Something just doesn’t add up.

Well, ok, good…I got that off my chest. Lol

Let’s create HOPE starting Tuesday.

Tomorrow I get my raft out of storage. Let’s paint while floating on that river.

This original is available for $140.

Titled “All we did was make billionaire demigods,” sadly this issue had nothing to do with your health 😞

You can own this original. I will mount and frame it, but I will reserve the right to reproduce it.

It’s 8.5×11 in marker and ink, painted on both sides of the vellum. Neon and metallic markers too. That doesn’t show up well in this photo

® Jana’s Painted Artist

I’m quite aware that my view is very unpopular. Is yours?

July 23 – Hello From Ruidoso Radio Show

Pamela Witte is brilliant- learn about play acting.

Dustin Lyon you came up! We proud of you!

You too Deborah Voorhees about 13Fanboy.

Oh and our upcoming playwright series coming the last two weekends in August to Sacred Grounds Coffee and Tea House

Thank you Pam and Cheryl Smith Cagle for an exceptional interview!

LIVE every Friday at 8 am on our village’s own radio station – 1490 AM KRUI – The Mountain

Or I always publish the link right here after it airs —-

Catch it on the reload:

July 6 2021 – our very first radio show

It’s Hello From Ruidoso new hit radio show on Ruidoso Village very own radio station 1490AM – The Mountain.


Introducing our regulars:

Cheryl Cagle is Jana’s trusted side kick. She’s so much fun!!

Miriam Shanks has been a passionate writer for most of her career. Initially focusing on technical writing as an environmental permitting manager, she has, in recent years turned her attention to more creative endeavors including writing children’s stories, essays, poetry and song lyrics. Miriam enjoys writing for herself and for others and is currently working on a memoir and a blog – Write to the Heart of the Matter. Miriam will be interviewing local authors, and contributing short pieces to our Hello from Ruidoso program. She will also be creating a serial story for the show using characters from our local businesses.

Andrea Fernandez – talking about foraging for food, sustainable food and Smokey Bear community garden.

Ellie Figueroa – on going health talks

Catch it on the reload:

My own blood is killing disease

My blood is like a disease seeking missile today.

2.8 (see chart)

Your blood can cure disease if you fuel your body correctly.

This is my two year anniversary when I joined Veritas when I started trying to cure my diseases with food. Thank you staff over their, you are saints the lot of you!

It took a lot of blood tests daily to see which foods spiked my blood sugar. (Too much sugar is the cause of disease) And If you born with it, sugar ignites your disease big time.

It took two years to eliminate all those addictions out of my systems.

It all had to go in my case and I was only insulin resistant.

Doctors call that shit boarderline? What a joke, as truly you are seriously sick, you’re just A-symptomatic for the moment, so you don’t know it. (So “Here’s your pill, I see you next year when we move on to insulin” so says most doctors) Then they got your money for life. There is no money for anyone if you’re healthy – so here’s your pill. Let’s keep this going.

No thank you.

For me at my age it all had to go. Cigarettes (2013) then Booze, then diet soda (makes your brain die slowly), sugar – both fake and real, no processed carbs, no bread, no pasta nothing white really. I get only a squeeze of fruit a few times a week and a tiny salad daily. I eat 75% healthy fat. Fat is the only thing you eat that does not spike your sugar. 5% carbs (my salad mostly uses that) and 20% protein. (I eat and drink it all on vacations except soda, fake sugar and smoking i can and will not ever do those things EVER again they are killers – to be honest the allurer of sugar and booze is starting to fab also. Maybe one day I can go on vacation and not want to eat any of it. Right now I still wanna put my face in it. No fork needed.

Hard to do? Oh hell yes. But being sick is way harder.

I am so close to not being insulin resistant. I’m off all pills. My body is almost heeled. Including LBB heart damage which doctors say is impossible to fix. It’s impossible for them to fix … but not for your body if it’s fueled properly. Did you know, that you get a brand new skin every month? Eat right for a few years and watch what happens. Bye bye sun skin damage.

Maybe I will loses weight again soon like a kid?

Can’t wait to see as I’m still 30.1% body fat and it’s mostly all hanging around my vitaul organs. That’s really bad. Atleast I’m finally in my proper weight range just barely.

Me now and my beautiful BFF. Who, listens to me non-stop about this as I’m now so into it.

What a journey it’s been … I’m so grateful I found it.

You’re the cure … food is your medicine ~ YouTube Dr. Ben Edwards. Veritas medical lubbock. He trashed his booming MD practice so that he could help people actually get well. Catch him and all his exceptional PAs who study cell structure – both in form and function.

The only reason I share this is, I’m here to help if your interested.

(Photo of me I gained a ton of weight 2014 after quiting smoking, insulin resistant since I was 30, and then I turned on a horrible skin disease losing weight on low fat – high carbs which is what most doctors are selling – fat is bad. (NO, THATS A LIE)

Spread your wings and fly

Spread Your Wings and Fly

We are very proud to announce that the mural collaboration with Robin Slonina on the outside wall of Jana’s RedRoom is finished.

Robin Slonina is a well-know professional artist and mural painter with a career spanning over 20 years.  She also stars as a Judge and Producer on the hit TV show “Skin Wars” and her murals and artwork are internationally known.

Slonina choose butterfly wings for the mural design, and we agreed!  We believe that the butterfly stands as a symbol for all the growing artists in the local Las Vegas arts scene, in and around the Arts Factory and the Vegas Arts District. It is a metaphor for the rise of local emerging and established artists, to show the world that Las Vegas has wings and is more then just a well-known gambling and entertainment city. Vegas is also a home for thousands of artists, with remarkable diversity in their art, culture and history. We are open to every art form and we like to support this great city and the amazing art that is created here.

You can help spread the word about the arts scene in Las Vegas, by taking a photo in front of the butterfly wings and tagging @JanasRedRoom and @RobinSlonina.  Slonina is even offering prizes to the first 5 people who tag her on Instagram or Twitter “wearing” the wings!  Slonina states, “I wanted this mural to be interactive.  So basically it isn’t finished until viewers step in front of it, and become the butterfly themselves.”

Be a part of this wonderful idea and the great Arts District movement by tagging yourself and us in a picture with the mural.

Thank you so very much Robin Slonina for giving your time and talent to paint this inspiring mural on the Arts Factory wall, outside Jana’s RedRoom on Charleston Boulevard for all to see. On your next visit, come spread your wings, take a photo and post it on your social media accounts.

Jana’s RedRoom is located inside the Arts Factory, located on 107 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104

More on the artist Robin Slonina:

Judge & Producer Skin Wars TV Show 

Founder & Artist Skin City Body Painting

1800 Industrial Rd, LV NV 89102
(702) 431-7546 @skincity  @robinslonina

January winner of the Call for Artist contest is Tracy Martin

Congratulations to Tracy Martin, we are so thrilled to show the Winner for the “Call for artist” contest for January , Theme : Flow

We will be showing the artworks in the month of January. Don’t miss first Friday on January 5th to see these incredible artworks up close.

  Island Nine $75, colored pencil, 11×14 Is That A Bird? $125, colored pencil, 11×14   Tammy’s Flowers $125, watercolor, 11×14

More information on Tracy P Martin:

Design, Art & Pet Portraits

AMGA Certified Rock Guide
Warrior’s Way Trainer


How to showcase your artworks at Jana’s RedRoom

How to display your artworks at Jana’s Redroom:

there are multiple choices to be part of the Jana’s RedRedroom Artist family.

1. you can rent wall space for 1 month

we have multiple wall sizes and different price ranges : from $50 – $300. Here you can showcase as many artworks as you like: it has to be hang and displayed in art gallery style !! ( space between the artworks, don’t over hung… we help you with this.)

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

2.  you can apply to become a resident Artist for 3 month. $300 / per month

during this time you get each month a new wall to showcase new artworks. And you have to be ready to showcase each month new artworks of yours. One month guarantee showcase in the main gallery room or on one of the main wall panels ( your choice)  !!

Artist cut: 80% Artist   20% Gallery

3. emerging Artist, you like to test the water on showcasing your artworks, we have a very limited wall space for you, you can showcase only 1 artwork , not bigger then 24×24” for $10 / month

Artist cut: 60% Artist   40% Gallery

4. Enter the contest : Call for Artist !

Call for Artist is a contest that we are offering to local, national and international artist. Only the best 3-6 Artist can showcase in Jana’s RedRoom. How to enter: you pay a $25 submission fee, enter up to 3 images of the artworks you like to showcase at the month you picked. Each month is themed, you can submit to multiple theme’s ( month) but have to pay each submission fee separate. Only the best 3-6 Artist will get chosen to show their artworks…. no size limitation or media limitation*  ( * no digital media, film or jewelry at this time)

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

                          view all categories for the Call for Artist, click here 

5. Rent a shelf: we are displaying and selling fine jewelry, sculptures, art wear and pottery. To show your works you can rent shelf space for $50 per month… multiple display areas are set up in the gallery.

Artist cut: 70% Artist   30% Gallery

Regulations : we need to approve your artworks before you can showcase at the gallery.

please submit 2-3 digital photographs of your to displaying artworks , with size, media and sales price to Jana Lynch [email protected]

After approving we contact you with the options we have available at that month or upcoming month.

Call for Artist , Deadline December 20th

Win a change to showcase your artworks at Jana’s Redroom for the January show, Enter 3 digital images you like to submit and that match the word: Flow.

Individual judges will pick the winning artist, that we are displaying in the main room on the front panel.

All showing artworks need to be for sale, submission fee is $25 , Artist cut by selling their artworks is 70%.

TITLE: Flow ( see detailed submission rules below ) 
THEME: the flow in the color, the flow in the moment, flow in life, rethink the meaning of the word, flow above and into an idea.

ART DELIVERY DATE: Dec. 22nd – Dec. 28th
SHOW DATE: Dec. 28th – Jan. 24 

Submission fee will be $25 per Artist // Artist gallery split is 70% artist, 30% gallery  Artwork sample by Anja Whitemyer

TO  ENTER :                                                                                                                   Send and Email  [email protected] : “Call for Artist”                                          With your Name, email and category you chose                                                          We will be forwarding you the  detailed submission rules and more information


We have a 3 step program you have to follow.

1. Step… pay your submission fee of $25 Jana Lynch :  [email protected]       ( attach the Transaction ID of your payment )

2. Step send the paypal Transaction ID with your 3 images of the artworks you like to enter into the completion to Jana Lynch at [email protected] Include the contest theme you chose, your name and contact information Enter the size, name and selling price of your artworks as well.

3.Step after we approved your images you get a notification and your images are entered into the judging process. Sit tide, and wait until the Artist notification day is there.

4.Step If you made it into the show :   you will receive a email with all further instructions how to showcase your artworks. If your a local artist we make the paper trial on art delievery day.

  • Artworks display agreement
  • Sales agreement
  • Art shipping / handling agreement
  • General agreement
  • right for publication contract
  • If your a local artist , we make the paperwork on the day of your artwork arrival

If your a local artist , or decide to bring your artworks in , you do so during our regular “Artflip days “  Wednesday and Thursdays ( 11a.m. – 7 p.m. ) the week before 1st Friday …. dates will be given to you.

If you live out of town, and decide to ship your artworks, please follow the shipping instructions… read these very careful.

Each exhibition will run for 1 month, during one 1st Friday show of the month, where over 5000 people visit the Arts District / Artsfactory that night.  Las Vegas has over 52 million Tourist a year. Jana’s RedRoom is located at the center of the Art District. The Gallery is open 7 days a week 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Works in Acrylic, Air brush, Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Art, Graphite, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil,Painting, Pastel, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking and Watercolor, will be considered. * no digital displayed media, movie at this time.

Acceptable sizes: We do not have a limitation on sizes of work but have found works over 60 inches to be costly for shipping and recommend sizes that are manageable.



Gift the Gift of original artworks

Give yourself or your love once the a very personal gift this holiday season, present them with a original artwork . Or decorate your own living space with a new favorite piece of art. Start a new tradition.

We are offering multiple artworks form a variety of different artist and art styles. From water color to oil paintings, from colleges to fine are photography there is for everyones taste a artwork to find. For shipping and sales information please contact Jana Lynch [email protected]

   John Anderson Photographer, “Grand Canyon ” fine art photography on Aluminum, $495

 Denise Weaver , Resident Artist   Regina Vinicky,  Resident Artist,  James Dingman, Resident Artist

$145 – $195 , Acrylic on Canvas

 Dawn Crichlow , Miami Artist , showing for the month of December , digital prints framed “Ei Sky” $28

 Irene Tanya Morse

“Adeline by day break ” water color  $ 240

 Carol Holdengraver, showing Artist for the month of December

 Michael Michalov , showing artist for the month of December, “Magnetic Dioramas ” each $10

 Ivan Fernandez Mesa , Cuban resident Artist ” Rio Casino Campestre” oil on canvas, $1000


Call for Artist : submit to have a change to showcase in January 2018

All local, national and international artists, professional and amateur are encouraged to submit up to 3 artworks for this art exhibition, per email, independent judges will pick the best Artworks/ Artist, and per lottery we will finalize the showing artist .  Each submitted artwork must be for sale.

Each exhibition will run for 1 month, during one 1st Friday show of the month, where over 5000 people visit the Arts District / Artsfactory that night.  Las Vegas has over 52 million Tourist a year. Jana’s RedRoom is located at the center of the Art District. The Gallery is open 7 days a week 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Works in Acrylic, Air brush, Assemblage, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Art, Graphite, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil,Painting, Pastel, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking and Watercolor, will be considered. * no digital displayed media, movie at this time.

Acceptable sizes: We do not have a limitation on sizes of work but have found works over 60 inches to be costly for shipping and recommend sizes that are manageable.

TITLE: Flow ( see detailed submission rules below ) 
THEME: the flow in the color, the flow in the moment, flow in life, rethink the meaning of the word, flow above and into an idea.

ART DELIVERY DATE: Dec. 22nd – Dec. 28th
SHOW DATE: Dec. 28th – Jan. 24 

Submission fee will be $25 per Artist // Artist gallery split is 70% artist, 30% gallery  Artwork sample by Anja Whitemyer

TO  ENTER :                                                                                                                   Send and Email [email protected]  : “Call for Artist”                                          With your Name, email and category you chose                                                          We will be forwarding you the  detailed submission rules and more information


We have a 3 step program you have to follow.

1. Step… pay your submission fee of $25 Jana Lynch :  [email protected]       ( attach the Transaction ID of your payment )

2. Step send the paypal Transaction ID with your 3 images of the artworks you like to enter into the completion to JanaLynch, [email protected] Include the contest theme you chose, your name and contact information.  Enter the size, name and selling price of your artworks as well.

3.Step after we approved your images you get a notification and your images are entered into the judging process. Sit tide, and wait until the Artist notification day is there.

4.Step If you made it into the show :   you will receive a email with all further instructions how to showcase your artworks. If your a local artist we make the paper trial on art delievery day.

  • Artworks display agreement
  • Sales agreement
  • Art shipping / handling agreement
  • General agreement
  • right for publication contract
  • If your a local artist , we make the paperwork on the day of your artwork arrival

If your a local artist , or decide to bring your artworks in , you do so during our regular “Artflip days “  Wednesday and Thursdays ( 11a.m. – 7 p.m. ) the week before 1st Friday …. dates will be given to you.

If you live out of town, and decide to ship your artworks, please follow the shipping instructions… read these very careful.