Don’t give in to fear or all will be lost

Guys. Read please.

Installing paver art.
Enjoy her my sweet, Village of Ruidoso I hope 10000 butterflies will be seen in her trees soon!
Jana inventor of the Butterfly tree 2018 where we honor our loved ones.

I’m seeing a lot of fear conversion out here over my paver art being left in a public space … un-secure where someone could harm her.

If you learn one thing from me … please let it be this.

There is no such thing as security. PERIOD. I’m sorry we’re being taught and believe otherwise.

There is not enough money or man power in the world, to truly secure or keep anything safe … let alone my little piece of bleep PEACE art that you guys graciously granted me permission to display publicly. She doesn’t belong behind bars, does she?

She is a gift. Freely given by all involved.

She represents freedom. The butterflies will fly away. The art will not last forever.

Please don’t give into fear that something might happen to her. I beg you. Just enjoy her while she lasts.

Please just pray that she remains safe. PERIOD. And let it go.

If someone is set on destroying her … well, then. God has other plans. perhaps a very important lesson needs to be taught. Or maybe the next emerging artist needs to paint on it next.

God sees the entire battlefield. Let him handle the big things.

SO PLEASE … just pray she stays safe than it’s God’s business the only true security you got.

Look up instead of looking anywhere else … And remember … nothing lasts forever other than your soul and even it is FREE to chooses where it’s forever will be spent.

Sign that will be with PeaceGarden art installation
While installing the art into Wingfield Park the Ruidoso Wild ponies came by to say “Hey”
Just let go. Every time I think about securing something the “well … but then you will have to do this oh and add insurance oh how much insurance and oh I know let’s just hide it” weeee all that creeps in … it never ends. Ok my soapbox rant is over but This painting is Available. lol

Her Wedding day

I get to go to a wedding in a few weeks of the first human I ever saw come out of the womb.

If you’ve never seen it. Set an intention to do so and see if you’re blessed enough to find someone who will grant this day to you.

Well, I had such friends … that one in a billion couple, who granted me this day, not just once but twice … Rebecca Lovett Dykes and husband Donald Elwood Dykes. Thank you.

My first, Ariel Dykes … I got the call that you were coming. I jumped on the plane. You waited me to arrive, I looked into you mama’s eyes and said “Beck, I could not do this, but you can”, and so she did and you were born.

Your umbilical cord was the colors of a pearl, you, I swear, can see the world inside it, and inside there runs the ocean with all the aqua colors of the universe running thur it – as the ocean turns to red blood … you know this child YOU, just entered an evil world, but you are here with great purpose, as we all are, and that is, to solve the angelic conflict … and your road will be full of rocks that test you daily. I’m happy to report, this, that YOU pass these tests, and applies solutions that propels you towards the light.

You are breathtaking.

And I saw God breath life into you, your first breath of air, and you, the most beautiful girl I ever saw, screamed out your first breath right into my face.

I cryed all the way home. Everyone on the plane ✈️ had to stand down … because they KNEW without a doubt, that this was my moment because I had seen a miracle. God decided her moment of arrival, and he and only he will decide her moment of departure. (Not your doctor, nor your government not you but God)

I can’t wait for Oct 23, 2022 – Ariel picked a good one to spend her live with. – Jaron Robertson … May YOU ALWAYS consider her first in every decision you makes. That is your charge a direct order from God. You got this!

So to the couple, Slow everything down now. You didn’t it! You are prepared. You have arrived to your special day. Take tons of mental photos.

And please try not to look my way on your day … as I’ll be the one in the back, having an emotional private moment.

I was happy … she seemed pleased.
The bridal shower with Kevin, Ariel snd myself
The wedding gift an Acrylic painting titled “the bride and groom”

My crazy journey back to disease free

Struggling with your health?

I share my personal story because I’m driven to help if you want it.

Listen in. Because now I’ve graduated to God’s food. I feel as if I’ve arrived!

Message me … [email protected] —- I’m here to help. Free.

July 23 – Hello From Ruidoso Radio Show

Pamela Witte is brilliant- learn about play acting.

Dustin Lyon you came up! We proud of you!

You too Deborah Voorhees about 13Fanboy.

Oh and our upcoming playwright series coming the last two weekends in August to Sacred Grounds Coffee and Tea House

Thank you Pam and Cheryl Smith Cagle for an exceptional interview!

LIVE every Friday at 8 am on our village’s own radio station – 1490 AM KRUI – The Mountain

Or I always publish the link right here after it airs —-

Catch it on the reload:

July 13 – Hello From Ruidoso Radio Show

Jackie Hunter – Women in Business

A Quilting Stitchuation, LLC, began on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska in 2015. We were located in a small 12×32 quilt cabin my husband and I designed.

Our first project was a hot rod t-shirt quilt and we were hooked. Shortly thereafter a Long Arm was purchased and we began quilting, teaching and selling fabric, notions and gifts on a very small scale.

The dream of owning a brick and mortar business quickly became a reality after we purchased a home in Alto, NM and found a building to lease in beautiful Ruidoso, NM. After a month and a half of renovations (painting, carpeting, etc.) we had our soft-opening on December 17th and our Grand Opening was January 19, 2017. We had a record number of attendees, ribbon cutting, Accuquilt and class demo’s, Live Radio Broadcast, and giveaways.

A Quilting Stitchuation has grown and evolved over the last several years and at the end of 2020 we purchased our own property in Alto, NM. The plan is to have the quilt shop, retreat center and retreat house all in the same location! In May 2021, we will open our new retreat house to the first group of quilting retreaters! Eventually we will complete the existing metal building into a quilt shop, as well as a brand new building that will become New Mexico’s first quilt retreat center, Stitch-n-Pines Retreat Center, LLC. Currently we may hold up to nine guests and after the new building is complete, up to 20!!

What is “A Quilting Stitchuation, LLC and Stitch-n-Pines, LLC?” They are a place for creativity, fun, and knowledge to be shared with others who appreciate the love, time and warmth that goes into every stitch. Life is too short to not love what you do and do what you love. We fell in love with fabric, quilting, and the great people we met and continue to meet along the way.

This business offers Janome Machines, fabric, notions,patterns, kits, books, gifts and long arm quilting services, as well as classes, but most of all it’s a gathering place for friends to spend time together. We also provide knife and scissor sharpening and cleaning/servicing/repairing of most sewing machines!

Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you in the store or as a guest at our new retreat center!

Jackie & Eugene Hunter, Owners
A Quilting Stitchuation & Stitch-n-Pines Retreat Center

Catch her on the reload …

July 6 2021 – our very first radio show

It’s Hello From Ruidoso new hit radio show on Ruidoso Village very own radio station 1490AM – The Mountain.


Introducing our regulars:

Cheryl Cagle is Jana’s trusted side kick. She’s so much fun!!

Miriam Shanks has been a passionate writer for most of her career. Initially focusing on technical writing as an environmental permitting manager, she has, in recent years turned her attention to more creative endeavors including writing children’s stories, essays, poetry and song lyrics. Miriam enjoys writing for herself and for others and is currently working on a memoir and a blog – Write to the Heart of the Matter. Miriam will be interviewing local authors, and contributing short pieces to our Hello from Ruidoso program. She will also be creating a serial story for the show using characters from our local businesses.

Andrea Fernandez – talking about foraging for food, sustainable food and Smokey Bear community garden.

Ellie Figueroa – on going health talks

Catch it on the reload:

Hello From Ruidoso

Our first radio show aired Friday July 9 2021.

It’s Hello from Ruidoso … a show about ordinary people who do extraordinary things

Watch us film the process of making at radio show LIVE on facebook every Tuesday at 11 am – FB: Jana.Lynch

Catch it on the radio every friday at 8 am –1490AM-The Mountain

Of listen to it on PodCast

Our first show featured Andrea Fernandez (sustainability food) and Ellie Figueroa (all things health). Plus our regulars …myself, Cheryl Smith Cagle co-host and featuring Miriam Shanks, author.

We talked about this gorgeous piece of art by Cheryl – it’s available for your personal art collection.

Boogie board fun!

I hope this photo expresses, just how excited I am, that I’ve been commissioned to paint a seascape and a house number right on this boogie board that will be bolted to the front of a house at a beach town in Florida. Huh?!?

Does it get any cooler? Yip!

BTW I actually have played on this board in the ocean.

Need a cool house sign? Hit me up. FB Jana.lynch

Butterfly tree where we honor of loved ones.

Be my friend on facebook – message me if you see me here and friend me – I have a gift fir you … family honors mother in the Peace Garden

Special day. They painted butterflies and became apart of an art installation. Read more.