moment in time.

Lisa Fields Clark, a retired social services worker, is known as a traditional mosaic/mixed media artist, a medium which usually requires much prior preparation and planning.

The collaboration involves interpreting Boldlar’s paintings into three-dimensional glass mosaic artworks. The goal is to demonstrate unity between two very different artists; a symbolic blend mirroring the current changing population of Las Vegas.

These pieces were created thanks to the generous support from the Nevada Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts and will be showing the month of March at Jana’s RedRoom.

These four artist will be attending our show … this Thursday at 6 p.m.  It’s our Preview Party … come out and have a POP!  The future of the RedRoom artist is so bright you need to put your sun glasses on just to walk through our fabulous RED doors!

Jana’s RedRoom is offering original art by more artists than ever before! Our Artist count is 79 and growing!