A somewhat normal day in the life of an artist

My view as I contemplate my day.

I so wish I could just paint on the more light-hearted “A bedroom suite for my favorite Monster High doll,” she’s vintage now, and deserves a place to live in some lucky little girl’s bedroom.

But I must carry on in a dark, but not hopeless place. As so many of you have expressed interest in the piece. Nathanael Chavers gets first right to refuse her. Lol! After that it’s open game. Lol!

So I must complete it.

This part will be hard to paint. This piece that I’m calling “People desperately fleeing the USA,” is from a vision I had over seven years ago.

I feel perhaps it’s important, but ! I’ll let the world decide. For all this is “no longer viable,” but it’s a cautionary tale, if only we can stop looking for relief in all the wrong places.

Oh, some fun news today!

I can teach any of you to paint what you see with a twist of reality. If you want your art to look exactly like your scene, take a photo; this class ain’t for you. Lol. I’m looking for location to offer a class. Any ideas?

The prints of my Nieghbor’s painting are complete, thanks to the help of Bastrop Signs & Banners. Love those guys. Check ’em out local artists!

Anyway, the sun is out and I’m going to go for a run/dance and then deliver to the hard working staff these hand signed prints today. They’re now my new friends over at Neighbor’s.

I had so much fun with you all over the last month painting your scene.

Fun news: Bastrop Opera House, thank you for inviting me to help paint sets. Omg. What a blast!

Pretty good day ahead, all and all.


Little boat wants to float

The winds blow so hard last night my little boat almost blow away to the river. She’s ready to go be a boat after all these years, but she’s forgotten she needs a little patch work first. Don’t laugh at her … we all need a little patching once and a while.

Kevin found her this morning and put a chair on her to hold her back. Lol.

I’m making art today. It has to be inside my tiny living space because if winds.

I’m hungry to make a butterfly stick today.

Shot glass product coming soon.

So I’ve not updated Adobe Creative Suite since 2009, until now.

So…I’m rusty. Lol huge frustrating learning curve going on up in here.

But I designed a product today – my first. I bought one to check it’s quality.

I’ll let you know. But I love my sense of humor sometimes.

This is Titled “Waiting for this Moment to be Free”…now that’s funny because it’s in a shot glass. Lmao!

I’ll let you know if it’s good quality before I offer it to you.

“Waiting for this moment to be free” on a shot glass. Now that’s funny. Or scary. You decide which. Lol

Something just doesn’t add up.

Well, ok, good…I got that off my chest. Lol

Let’s create HOPE starting Tuesday.

Tomorrow I get my raft out of storage. Let’s paint while floating on that river.

This original is available for $140.

Titled “All we did was make billionaire demigods,” sadly this issue had nothing to do with your health 😞

You can own this original. I will mount and frame it, but I will reserve the right to reproduce it.

It’s 8.5×11 in marker and ink, painted on both sides of the vellum. Neon and metallic markers too. That doesn’t show up well in this photo

® Jana’s Painted Artist

I’m quite aware that my view is very unpopular. Is yours?

Tiny living.

Tiny living = Tiny footprints. Not that I believe I can help God manage this globe, but it’s going to be fun to learn to live a simpler lifestyle.

Trust me, if God calls you to be on the road, you soon learn that lugging all your shit in tow is not fun.

I feel another huge garage sale coming on, so get ready Bastrop because I got good stuff!

We simply wanted to see if we would like to build or buy a tiny home one day.

I would have a large art space attached to it, but nothing else would be large – other than the great outdoors. I want a bit of land. When living tiny you want some outdoor spaces too.

We think we want something screened-in with a hot tub and above ground pool inside it one day.

Anyway – So far the answer is 100% yes – we love tiny living. But it’s only day 2.

We will see after I move over the computers, a tiny amount of my art supplies, and Kevin’s work clothes.

But um yeah. I’m digging it!

I would think you really need to do it with peeps who are all extremely accommodating. I can see that is so, and thankfully, Kevin and I have that.

So yeah. Tiny living.

Stay connected here – Let’s learn about this together.

Don’t give in to fear or all will be lost

Guys. Read please.

Installing paver art.
Enjoy her my sweet, Village of Ruidoso I hope 10000 butterflies will be seen in her trees soon!
Jana inventor of the Butterfly tree 2018 where we honor our loved ones.

I’m seeing a lot of fear conversion out here over my paver art being left in a public space … un-secure where someone could harm her.

If you learn one thing from me … please let it be this.

There is no such thing as security. PERIOD. I’m sorry we’re being taught and believe otherwise.

There is not enough money or man power in the world, to truly secure or keep anything safe … let alone my little piece of bleep PEACE art that you guys graciously granted me permission to display publicly. She doesn’t belong behind bars, does she?

She is a gift. Freely given by all involved.

She represents freedom. The butterflies will fly away. The art will not last forever.

Please don’t give into fear that something might happen to her. I beg you. Just enjoy her while she lasts.

Please just pray that she remains safe. PERIOD. And let it go.

If someone is set on destroying her … well, then. God has other plans. perhaps a very important lesson needs to be taught. Or maybe the next emerging artist needs to paint on it next.

God sees the entire battlefield. Let him handle the big things.

SO PLEASE … just pray she stays safe than it’s God’s business the only true security you got.

Look up instead of looking anywhere else … And remember … nothing lasts forever other than your soul and even it is FREE to chooses where it’s forever will be spent.

Sign that will be with PeaceGarden art installation
While installing the art into Wingfield Park the Ruidoso Wild ponies came by to say “Hey”
Just let go. Every time I think about securing something the “well … but then you will have to do this oh and add insurance oh how much insurance and oh I know let’s just hide it” weeee all that creeps in … it never ends. Ok my soapbox rant is over but This painting is Available. lol

My crazy journey back to disease free

Struggling with your health?

I share my personal story because I’m driven to help if you want it.

Listen in. Because now I’ve graduated to God’s food. I feel as if I’ve arrived!

Message me … Health@hellofromruidodo.com —- I’m here to help. Free.