My EYE to EYE show is really about me and my love for animals.
They are self portraits. Look into their eyes and you’ll see my reflection…
Yep, that’s me. I just wanna be friends with all God’s creatures. I’m like, “please be my friend. I’m nice and I try really hard to be deserving and worthy of your trust.” As we learn from the Bible in Isaiah 11:6, in the millennial kingdom there will be peace among the kingdoms.
“The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain,” says the LORD. Isaiah 65:25 (NASB)
That leads me to tell you about the images below; I’ve completed four of the five pieces that I’m calling Eye to Eye. The fifth piece is still in the ugly phase of the painting, but I believe it will be as engaging as the others in the group.
These pieces will be featured during my solo show in June and July 2023 at the Bastrop Tx Public Library. I am working feverishly to have them be done in time, and as a result I missed playing chess last night because of these guys. I’m so focused to have this done by the deadline, I can hardly keep track of the days.
I received My Lil’ Plant the year I started college. I’m Grateful that it was young and healthy and didn’t need self-centered me at all.
After college, My Lil’ Plant followed me back to Lubbock. I was still young and dumb, I hardly knew anything – I think I watered it once a year, if I remember correctly. And I never loved on it, I never thought about it at all, and I certainly did not understood its importance.
But by the Grace of God, it survived my immaturity, and so did I.
Back then My Lil’ Plant loved the Las Vegas climate and it flourished, and there I paid it a tiny bit more attention, but just barely.
Then, Bless its heart, it struggled to survive in Ruidoso NM … it’s too cold.
So by the time I got to Bastrop, Texas It was damn near dead. AND not once did I EVER consider the age of the old gal.
But finally for the first time, with my plant barely hanging on, I prayed for it. I desperately wanted it to survive.
Because now I understand after 42 year, just how important this plant has been.
It’s been with me through my complete darkness, through all my mistakes and losses and loneliness, and then now, it’s here by my side, even in my wildly successful marriage.
See God honors His Word wherever it is found … every time. It’s His Integrity stake, it’s His Love.
SO If you got nothin’ between your ears about Him because you’re not interested, you need to know at a minimum that His Word is Truth, it’s foundational, and based on His Word there is FREEDOM.
31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
You also need to know that this is a God-given choice, and whatever you choose, He will honor your decision and butt out of your life completely.
FYI: I’m NOT TALKING ABOUT RELIGION. God did NOT invent religion. PERIOD. Religion is man’s attempt to gain God’s favor by man’s efforts. As fallen mankind (Rom 3:23 ..for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God), we have nothing of sufficient value that can earn or gain His favor.
I’m talking about a personal relationship between you and God through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.)
I’m talking about living inside God’s Grace pipeline. It’s like living inside the eye of a hurricane, all is calm in there even though a storm is swirling all around you. BTW the storm is allowed by God as a part of the invisible war, the Angelic Conflict that’s ongoing, that we’re here to play a part in resolving.
So back to My ‘Lil Plant, how do you fall in love with something?
You learn their mind and you start understanding how important they are in your life. Your gratitude overflows for what’s been provided.
I ramble so …
SAY HELLO to my lil’ friend. Back from the dead.
1980 – 42 years ago, a neglected friend that I prayed with all my heart for the first time that I would survive, because just now I finally GET it.
See it turns out, I was born with a horrific skin disease.
This plant has been with me every step of the way as I was cured of a disease that doctors say there is no cure. And it was through prayer that I found the right doctors who treat disease with REAL food, and a little plant that God provided.
So you see, GOD sent me a helpmate, that He knew I would would not appreciate but would desperately need.
LOOK AT it go! Looks better than the day I got it 42 years ago. It LOVES Bastrop’s weather.
Grateful. I get this beauty for six more weeks here at the Harmony House on the Colorado River.
Sissi Grace loves it here.
I’m so grateful today because I know where I’ll be for the next six months, and that’s a good day.
It was a complete answer to prayer. We received it seconds before signing a lease on a way-too-expensive place. My prayer was this: to continue living here and learning about tiny living; to learn if we dig it, which we do so far; to do it in a way we can well afford so we can prepare for our next adventure, which is to build a tiny something to live in on a gorgeous piece of land with fabulous outdoor living spaces, complete with all the fun toys we could ever want (like a boat and hot tub and an electric bike, or a Polaris off-road vehicle), and of course a screened-in porch. Oh yeah, and a groovy space to create.
A golf course hotel converted to tiny living apartments The view from my front door starting May 15, 2022. I take possession May 1st so I can prepare it for move in.
It continues to be so exciting as we are learning that God only promises us one day at a time, and we are to ride the Grace Pipeline that He maintains between Himself and Believers in Christ. He promises us safety and provision inside the pipeline. We’ve learned that we will never be tested beyond what we can handle when we reside there. His righteousness cannot accept anything less than His own absolute righteousness, and as Believers, we are credited with possessing the Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why we are promised Blessings. It’s just like a dedicated pipeline to the Father.
2 Corinthians 13:5 NASB1995
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?
But honestly, I never dreamed I’d be pushed to the edge by not knowing what tomorrow would bring. That’s what our life has been since Aug 25, 2021, and today I’m grateful for the lesson. It’s one I know so many of you have already learned.
We’ve been blessed with a little pressure release as today we know where we will hang our hats next – if only for a bit of time.
We all are in an invisible conflict, kiddos. Which team are you on? The road ahead is a bumpy one.
We’ve learned that life can be lived with joy, even during uncertain times, or it can be hell. We’ve learned it’s about our attitude toward life and learning more about the Word, which is The Mind of Christ. It’s what and how we think that determines which way we will go.
Love and peace to all.
Hill country beauty, even near the H-E-B parking lot.
It’s a new day. Let us be abundantly happy in it (Psa 118:24). Especially if you get to have a pet dragon in your attic.
I managed a bit more detail on her yesterday. Should we put a name tag on our pet dragon?
What would our dragon’s name be, if we did?
Lucky #MonsterHighDoll – and maybe Chloe. (BTW Nicole Sligar you have the coveted first right of refusal on this one.)
Today I get to see one of the most influential persons in my life as she prepares for her promotion, her next adventure into the other side of this deal we call human life on Earth.
It’s been 52 years since we’ve laid eyes on each other.
She saved a little dyslexic girl (me) from a lifetime of stomach ulcers and low self-esteem issues by assuring the world around me that I I wasn’t trying to be this high IQ jerk by not completing my lessons in school…that I simply didn’t think like the rest of the world.
There’s way more to this story, but i’ll leave that to another day.
So off to Kerrville, Texas we go… ❤️
Monster High Doll excited for her room to be complete!Thank you Deana. Love you girl!! In progress