Tubing the Colorado River in Bastrop

So we learn a lot about our Colorado river.

We left one car at the Colorado River Refuge and one at Fisherman’s Park, and then we dropped our little tube rig in the river.

We learned that drifting in plastic tubes will take at least eight hours to go six miles, which is going from Fisherman’s Park to the Colorado River Refuge in the Tahitian Village where our other car was waiting.

Thank God for our AirBnB host Andy for letting us pull out of the river early at the Zen River House. We were done after five hours of drifting exceptionally since we only brought enough beer for two hours of drifting. Lol

But even getting out early was fun. Andy took our our dumb asses and all our tubing rig to our car in his groovy Polaris. (That will cost my husband like $20k because now I want one lol)

What a fun adventure! Thank you Andy for helping us.

When we try it again we will just put in here at the Harmony House and float to the Refuge. That’s more up our alley as that will only take two to three hours to go two miles.

So there you have it guys. That is how slow the river flows around these parts.

I’m shocked we don’t see more tiny sail boats to capture the power of the winds that we have around here on some days.

AirBnB check out the Harmony House. It’s a rare find and it’s so much fun!

But she’s mine for 14 more days.

Creating in tiny spaces is interesting

I’m excited! I got my climate controlled storage unit for all my art related stuff today, so I’m setting up a little place for my art production.

I won’t work in there, but it’s a place where I can put inventory and unfinished projects to be completed etc. And it’s where I have all my paints that cannot live in hot spaces.

Making art in tiny living has its challenges, but having a little help like a climate controlled storage will make it easier.

I was juried into a group show that will be featuring birds, which is being offered since Bastrop was voted a Bird City. Trying to prepare for that in tiny living can be challenging.

Come play May 6 where I’ll be painting live at Nieghbor’s. On this painting I’ve titled it “Will we let our history fall into the River?”

The painting below is a painting that was made by a group of my artists in Las Vegas, Nevada. Let’s do something like this on May 6th!

Be sure to wear your paint clothes. I’m starting a group paint on May 6 that we can work on together. It’s going to be a birds-eye view of our river, I’m thinking. What will you add to this new piece?

This is the group that painted the art shown above. My talented brother Wyley Lynch, who was a very talented musician, used it on one of his CD album covers.

Buggy Bastrop

What’s not to love?!

Every day it seems I get a bug bite that will itch for days, especially when I play on the river. An itchy bug bite on skin that’s been in the sun is especially interesting.

You be buggy Bastrop, but that’s a blessing for all our bug eating wildlife. You’ve got the most beautiful wildlife here!

But get this. A blue dragon fly, I guess that’s what it was, landed on my hand and ate a bug right there on my hand. I saw that bug go from living to dead in a considerable amount of time…it was a slow death. I had the privilege of seeing the entire event. (Sorry no photo as I was floating on the river)

Thank you my little blue friend for sharing that expeience with me. I didn’t know what you ate till now. I hope collectively you guys eat a ton of bugs.

A variable damselfly (Coenagrion pulchellum) feasting on a chironomid. Credit: Tuomas Kankaanpää

It’s official. We are River Ratz

Well, it’s official. We are River Ratz now. We played on the Colorado river yesterday for our 28th anniversary.

So here goes River Ratz lesson #1: Learn to hold your raft in place on a moving river.

Note to self: buy a boat anchor.

You only need a 25 lb round bottom anchor and you’ll be able to hold still on a moving river. You need three floats. One float for each fat person plus the two skinny Italian greyhounds, and one for a cooler full of beer. Score!

I’ve got to buy another float for the beer now. Lol.

Our floating devices waiting us to figure out the anchor situation. lol

On our next day off we’re going to put a car down-river at the refuse, but then drop in back at the Zen River House (our AirBnB) and then float back down to our car at the refuse. We’ll drop anchor there and hang out. Lol

Jana and Kevin 4/24/22 – 28 year anniversary

Monster High Painting is Complete.

This is finally complete and Nicole Sligar has first right to refusal. Although it doesn’t look like it, it’s a flat canvas with a cutout window area. It’s 28″x28″x2″ in acrylic and loads of cute 3D objects added.

It’s called Monster High Doll House. It’s a one-off item (meaning we can not ever make prints of it) as I will not own the rights to Monster High once it’s sold.

The price is $1500 plus insurance to ship it, plus the cost of shipping.

® 2022 Jana’s painted Artist. All rights reserved worldwide.
® 2022 Jana’s painted Artist. All rights reserved worldwide.

God brings me beautiful moments often

These moments for me are respites; they are breaks from a crazy, busy world. Sometimes I think I’m an animal whisperer.

This little horned toad just jumped into my lap
This wild raccoon I named Baby Rose just hanging out with me.
Deer watching me create. It makes my day.
Lady and Siisi Grace and a deer friend at the PaintedArtist Ruidoso.
A little bird just landed on me and I got like 10 minutes with this baby ’til she said, “farewell, time to get off to the business of being a bird.”

From birds that land on my hand and stay a bit, to deer that leisurely hang with me for a while, we are drawn together.

Today I was blessed by a visit from a gorgeous moth as I was heading into town to get the greatest BBQ I’ve ever put in my mouth. It was so good I dream about this stuff. I got it at Billy’s Pit BBQ here in Bastrop. Seriously, that’s just how good it is!

This beauty has an eight inch wing span with a furry body.

God brought me an extremely special gift today. We had a nice long visit, well, at least in moth time. I got to view this beauty up close and personal for about a minute, and then just like that, he was off.

Thank you Lord!

God released a bit of pressure from us today

Grateful. I get this beauty for six more weeks here at the Harmony House on the Colorado River.

Sissi Grace loves it here.

I’m so grateful today because I know where I’ll be for the next six months, and that’s a good day.

It was a complete answer to prayer. We received it seconds before signing a lease on a way-too-expensive place. My prayer was this: to continue living here and learning about tiny living; to learn if we dig it, which we do so far; to do it in a way we can well afford so we can prepare for our next adventure, which is to build a tiny something to live in on a gorgeous piece of land with fabulous outdoor living spaces, complete with all the fun toys we could ever want (like a boat and hot tub and an electric bike, or a Polaris off-road vehicle), and of course a screened-in porch. Oh yeah, and a groovy space to create.

A golf course hotel converted to tiny living apartments
The view from my front door starting May 15, 2022. I take possession May 1st so I can prepare it for move in.

It continues to be so exciting as we are learning that God only promises us one day at a time, and we are to ride the Grace Pipeline that He maintains between Himself and Believers in Christ. He promises us safety and provision inside the pipeline. We’ve learned that we will never be tested beyond what we can handle when we reside there. His righteousness cannot accept anything less than His own absolute righteousness, and as Believers, we are credited with possessing the Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why we are promised Blessings. It’s just like a dedicated pipeline to the Father.

2 Corinthians 13:5 NASB1995

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?

But honestly, I never dreamed I’d be pushed to the edge by not knowing what tomorrow would bring. That’s what our life has been since Aug 25, 2021, and today I’m grateful for the lesson. It’s one I know so many of you have already learned.

We’ve been blessed with a little pressure release as today we know where we will hang our hats next – if only for a bit of time.

We all are in an invisible conflict, kiddos. Which team are you on? The road ahead is a bumpy one.

We’ve learned that life can be lived with joy, even during uncertain times, or it can be hell. We’ve learned it’s about our attitude toward life and learning more about the Word, which is The Mind of Christ. It’s what and how we think that determines which way we will go.

Love and peace to all.

Hill country beauty, even near the H-E-B parking lot.

My pocket book is happy

Ok, we got the word.

This region had the greatest need for Store Director within the H-E-B company, so they put us here in Bastrop. Kevin will travel to various stores around this area for probably a year, or forever until they determine which store will be his.

That’s good news because we like it here.

We will probably need to rent a place in Bastrop for six months or so, maybe even a year.

Let the search begin. I wish I could just paint a place for us to live like I’m doing for my Monster High Doll. She’s a lucky girl.

I’m painting a bedroom for Monster High Doll to sit in.
Reference photo for her floor lamp.

Sherry Ann asked a good question, so I included it here: Is Kevin happy?

Sherry Ann, oh yes. This is an exceptional company. They want to make sure their leaders are fully immersed in their culture, and it’s a good one. H-E-B is very favorable to their workers. The money is great and the insurance is even better. Everything is great. I’m still getting over the shock that this area was not even an area where we applied for work. It’s lovely, and God must have a plan for us here. I know He does.


We found our place! It’s 420 sf of living space, which is huge compared to the 300 sf we’re living in now. It’s a golf course hotel converted to apartments, I think there are 16 units. It has a floor-to-ceiling glassed-in atrium that I can see out from my bed. The ceilings are extremely tall. The bathroom sink and the kitchen sink are one and the same. Lol. Funny, tiny living is…but my pocket book is pleased, as we are hoping to build our final tiny home somewhere, some day.

Loads of beautiful outdoor living space. The guy who lives across from me built a water feature in front of his door. I can’t wait to have comfy outdoor chairs so I can listen to the lovely sounds.

Tomorrow I’m going to First Friday in Historic Downtown Bastrop to see if I can rent a studio art space in a co-op.

More stories to come about our strange, transient life. Thanks for following me!

My digs for the coming months.

Dragon finds it’s way into the attic

It’s a new day. Let us be abundantly happy in it (Psa 118:24). Especially if you get to have a pet dragon in your attic.

I managed a bit more detail on her yesterday. Should we put a name tag on our pet dragon?

What would our dragon’s name be, if we did?


Lucky #MonsterHighDoll – and maybe Chloe. (BTW Nicole Sligar you have the coveted first right of refusal on this one.)

Today I get to see one of the most influential persons in my life as she prepares for her promotion, her next adventure into the other side of this deal we call human life on Earth.

It’s been 52 years since we’ve laid eyes on each other.

She saved a little dyslexic girl (me) from a lifetime of stomach ulcers and low self-esteem issues by assuring the world around me that I I wasn’t trying to be this high IQ jerk by not completing my lessons in school…that I simply didn’t think like the rest of the world.

There’s way more to this story, but i’ll leave that to another day.

So off to Kerrville, Texas we go… ❤️

Monster High Doll excited for her room to be complete!
Thank you Deana. Love you girl!!
In progress