—– NEW YEARS DAY EVE —– Jana’s RedRoom – Years End, New Beginnings – 12-31-15 & 1-1-16

This New Years Eve, 12-31-2015, will be packed full of FIRSTS.

Janas RedRoom12-9-15






First a concert by Michael Lowery starting at 6:30 pm. He will be debuting his single, “Accidental Crazy” English and Spanish versions on Preview Thursday. Start out your night at Jana’s RedRoom!

Sallie Valentine will be a Featured Artist December 31st through January at The RedRoom – one of three resident artist you will only see her work at The RedRoom.

Roy Thomas will be a Featured Artist December 31st through January at The RedRoom.

Jana and Friends will be Featured Artists as well at the Redroom.

The first juried art show, the TOP 12 “T” Shirts will be displayed for the first time on Preview Thursday, December 31st. Even the artists won’t know who’s picked until that night. Winning Awards to be given on January 14, be there for the photo shoot featuring all RedRoom artists!

Premium Wall Artists will be:

Paula Smiles is a January Premium Wall Artist

Karen DiSorbo is a January Premium Wall Artist

Joy Snyder & Kathryn Gilbert are January Premium Wall Artists.

Upcoming classes in January are:

Studio Fine Art Class with Julinya Vidigal De Vinci starting January 5 from 2-5 pm. 4 week classes.

Floral Water Color Class with Liz Gini starts January 14 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.

Mosaic Workshop with Lisa Fields Clark starts January 7 from  7 to 9 pm.

More Classes found here: http://janasredroom.com/art-classes/

Another First for this month of December

We will be having a showing party, on Jana’s RedRoom “FLIP-DAY” this 23rd & 24th. During the change of the art out you will be able to meet the artists and purchase the art before it leaves the RedRoom. Selected art will be discounted. There’s still time to give the gift of art for the Holidays.

Roger Kai Wildbear – Media Director

Jana’s RedRoom – The Heart Of The Arts District.

Wow what an outstanding year we had!

I love it here at Jana’s RedRoom.  Local artists are calling it “The New Happiest Place on Earth”. WOW! … what a complement!

It has been my pleasure to serve over 200 local artists. This year we add the Gallery Girls and Guys program (Read more here … https://paintedartist.com/gallerygals-com/ … I could not have managed this year without the help of these amazingly gifted people, who also love to be in service to the local artist.

I wanna thank the local community for buying original hand-made art as gifts this year; instead of grabbing a mass produced object at Wal-Mart etc.

I wanna thank my friends on our northern boarder, O Canada mostly but also from across the pond in the United Kingdom, Australia, and even Germany, to name a few … you guys LOVE Jana’s RedRoom and tell all your friends about us! You read about us in your local publications, which blows my mind. Bottom line is simply this … THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am so blessed to know you!

Did you make it into our movie this year? 2014 The Year of Las Vegas Local Artists … Check it out —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsRELCoePyU


It’s our Preview Party this Thursday at 6 p.m.

I am so excited to present hand-selected works of art by featured artist Jennifer McCarty and Justin Lepper.  Both of these young kiddos are emerging on to the Las Vegas Art Scene so super FAST, they are like Shooting Stars!

Jennifer McCarty is a self-taught artist. She has always felt that creating art is a necessary part of life; whether it is painting, drawing, crafting, muraling, or gardening. She sees art in everything around her.  An avid admirer of other people’s artwork, she is constantly inspired. Jennifer’s art ranges in mediums, styles and emotionally driven circumstances. For Jennifer, art offers a release from the everyday details into a world of passion, dreams, and meditation. Today, Jennifer’s work embodies her unique philosophy towards life. Jennifer’s artwork is an interesting journey towards the nature of self-discovery. Future is so bright … you need to wear shades.

Jennifer McCarty's acrylic painting titled Transformation of a Ram Goddess

Jennifer McCarty’s acrylic painting titled Transformation of a Ram Goddess

Justin Lepper has been writing since he was 14 years old. And became a published poet at 23. One of his processes as a writer was when he experienced a writers block, he found that drawing really helped him … but also he just LOVED it, so one thing led to another and now hes painting all the time, enjoying the whole process, from start to finish. Justin loves life and lives without boundaries, striving to see the world unfiltered. Justin enjoys executing all forms of art, writing and music. He loves traveling the world, and teaching others. The future is getting brighter everyday for this young man as the world discovers his talent!

Justin Lepper oil painting titled "The Fire Man" 5'x3'

Justin Lepper oil painting titled “The Fire Man” 5’x3′

And that’s not all …

Jana’s RedRoom is showing a collaborative exhibit consists of eight 9″x12″ stained glass mosaic pieces entitled “Blending Contrasts.”

Collaboration by Bodlar Deathbringer and Lisa Fields Clark titled Blending Contrasts

Collaboration by Bodlar Deathbringer and Lisa Fields Clark titled Blending Contrasts

Bodlar Deathbringer, a thirty-something, creates contemporary and spontaneous abstract acrylic paintings on paper which he calls “Gestures.” These pieces are meant to capture a moment in time.

Lisa Fields Clark, a retired social services worker, is known as a traditional mosaic/mixed media artist, a medium which usually requires much prior preparation and planning.

The collaboration involves interpreting Boldlar’s paintings into three-dimensional glass mosaic artworks. The goal is to demonstrate unity between two very different artists; a symbolic blend mirroring the current changing population of Las Vegas.

These pieces were created thanks to the generous support from the Nevada Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts and will be showing the month of March at Jana’s RedRoom.

These four artist will be attending our show … this Thursday at 6 p.m.  It’s our Preview Party … come out and have a POP!  The future of the RedRoom artist is so bright you need to put your sun glasses on just to walk through our fabulous RED doors!

Jana’s RedRoom is offering original art by more artists than ever before! Our Artist count is 79 and growing!

Not a Greater Feeling …

If you are not an artist … than you may not get this … but there is not a greater feeling then to sell one of your own original pieces … so I thought … until I found something even more special … My painting, Pearl Earring, was added to an extensive art collection which includes such impressive artists as Renoir and Picasso.  I am touched and completely humbled.

    Art Collectors buy Pearl Earring, dimensional paint on canvas by JANA, owner of Jana's RedRoom

Art collectors buy Pearl Earring (dimensional paint on canvas) by JANA, owner of Jana’s RedRoom

The Body Painter … By JANA

I love me some Sooner Zerrien!! I wanted her to have this painting … She was my muse. The “Body Painter” is painted in oils with a knife … Inspired by Alexander P. Huerta as he painted Sooner’s body one night on the B+B patio at the world famous Arts Factory in18b Arts District in Las Vegas Nevada.
Sooner Zerrien owner of The Body Painter by Jana Lynch

Sooner Zerrien owner of The Body Painter by Jana Lynch

Grace Pipeline found it’s rightful owner today

I am so please that Anna Lea bought my favorite oil painting called “Grace Pipeline”. This painting was destine to belong to her … It has such great personal meaning to me … and I am so happy that it spoke to Anna Lea.  I truly enjoyed painting it!  Thank you Anna Lea, I am so grateful for you!

Jana Lynch, Owner Jana’s RedRoom

"Grace Pipeline" - 18x24 Oil on Canvas By Jana Lynch

“Grace Pipeline” – 18×24 Oil on Canvas By Jana Lynch

Oil Painting "Grace Pipeline" with new owner Anna Lea

Oil Painting “Grace Pipeline” with new owner Anna Lea