Installing paver art. Enjoy her my sweet, Village of Ruidoso I hope 10000 butterflies will be seen in her trees soon! Jana inventor of the Butterfly tree 2018 where we honor our loved ones.
I’m seeing a lot of fear conversion out here over my paver art being left in a public space … un-secure where someone could harm her.
If you learn one thing from me … please let it be this.
There is no such thing as security. PERIOD. I’m sorry we’re being taught and believe otherwise.
There is not enough money or man power in the world, to truly secure or keep anything safe … let alone my little piece of bleep PEACE art that you guys graciously granted me permission to display publicly. She doesn’t belong behind bars, does she?
She is a gift. Freely given by all involved.
She represents freedom. The butterflies will fly away. The art will not last forever.
Please don’t give into fear that something might happen to her. I beg you. Just enjoy her while she lasts.
Please just pray that she remains safe. PERIOD. And let it go.
If someone is set on destroying her … well, then. God has other plans. perhaps a very important lesson needs to be taught. Or maybe the next emerging artist needs to paint on it next.
God sees the entire battlefield. Let him handle the big things.
SO PLEASE … just pray she stays safe than it’s God’s business the only true security you got.
Look up instead of looking anywhere else … And remember … nothing lasts forever other than your soul and even it is FREE to chooses where it’s forever will be spent.
Sign that will be with PeaceGarden art installation While installing the art into Wingfield Park the Ruidoso Wild ponies came by to say “Hey”Just let go. Every time I think about securing something the “well … but then you will have to do this oh and add insurance oh how much insurance and oh I know let’s just hide it” weeee all that creeps in … it never ends. Ok my soapbox rant is over but This painting is Available. lol
It’s simple, he was judged by God for all humanities wrong doings then later he died physically on the cross.
He was judged spiritually so that you would not be.
The human soul never dies. Ever.
You will die physically by not spiritually.
We are different than the other animals in this one matter. We live forever and that’s a long time.
We are here to solve a court case between God and his most high angel (no longer most high, but he was at this time in eternity past) his name Lucifer. And God loves him and wanted to be fair to him.
So Why did god even let this happen between him and his angels?
Because he didn’t want mindless creatures adoring him. He wanted them to choose to be with him or not. Just like us, (humanity) who came way later simply to solve this court case.
God knows you had no choice in being born So all you have to do now is choose where we going to spend eternity.
God does not care what religion you involved in infact enjoy your traditions. He doesn’t care if you have a religion. That’s not the point. He simply doesn’t care. He only cares “what do you think of Christ” (him) and he’s perfect and you are not so how he fix that? He judged Christ for every crappy wrong doing you have ever done or will do.
This is court case and God is going to win … he promises us that. So which lawyer’s table are you sitting at? The defense or the prosecution
Just simply, in your mind, say “I’m now believing that Christ was judged in my stead, he took my place so that I could spend eternity with God” and in that moment you are perfect again and the Holy Spirit will help me see the truth in all this.
This is why those who don’t believe, think us that do, be crazy …
It’s because none of us could understand this with out the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But it’s that tiny grain of faith by you that is picked up and seals you with God forever.
So anyway, there is nothing more you got to do. God did everything. And that’s Grace.
If I’m wrong we just end up in the grave somewhere. No big. But if I’m right that’s a biggie. Eternity a long time.
I hear if you choose not to believe since it won’t be a perfect environment with Lucifer (he’s not perfect like god) it will be a pretty irritating existence. That’s what I’ve learned, and the holt spirit brought that to my attention thru my studies into the mind of Christ.
FYI this is a God given choice.
No one else’s business but yours.
I probably should not even be making this post. As your believe or business it’s 100% none of my business.
Choose well because this is on you.
FREEDOM is the key. You are off the hook for all the shit storms you have caused in your life … Christ was judged in your stead.
Choose well and then enjoy your traditions or religion or job or play … whatever turns you on. Enjoy!
God gave all of this to you, but Lucifer is running the show here on earth for now, as apart of his court case. So life sucks sometimes. I simply didn’t want my forever to suck too.
I have no doubt in this great matter.
ALSO Love is easy guys, it’s God given and it simply means tolerance for EVERYONE to choose their very own path.
Have an awesome day off this Easter Sunday.
Love to all, no matter what team you’re on, and even if you simply think I be crazy.
ArtCave is open Friday thru Sunday 1 to 4 pm. Come make some art !
$20 I guarantee your success. Tons of cool things to choose from.