Hello From Ruidoso

Our first radio show aired Friday July 9 2021.

It’s Hello from Ruidoso … a show about ordinary people who do extraordinary things

Watch us film the process of making at radio show LIVE on facebook every Tuesday at 11 am – FB: Jana.Lynch

Catch it on the radio every friday at 8 am –1490AM-The Mountain

Of listen to it on PodCast

Our first show featured Andrea Fernandez (sustainability food) and Ellie Figueroa (all things health). Plus our regulars …myself, Cheryl Smith Cagle co-host and featuring Miriam Shanks, author.

We talked about this gorgeous piece of art by Cheryl – it’s available for your personal art collection.


This will be the last year that the ArtCave is not on the official map if we qualify to be apart of Art Loop. More to come BUT We are finally ready to participate!

We will be open Friday thru Sunday – July 2 thru 4 at 10 to 5 pm. To show support for Art Loop. MAKE OR BUY ART

Buy local art …

MAKE ART by honoring a loved on a butterfly. Be apart of a community art installation – $10

Paint a butterfly.
Zoom in and pick your paver number. Message me on facebook at Jana.Lynch – we will get your loved one included into patio.
Buy a paver for your family. We will add your message to the patio floor in the PeaceGarden $100

Make art!

Choose for all kinds of cool projects $20

Kids under 5 are only $10 per project for Art Loop

PaintedArtist – ArtCave and interactive Garden – 204 Porr Drive – Ruidoso

Join us there during Art Loop

Honor a loved one by painting a butterfly for them in our community art installation. $10 you make $20 Jana will make for you. Includes jewels and glitter.

We got our own radio show here is the promo —- Hello From Ruidoso

Ordinary People who do extraordinary things.

Will you tell me about your life? If so I’m interested. Message me at FB Jana.lynch

Boogie board fun!

I hope this photo expresses, just how excited I am, that I’ve been commissioned to paint a seascape and a house number right on this boogie board that will be bolted to the front of a house at a beach town in Florida. Huh?!?

Does it get any cooler? Yip!

BTW I actually have played on this board in the ocean.

Need a cool house sign? Hit me up. FB Jana.lynch

Vanna Mae!

I’m so grateful to Vanna Mae RV queen for helping me install two giant art installations.

“The river runs thru” In progress but way far down the road thanks to Vanna.
Peace Garden patio where we honor our loved ones. Pavers available.

The rain and snow came to help fire fighters.

Thank you for all your prayers! Things look better today for putting out a firefighters with slow rain and snow. Pray for more of that and no winds today and all who are fighting this best.


Im at your service community just tell me how, where or when – ArtCave available if more community space is needed. We are at the service for Ruidoso and surrounding areas.

I’m afraid more disaster testing is heading our way. 1000 acres uncontrolled fire raging up our mountain.

Evacuation Notices are in effect for Nogal Canyon, Bonito Canyon, and the Ski Apache Area. #ThreeRiversFire. Prayers for winds to calm for our hotshot and others who will fight this beast. Families could loss everything they got. Oh my it just hit me. Please pray for our forest friends. They have no where to hid.

The evacuations areas grow throughout the day. But then in the night we got rain. I pray it’s enough to support an easier firefighting effort to day.

My video got picked up in national news … that’s crazy. I’m so grateful for all the prayers and to wake to a slow rain and snow up top. Please let it be enough to help all who are battling this beast. —- https://au.sports.yahoo.com/lincoln-county-residents-evacuate-three-044625497.htmlhttps://au.sports.yahoo.com/lincoln-county-residents-evacuate-three-044625497.html

I help folks who are ready to help themselves

I’m eating tomorrow morning! I did it. I Could eat the ass end out of a cow … But I won’t.

It wasn’t that hard guys since I’ve acclimated my body to eat fat. Fats a super hot but a nice slow burning fuel. It’s like taking your body from 35 miles an hour with only a tiny reserve tank to 135 miles an hour with a huge reserve tank.

Me 6 months ago.

Today on this fast, my longest since I started learning to cure myself 2 years ago, I literally can feel my body cleaning up a ton of wrong doing I did to the old gal over it’s lifetime.

I even think my heart reset last night so says my EKG Apple watch tracker, and I can breath deeper, as if I had never smoked 2.5 packs a day for 32 years. (I quit in 2013)

Blood sugar indicates today that I am no longer insulin resistant. If it spikes above 100 after I eat tomorrow I will know I got more work to do.

My trainer at Anytime Fitness kicks my ass.

I Still don’t lose a lot of weight. Too much important healing going on to worry with that, my brain must be thinking. I just say to it “you can do it”

I speak of this for one reason only, I’m here to help those who are ready to help themself.

You are the cure, food is your medicine.
ArtCave open today 1 to 4 pm. 204 Porr Drive Ruidoso.

Fat mama Jana 2014. I loved her enough to try to help her.

I get to work with a very special gifted young man today.

Make or buy art today, we can always use your support, as this what I do, is a labor of love.

Be apart of community art installation the butterfly tree where we honor our loved ones.


Mange can be deadly


Our heroine caught the mange. (A disease that can result in death)

Did Buttercup (I’ve been studying her family for 3 generations) miss important life lesson from losing her mama Blossom too young?

I don’t like sad stories. I wasn’t going to tell you … but great local folks, who are in the know helped me figure out how to medicate her.

It was a riddle to solve how to treat her with medicine and not a skunk, that I could kill, if she ate it (medicine dose was too big for a tiny skunk)

I was provide a trap.

Mange makes bold spots in hair.

But instead of using it. I mixed medicine in hummingbird feed and prayed that Buttercup be the only animal to come to my watering hole that night. (A tall order)

God honored my goofy pray.

Buttercup came and no one else (very rare) and loved the sweet water surprise that waited her.

I think her hair is starting to grow back. Her litter has clearly arrived. Hope to meet them in June if she chooses to show and tell them with me.

I pray for them and hope they don’t show up with the mange.

Good grief how would I dose all of them? Lol.

I Leave that for another day.

Happiest place on earth … http://PaintedArtist.com … join our mailing list? I’ve been blogging since 2003.

About Christ.

Confused about Christ?

It’s simple, he was judged by God for all humanities wrong doings then later he died physically on the cross.

He was judged spiritually so that you would not be.

The human soul never dies. Ever.

You will die physically by not spiritually.

We are different than the other animals in this one matter. We live forever and that’s a long time.

We are here to solve a court case between God and his most high angel (no longer most high, but he was at this time in eternity past) his name Lucifer. And God loves him and wanted to be fair to him.

So Why did god even let this happen between him and his angels?

Because he didn’t want mindless creatures adoring him. He wanted them to choose to be with him or not. Just like us, (humanity) who came way later simply to solve this court case.

God knows you had no choice in being born So all you have to do now is choose where we going to spend eternity.

God does not care what religion you involved in infact enjoy your traditions. He doesn’t care if you have a religion. That’s not the point. He simply doesn’t care. He only cares “what do you think of Christ” (him) and he’s perfect and you are not so how he fix that? He judged Christ for every crappy wrong doing you have ever done or will do.

This is court case and God is going to win … he promises us that. So which lawyer’s table are you sitting at? The defense or the prosecution

Just simply, in your mind, say “I’m now believing that Christ was judged in my stead, he took my place so that I could spend eternity with God” and in that moment you are perfect again and the Holy Spirit will help me see the truth in all this.

This is why those who don’t believe, think us that do, be crazy …

It’s because none of us could understand this with out the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But it’s that tiny grain of faith by you that is picked up and seals you with God forever.

So anyway, there is nothing more you got to do. God did everything. And that’s Grace.

If I’m wrong we just end up in the grave somewhere. No big. But if I’m right that’s a biggie. Eternity a long time.

I hear if you choose not to believe since it won’t be a perfect environment with Lucifer (he’s not perfect like god) it will be a pretty irritating existence. That’s what I’ve learned, and the holt spirit brought that to my attention thru my studies into the mind of Christ.

FYI this is a God given choice.

No one else’s business but yours.

I probably should not even be making this post. As your believe or business it’s 100% none of my business.

Choose well because this is on you.

FREEDOM is the key. You are off the hook for all the shit storms you have caused in your life … Christ was judged in your stead.

Choose well and then enjoy your traditions or religion or job or play … whatever turns you on. Enjoy!

God gave all of this to you, but Lucifer is running the show here on earth for now, as apart of his court case. So life sucks sometimes. I simply didn’t want my forever to suck too.

I have no doubt in this great matter.

Love is easy guys, it’s God given and it simply means tolerance for EVERYONE to choose their very own path.

Have an awesome day off this Easter Sunday.

Love to all, no matter what team you’re on, and even if you simply think I be crazy.

ArtCave is open Friday thru Sunday 1 to 4 pm. Come make some art !

$20 I guarantee your success. Tons of cool things to choose from.

About USA Food Supply

My blood sugar is at 92 (which means my cells are acting proper again, allowing insulin back into them, like a youngster who’s never been allowed to eat junk food) my ketones are at 2.3 giving me a Glucose to Ketone index of 2.2. (See chart) disease hates me now, as I’m the deadliest women in the world to those buggers. #KETOMOJO has been my help mate thru it all

I finally got below 150 lbs just today, which puts me in the high end of a normal BMI rate of 24.9. Exciting. 18.5 to 24.9 is my range. I’m in there, finally, just barely.

My waist is still way to big to be considered health as there is to much visceral fat hanging around my organs because I became insulin resistant. At a 33 inch waist, I’m two inch too big for healthy humans at my height.

But in this moment my blood is so powerful – it’s better then medicine – it’s a disease killing machine.

Why I share this?

Because we’ve messed up in this country with our food. And everyone needs to understand this.

The food is making you sick starting at a very young age.

SO Deadly our food is – its slow but sure guaranteeing the healthcare industry will get rich off you.

50% of women my age will get breast cancer. 75% of their daughters will get it. It’s time we stand up and say, enough.

Sugar is your enemy. Fat is your friend.
But we were lied to about that to sell a bunch of shitty processed foods that flies won’t even land on because even they know that it ain’t food.

Sugar sets you up for disease, and we put it in everything.

Gone are the days that an average person eats an equivalent of one packet of sugar a week. Now it’s an entire baggie full a week. It’s killing your brain, it’s making you depressed and sick.

I just wanted to try something different then just marching into old age sick.

If you got a disease that you were not born with … food is your medicine.

AND I REALLY wanna help if your interested.

Jana.Lynch on facebook.


Cuties butterfly to date.

I just painted the curliest little butterfly for Anne Locke’s father Mr. Carlton Cook, who passed on February of 2006. It will be placed in the butterfly tree where all our loved ones are represented.

Anyone can join our tree abd or patio floor.

It’s $10 per fly and all Proceeds go to build the Peace Garden which will include a 7×14 foot patio floor where we will honor your loved ones permanently for $100, a fish pond and gorgeous waterfall.

We have T-Shirts, Cosmetic bags and hand-enhanced canvas prints and again all proceeds go to help build the garden.

Zoom in select you paver to honor your family $100
$15 local $22 shipped tax and shipping costs included.
$25 local includes tax $32 includes shipping and tax.
$32 local includes tax $39 includes shipping and tax.