Little boat wants to float

The winds blow so hard last night my little boat almost blow away to the river. She’s ready to go be a boat after all these years, but she’s forgotten she needs a little patch work first. Don’t laugh at her … we all need a little patching once and a while.

Kevin found her this morning and put a chair on her to hold her back. Lol.

I’m making art today. It has to be inside my tiny living space because if winds.

I’m hungry to make a butterfly stick today.

Shot glass product coming soon.

So I’ve not updated Adobe Creative Suite since 2009, until now.

So…I’m rusty. Lol huge frustrating learning curve going on up in here.

But I designed a product today – my first. I bought one to check it’s quality.

I’ll let you know. But I love my sense of humor sometimes.

This is Titled “Waiting for this Moment to be Free”…now that’s funny because it’s in a shot glass. Lmao!

I’ll let you know if it’s good quality before I offer it to you.

“Waiting for this moment to be free” on a shot glass. Now that’s funny. Or scary. You decide which. Lol

Back to it.

Kevin goes back to work Tuesday and so will I. It’s been 5 months at 1 pm on January 25 since I had Kevin all to myself for the most part.

I’m going to be sad. Will greatly miss him.

So back to fueling my body properly, and back to making art will be my best medicine.

I love all the different art stations I can build here. Harmony House of the River is awesomeness.

I’m thinking of the one I’ll create in the middle of the Colorado river. Got to get into storage and grab my raft, paddle and a rope. Lol!

Let’s go! Water and ink in the middle of that river anyone?!? Lol

Tons of work spaces.

Tiny living.

Tiny living = Tiny footprints. Not that I believe I can help God manage this globe, but it’s going to be fun to learn to live a simpler lifestyle.

Trust me, if God calls you to be on the road, you soon learn that lugging all your shit in tow is not fun.

I feel another huge garage sale coming on, so get ready Bastrop because I got good stuff!

We simply wanted to see if we would like to build or buy a tiny home one day.

I would have a large art space attached to it, but nothing else would be large – other than the great outdoors. I want a bit of land. When living tiny you want some outdoor spaces too.

We think we want something screened-in with a hot tub and above ground pool inside it one day.

Anyway – So far the answer is 100% yes – we love tiny living. But it’s only day 2.

We will see after I move over the computers, a tiny amount of my art supplies, and Kevin’s work clothes.

But um yeah. I’m digging it!

I would think you really need to do it with peeps who are all extremely accommodating. I can see that is so, and thankfully, Kevin and I have that.

So yeah. Tiny living.

Stay connected here – Let’s learn about this together.

Field Of Wings

Field of Wings is a message of hope, community driven art installation. It’s a place where we honor our loved ones by painting butterflies that are then installed in the trees amidst a giant painting created by artist Jana Lynch. It’s Jana’s interpretation of the happiness she found here in the Village of Ruidoso.

This art installation will be maintained by Ruidoso Parks and Recreation, and they will continue the tradition of allowing people to paint wooden butterflies honoring their loved ones. And these butterflies will live in the trees at Wingfield park.

The three retail outlets selected to carry the matching merchandise are Josey’s Framery, the PostslAnnex and

Jana believes people will want to take home the matching merchandise from the place where they honored their loved ones, due to the popularity and exposure of this art by our visitors from all over the world. Some of the proceeds from each product sold will go to the Lincoln County Food Bank.

It is artist Jana’s vision that there will be 10s of 1000s of butterflies in the trees at Wingfield Park one day, hence its name: Field of Wings. Proceeds from butterfly sales are to be divided with Lincoln County Food Bank, and Keep Ruidoso Beautiful Program

But FOR ONE LAST WEEKEND ONLY: Would you like to paint a butterfly with Jana? ($10) Or explore the Art & Garage sale she is hosting? Come say farewell to Jana and the ArtCave on November 12 thru 14 from noon til 6 pm

Jana and Kevin moved to the park the art that represents Jana’s feelings for the Village of Ruidoso

What’s to become of Jana and Kevin?

What’s next for Kevin and Jana? We’re starting to see the plan, even though we can only see the 6 foot circle that surrounds us. The plan is starting to look simple, but the ability to have a relaxed mental attitude during great adversity took us a lifetime to find the understanding that God, and only God, can see the entire battlefield.

We’re all called to lean into the dark of the unknown. That’s a hard place to be, until you take that leap of faith. As many of you know this too well.

During this trial of testing, (test truly provided for our spiritual growth), we were able to be calm and relax into what seems like a never ending test; a test to prove our ability to stand fast in the wisdom that resides in our souls. The wisdom we earned through the hard, sometimes boring, but rewarding, daily work of studying the mind of Christ.

God’s wisdom is FREE to anyone who longs to understand what this world is all about.

There is no “what if’s” in It. It is absolute.

I’m so grateful we chose to grow up spiritually together. We live our life to “learn to live.” We did not take the more traveled road which is “fuck up a bunch of times, so you live to learn.” A road I was on, when I was a youngster.

God has the only true problem solving devises.

Kevin and I are nothing special … infact, we are deeply flawed.

BUT, I thank God … that ANYWAY, including my dumb ass, can jump on this ride. And let me assure you, adversity is inevitable, but the ability to handle it without stress is optional. Only in God’s wisdom can you find lasting solutions. Anyone who wants to learn wisdom, can. If you know people, who do not have the ability to learn, trust me, God has them. These are special and amazing people, with the ability to just be happy, and to love, as if it’s nothing – So don’t worry.

Too choose this less traveled road is hard at times, but deeply rewarding … It’s a spectacularly happy way to live.

Get your eyes off people and things to make you happy; they won’t and they can’t anyway. It only comes and goes … it’s fleeting. So learning God’s mind is the only way to true happiness.

We remain inside the light of that ring of fire that surrounds us. Nothing EVER may enter, unless it’s is God allowed with the purpose of spiritual growth. Evil flees from the truth. It’s that learned wisdom formed in your soul, where God can attach his happiness … thus blessings.

And trust me, I know, to anyone who has not taken that leap of faith, you must think I am bat shit crazy.

It’s something not any of us can understand, until you take that tiny leap of faith. And God then makes it real. This way of doing things is apart of the plan. It’s fair … but hard to see or understand it at first. I understand why it was done this way, if your interested in learning.

But with a little faith it all starts becoming real and the more you study the more real it becomes. Those thoughts of “what is this shit storm about!?” Before you know it, gets cleared up.

We are starting to see the plan that is our future, and we are so excited to see our next promotion.

Even though we are prepared for our greatest promotion, the day of our departure from human constraints. For now, it seems, God has other plans.

I have no doubt about what I’m to do.

That is to promote HOPE in other communities … I am to help build community driven art installations where we honor our loved ones.

So rather Kevin gets that one last huge grocery job (we will know more at the end of November about that), or if we are to become “Freedom Workers” – that is to be seasonal workers, helping small businesses survive the devistation of a government that sold us the biggest lie yet, a lie about security. The lie that states that “we got you!” We are excited about our future and we believe our last day here in Ruidoso, will be on or near 12/12/21.

Hey, if we are to become seasonal freedom workers (we should know by December about that) we would love Ruidoso to be our summer work/home! IF (and that’s a big IF) you guys fix the working class housing situation around here.

It’s really short thinking on the part of our governing body, and her citizens, not to correct this problem and correct it FAST!

Love, peace and most importantly FREEDOM to all!
tm 2021 Jana’s Painted Artist – painting of a giant art instulation of people jumping out of their graves, and a drawing of a giant mural that I want to paint, titled Grace Pipeline. Oh! That’s me in the happiest place on earth “the ArtCave” – I wonder where that place will be next? Oh wait, it matters not, that place resides in me.

(While writing this our home went back into contract; we accepted their offer. Thank you God and the amazing team of experts that you brought us.

Oh … garage sell coming soon. More to come.

Don’t give in to fear or all will be lost

Guys. Read please.

Installing paver art.
Enjoy her my sweet, Village of Ruidoso I hope 10000 butterflies will be seen in her trees soon!
Jana inventor of the Butterfly tree 2018 where we honor our loved ones.

I’m seeing a lot of fear conversion out here over my paver art being left in a public space … un-secure where someone could harm her.

If you learn one thing from me … please let it be this.

There is no such thing as security. PERIOD. I’m sorry we’re being taught and believe otherwise.

There is not enough money or man power in the world, to truly secure or keep anything safe … let alone my little piece of bleep PEACE art that you guys graciously granted me permission to display publicly. She doesn’t belong behind bars, does she?

She is a gift. Freely given by all involved.

She represents freedom. The butterflies will fly away. The art will not last forever.

Please don’t give into fear that something might happen to her. I beg you. Just enjoy her while she lasts.

Please just pray that she remains safe. PERIOD. And let it go.

If someone is set on destroying her … well, then. God has other plans. perhaps a very important lesson needs to be taught. Or maybe the next emerging artist needs to paint on it next.

God sees the entire battlefield. Let him handle the big things.

SO PLEASE … just pray she stays safe than it’s God’s business the only true security you got.

Look up instead of looking anywhere else … And remember … nothing lasts forever other than your soul and even it is FREE to chooses where it’s forever will be spent.

Sign that will be with PeaceGarden art installation
While installing the art into Wingfield Park the Ruidoso Wild ponies came by to say “Hey”
Just let go. Every time I think about securing something the “well … but then you will have to do this oh and add insurance oh how much insurance and oh I know let’s just hide it” weeee all that creeps in … it never ends. Ok my soapbox rant is over but This painting is Available. lol

I miss them

The print of baby Blossom available soon at
Rose with her Skunk.
Petunia after she lost her mommy

I’m missing Buttercup (deceased), Rose and Petunia and I’ve not even left here yet.

I made sure that they, and all nine of their kits combined will NEVER come back around here, because like most people, the future owner’s of my home, seriously might not want them around and could encamp them or kill them. I’ve seen it, I’ve heard what people say about them, about how bad and destructive they can be.

So I couldn’t stomach the thoughts of someone harming them, they were her biological material after all … our amazing Flower. Flower our first raccoon is where it all began, 4 years ago. So …

I will be write an ebook about her and the 4 generations worth of adventures she took me on.

Did you know Flower was an orphan? … but being resilient, she just picked a new family … unlikely as you might find this grouping to be … she picked a baby skunk, a feral kitty and me.

This story will be more about freedom than raccoons. As we’ve made a mistake in this land, slow but sure, it took years and years, but we turned in our freedom wings and replaced them with the heavy clanking chains of propaganda and fear motivated security.

I think our kids should know that there was, and is a better way. One that promotes individuality, creativity and ingenuity.

Anyway, like our fearless Flower, I’m resilient, so when the shit hits the fan, I’m good at standing up; at finding a new way. As I did for these raccoons on August 25 when I learned of our fate … it was quick and without emotion …

But tonight … I broke, I’m in a pile of emotions and I just had to have a big boo-boo cry … I miss my free friends, and with 9 kits strong ?! … the future of Flower’s lineage is looking spectacular. But my story will have to end here at …

“Hello From Ruidoso … the Flower story” (working title)

Om dear God … I miss them.

Blossom all grown up. She didn’t like this ball that I gave to her kits. She destroyed it.

I’m So grateful I got Jay Lynch on my team, he’s extremely encouraging and understands the world of online marketing. He will be managing … the merch coming soon, and one day an ebook. Hit him up … he can do for you, what he’s doing for me.

She’s one of Flower’s Kits – Flower had five but Blossom won my territory, and eventually my heart … because she let me sit on the porch with her. I loved her so much I even painted her right into our community PeaceGarden patio art. T-shirts available at Josie Powell’s Framery.

Then the following year, Blossom brought me babies … one of which was Rose … our little hunter.

Who remembers Rose?

Rose as a baby. FYI when they grow up they aren’t friendly anymore more.

She creeped us all out when she killed my chipmunk friend and left him in her water so she could play with him another day. Gross! But we forgave her, because after all, she lost her mother Blossom, before Blossom could teach her hunting 101: “Stop playing with your food!”

(TM Jana Painted Artist everything my little mind creates is mine. Powerful. Lol … thank you Jay)

So many great stories … I can’t wait to share them all …

Blossom made it in into my art.
This original will be available soon.
“Volition is Free” is mixed media – paint and chalk on canvas 10x20x2 inch. Available soon on
What have we done. I feel so alone in my thoughts.

Work in progress. “We voted security over freedom and got neither”

Sell my home Realtors

I’m missing Buttercup (deceased), Rose and Petunia and I’ve not even left here yet.

I made sure that they, and all nine of their kits combined will NEVER come back around here, because like most people, the future owner’s of my home, seriously might not want them around and could encamp them or kill them. I’ve seen it, I’ve heard what people say about them, about how bad and destructive they can be.

So I couldn’t stomach the thoughts of someone harming them, they were her biological material after all … our amazing Flower. Flower our first raccoon is where it all began, 4 years ago. So …

I will be write an ebook about her and the 4 generations worth of adventures she took me on.

Did you know Flower was an orphan? … but being resilient, she just picked a new family … unlikely as you might find this grouping to be … she picked a baby skunk, a feral kitty and me.

This story will be more about freedom than raccoons. As we’ve made a mistake in this land, slow but sure, it took years and years, but we turned in our freedom wings and replaced them with the heavy clanking chains of propaganda and fear motivated security.

I think our kids should know that there was, and is a better way. One that promotes individuality, creativity and ingenuity.

Anyway, like our fearless Flower, I’m resilient, so when the shit hits the fan, I’m good at standing up; at finding a new way. As I did for these raccoons on August 25 when I learned of our fate … it was quick and without emotion …

But tonight … I broke, I’m in a pile of emotions and I just had to have a big boo-boo cry … I miss my free friends, and with 9 kits strong ?! … the future of Flower’s lineage is looking spectacular. But my story will have to end here at …

“Hello From Ruidoso … the Flower story” (working title)

Om dear God … I miss them.

I’m So grateful I got Jay Lynch on my team, he’s extremely encouraging and understands the world of online marketing. He will be managing … the merch coming soon, and one day an ebook. Hit him up … he can do for you, what he’s doing for me.

Prints available soon at of baby Blossom titled “you’re creeping me out dude”

She’s one of Flower’s Kits – Flower had five but Blossom won my territory, and eventually my heart … because she let me sit on the porch with her. I loved her so much I even painted her right into our community PeaceGarden patio art. T-shirts available at Josie Powell’s Framery.

Then the following year, Blossom brought me babies … one of which was Rose … our little hunter.

Who remembers Rose?

She creeped us all out when she killed my chipmunk friend and left him in her water so she could play with him another day. Gross! But we forgave her, because after all, she lost her mother Blossom, before Blossom could teach her hunting 101: “Stop playing with your food!”

(TM Jana Painted Artist everything my little mind creates is mine. Powerful. Lol … thank you Jay)

So many great stories … I can’t wait to share them all …