Kevin Stepp was fired from Albertson’s. No medical or other exemptions of any kind are allowed for not wearing masks or getting the shot, at least not for managers. I pretty sure it’s all employees.
They did not fire him for that, so they claimed, but THAT IS exactly why they fired him. (They claimed he was mean to a vender 3 years ago … here’s what’s funny. That vender and him are best of friends now – so silly)
Some will be pleased about this decision, but most will not be.
AS most know, KEVIN IS AMAZING. Kevin has never even been written up. He is brilliant and a hard worker. Grocery man since age 15 and he has been so good to the village. If you do what you say and say what you mean you’ll have no issues with him. In fact you love him. If not … well he’s tuff on you. Lol.
Fear is gripping these companies – I wouldn’t be surprised if they loss everything because of it … God will not honor a business – a government – a boss who leads through FEAR … Who cowards down to FEAR … PERIOD.
There are those that can’t wear the mask or take the shot. Are you guys too afraid to accept this?
What you going to do with us? Throw us in an isolation camp?
EVIL selfish thoughtless stuff.
Freedom Over fear is God’s plan!!
But we the people forgot that. We forgot to look up instead looked to an evil government to save our dumb asses. And so we stand, a good chance, of losing everything.
Ok. That being said. We are fabulous. Gods got us.
We are SO excited to see what God has next.
We will let you know in the next few weeks.
All is well. Truly.
If you pray — just pray God’s will be done, not ours.
Albertson’s is just trying to keep their door open and fear rules the day. Try not to be too hard on um or any business. Strange days.
We pray God continues to bless our great village.
We pray if it be God’s will, he allows us to continue to build HOPE right here.
We are going for a walk about the world now.
Catch you in a few weeks. We will keep you up to date on what we are thinking.
Anyone have a job for us … No mask or shot required?
Paintedartist Artcave & Garden IS the happiest place on earth and it is closed waiting God’s direction. No radio shows will be recorded. I can’t help out at Casa Blanca. I won’t be making art or building HOPE until we know where we are to be.
Tomorrow!! Dr Shawn #wellnesscenter talking about thermography a health scan that can see disease like cancer 5 years before the more dangerous radiation scan like a mammogram can. A must hear.
Anyway read more about him here –
Then tomorrow at 8 am on 1490 AM KRUI – The Mountain hear him speak!
We also got Bobbie Pendergrass talking about behavioral health and the ice cream social we wanna do next spring.
Message me if you are interested in Dr Shawn coming to Ruidoso – Nov 5 and 6 – to get a heat scan.
A Quilting Stitchuation, LLC, began on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska in 2015. We were located in a small 12×32 quilt cabin my husband and I designed.
Our first project was a hot rod t-shirt quilt and we were hooked. Shortly thereafter a Long Arm was purchased and we began quilting, teaching and selling fabric, notions and gifts on a very small scale.
The dream of owning a brick and mortar business quickly became a reality after we purchased a home in Alto, NM and found a building to lease in beautiful Ruidoso, NM. After a month and a half of renovations (painting, carpeting, etc.) we had our soft-opening on December 17th and our Grand Opening was January 19, 2017. We had a record number of attendees, ribbon cutting, Accuquilt and class demo’s, Live Radio Broadcast, and giveaways.
A Quilting Stitchuation has grown and evolved over the last several years and at the end of 2020 we purchased our own property in Alto, NM. The plan is to have the quilt shop, retreat center and retreat house all in the same location! In May 2021, we will open our new retreat house to the first group of quilting retreaters! Eventually we will complete the existing metal building into a quilt shop, as well as a brand new building that will become New Mexico’s first quilt retreat center, Stitch-n-Pines Retreat Center, LLC. Currently we may hold up to nine guests and after the new building is complete, up to 20!!
What is “A Quilting Stitchuation, LLC and Stitch-n-Pines, LLC?” They are a place for creativity, fun, and knowledge to be shared with others who appreciate the love, time and warmth that goes into every stitch. Life is too short to not love what you do and do what you love. We fell in love with fabric, quilting, and the great people we met and continue to meet along the way.
This business offers Janome Machines, fabric, notions,patterns, kits, books, gifts and long arm quilting services, as well as classes, but most of all it’s a gathering place for friends to spend time together. We also provide knife and scissor sharpening and cleaning/servicing/repairing of most sewing machines!
Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you in the store or as a guest at our new retreat center!
Jackie & Eugene Hunter, Owners A Quilting Stitchuation & Stitch-n-Pines Retreat Center
It’s Hello From Ruidoso new hit radio show on Ruidoso Village very own radio station 1490AM – The Mountain.
Introducing our regulars:
Cheryl Cagle is Jana’s trusted side kick. She’s so much fun!!
Miriam Shanks has been a passionate writer for most of her career. Initially focusing on technical writing as an environmental permitting manager, she has, in recent years turned her attention to more creative endeavors including writing children’s stories, essays, poetry and song lyrics. Miriam enjoys writing for herself and for others and is currently working on a memoir and a blog – Write to the Heart of the Matter. Miriam will be interviewing local authors, and contributing short pieces to our Hello from Ruidoso program. She will also be creating a serial story for the show using characters from our local businesses.
Andrea Fernandez – talking about foraging for food, sustainable food and Smokey Bear community garden.
I get to teach a class on EMNU’s brand new campus next door to Albertsons.
It’s Watercolor and ink paint class … Plein Air … learn to painting your surroundings in a fun and whimsical way.
This class is about learning to paint what you see with a twist of fantasy added into your art. If you want to paint photo realism this class is NOT for you.
Class starts Wednesday Oct 20 from 1 to 3 pm and runs for 7 weeks. Our first paint Location will start at the school in class room number 115.
$125 for 7 weeks
The supplies you will need for this class.
9×12 140 lbs watercolor paper (you’ll only need a few sheets)
Two untra fine point permanent sharpie markers (or a set of micro pens)
One regular fine point sharpie
One mechanical pencil with lead and erasers
A watercolor paint brush set
A few blue work paper towels
A water cup
A roll of blue painter tape or masking tape 1 inch
A 12 inch ruler
A tube of white gauche
Water color ether tubes or cakes
A bag to carry your supplies in.
One 9×12 black frame or shadow box for our student show. (Location to be determined for the show)
(If money is tight for you, your teacher will have extra watercolor paper, paper towels, tape, brushes, white gauche and rulers)
Questions? Message your teacher Jana of ArtCave and Interactive Garden
Get ready to go on location but mostly be ready to have a blast!
Our first show featured Andrea Fernandez (sustainability food) and Ellie Figueroa (all things health). Plus our regulars …myself, Cheryl Smith Cagle co-host and featuring Miriam Shanks, author.
We talked about this gorgeous piece of art by Cheryl – it’s available for your personal art collection.
This will be the last year that the ArtCave is not on the official map if we qualify to be apart of Art Loop. More to come BUT We are finally ready to participate!
We will be open Friday thru Sunday – July 2 thru 4 at 10 to 5 pm. To show support for Art Loop. MAKE OR BUY ART
Buy local art …
MAKE ART by honoring a loved on a butterfly. Be apart of a community art installation – $10
Paint a butterfly.Zoom in and pick your paver number. Message me on facebook at Jana.Lynch – we will get your loved one included into patio.Buy a paver for your family. We will add your message to the patio floor in the PeaceGarden $100
Make art!
Choose for all kinds of cool projects $20
Kids under 5 are only $10 per project for Art Loop
Honor a loved one by painting a butterfly for them in our community art installation. $10 you make $20 Jana will make for you. Includes jewels and glitter.