I’m glad I get more time with them as I feel that none are complete. However, I’m pleased, meaning I would show these as is, if I had to.
But I am so grateful I don’t have to as they all need work and I need more time with them, especially the octopus and the goat.
For now, I’m on vacation and I’ll get back to it April 1. I’ll paint as I always do on vacation, but it’s easy, fun stuff, like ducks, butterflies, and Apple watch watch bands. I’ll complete a pair of shoes I’ve been working on, too. Stuff like that.
I’ll sip on cocktails and meet potential art lovers, because I could not do this without you, my family of art lovers.
Thanks for everything. You pushed me to next level and I can’t wait to see the next, then the next, and what’s next, and so on… (lol)
EYE TO EYE – painted in the almost lost art of egg tempura – solo show Bastrop Public Library – June thru July 2023
Divine dissatisfaction: it’s meaning reworded to suit me:This type of dissatisfaction is divinebecause it works alongside gratitude and awareness. It’s when you are simultaneously in tune with the beauty you’ve created while feeling pulled toward the next thing. This is a yearning that comes from something deeper in your nature, cultivated by learning the mind of God, enabling your true Self to emerge.
Dane Porter, an American Photographer snapped photos of me that I never knew about.
Dane and Jana 1988
Thank you Chuck Palmetto for these great memories.
They say beauty is wasted on the young. I never got what that meant till now.
I did not like myself enough to see just how cute I was back than. I see it now. Lol. I was an artist in the making.
That cig makes me wanna light up. Lol. But I won’t.
Me in 1988 – 26 years.
Dane became a believer in Jesus Christ because I was stupid enough to say I prayed we would win. Thank God, the Holy Spirit was able to pick up that silly comment and make Himself real to Dane, and on 09/1/88 Dane placed is faith in Christ for Salvation and he starting learning the Mind of Christ.
The day Dane believed in Christ was the day we won the mega buck 2nd to top price. $8338 in 1988 was a lot of money back then. It was just the right amount to convince Dane I was right about God.
God answers my questions. For a direct connection with Him I’ve learned that you gotta jump inside the Grace Pipeline because in there He will answer prayer.
Today while in there I asked a question. As a side note: I should tell you I’m floating on the river again. It’s mine now, the Colorado river.
I asked, “Are the big red winged dragon flies the males, or the smaller blue ones?” Now of course, I could’ve Googled it for an answer but I didn’t have my phone so I asked the question in prayer.
Then a brown dragon fly landed on me, a female. FYI I’VE NEVER noticed a brown one ever. They know they’re safe with me. I love them and I’m convinced I’m an animal whisperer.
So she landed. And then a male (a blue dragon fly) landed on top of her. Soon his legs are on my knee, and she’s about 3/4 his overall size. And FYI in case you’re wondering, her Vaa-Jay-Jay (my made-up word to maintain a PG rating here) is on her shoulder blades…I’m relating it to humans here, sorta.
I think I’ll paint this scene one day.
They stayed about five minutes. He didn’t move, but I’d say she obviously liked it. She kept rubbing her head.
Their eyes are huge, and I will exaggerate that in my painting.
Then they left, and then I cried.
I cried because I realized that God, who is in His Heaven with his incredible sense of humor, heard me immediately. And as a blessing he answered my silly-ass prayer.
Just ask me if you wanna learn how to ride the Grace Pipeline. It’s easy and I’m a pro now. Lol.
This photo I found online later. My pair stayed way straighter while sitting on me.
I’m a bit jelly of the male. Why is it the males in nature are most always so much prettier than the females? I’m so sorry boys, if the world told you guys that you are bad…It is a lie.
You do not have to be in church to be with God. But just like it is with anyone else, you have to learn His mind (His Word) to feel His presence so you can learn to enjoy Him.
New art I painted for Neighbor’s Kitchen and YardBrandy, the best bartender in town! Go meet her!
It’s Thank You day for the employees at Neighbor’s Kitchen and Yard who tolerated my ass over the last four weeks. It’s been so much fun painting here! I can teach anyone to do this, so whatcha’ say we start an interest list? Who would like to learn to express themselves through art?
I started teaching art a few years ago in Ruidoso, NM at Jana’s Art Cave, my working studio. It became a tourist attraction for visitors looking for entertainment aside from skiing, hunting, and fishing. It was so much fun for all ages to enjoy together. If you guys are interested, I would love to do it again in Bastrop. However, I’m going to need a location.
Originals will be available soon on my new website that’s being built. You’re welcome to watch the progress at JanasPaintedArtist.com.
I hand signed the front and added a special note to each employee who assisted me over the last 4 weeks.
My Artists…you won’t believe what we are trying to build for you!
Sarah and Cameron are two really neato kids. They will rise to the top like cream in a butter churn!
The food is so good. Here is a bread-less Italian sub. It’s not on the menu but Neighbor’s Kitchen and Yard aims to please!
I can teach anyone to paint what they see with a twist of fantasy. I’m collecting an interest list NOW, Bastrop Texas. I need a location, but that’s usually not a problem. If you’re looking for exact, take a photo…’cause this class ain’t for you.
Student work from a 4 week paint class full of drink and eats over at Lost Hiker Brewery, Ruidoso NM
I so wish I could just paint on the more light-hearted “A bedroom suite for my favorite Monster High doll,” she’s vintage now, and deserves a place to live in some lucky little girl’s bedroom.
But I must carry on in a dark, but not hopeless place. As so many of you have expressed interest in the piece. Nathanael Chavers gets first right to refuse her. Lol! After that it’s open game. Lol!
So I must complete it.
This part will be hard to paint. This piece that I’m calling “People desperately fleeing the USA,” is from a vision I had over seven years ago.
I feel perhaps it’s important, but ! I’ll let the world decide. For all this is “no longer viable,” but it’s a cautionary tale, if only we can stop looking for relief in all the wrong places.
Oh, some fun news today!
I can teach any of you to paint what you see with a twist of reality. If you want your art to look exactly like your scene, take a photo; this class ain’t for you. Lol. I’m looking for location to offer a class. Any ideas?
The prints of my Nieghbor’s painting are complete, thanks to the help of Bastrop Signs & Banners. Love those guys. Check ’em out local artists!
Anyway, the sun is out and I’m going to go for a run/dance and then deliver to the hard working staff these hand signed prints today. They’re now my new friends over at Neighbor’s.
I had so much fun with you all over the last month painting your scene.
Fun news: Bastrop Opera House, thank you for inviting me to help paint sets. Omg. What a blast!
I started this painting 7 years ago; I had a vision I fear is coming true.
Sitting in front of this painting is daunting. It’s a sad look at the possible decline of my home country.
My skill level back then didn’t allow completion, but I believe I can finish it now. We shall see.
It’s titled “No longer viable” a cautionary tale. We can turn this around if only we would look up. God is in this deal if you want the help.
I accidentally cut myself opening the packaging on my new blade. Believe me, I was not looking forward to cutting myself on purpose. Thank you God. Your timing is always perfect, for today was the day. Lady Liberty needed to be crying tears of blood.
That hurt. So does my heart looking at this painting, but I believe it needs to be said.
This is where I leave it tonight. My own blood all over it. Just as my heart is heavy, this canvas is heavy with plaster.
Shipping it will be spendy. Lol. Just say’n…
Doing this painting hurt my soul. It’s dark, and I’m a light.
Heavy with plaster.
Update: Lady Grace, my dog, tried to clean up the blood spill on the painting.
She’s my little wound care specialist. She tried to extend help to Lady Liberty. We need to take a lesson from her. Lol. But please don’t lick my painting.
Lady and Sissi Grace enjoying the sunshine by the Colorado River
It’s not too late to turn our country around. I pray daily for the USA, that her leaders will make wise, selfless, decisions in her regard, and that God has exposed evil for the world to clearly see.
I’m afraid this is where the world is headed. Totalitarianism. Is this what we want? Total annihilation of individuality and freedom? They are sugar-coating this deal to make our youth think it’s a better plan. It isn’t. And if all you elites think you will benefit from this, you won’t. Only a very few, very evil trillionaire, dictator-type rulers will benefit, and I bet you ain’t one of them. It all looks so pretty and correct to lure you in. Change your mind, all of you amazing, creative individuals. We need you now more than ever. Learn tolerance, grace, forgiveness, and integrity, as all are essential elements of love.
Well, I’ve brought these paintings out of storage to work on, along with Marta Swanner’s Boogie Board®. My goal for completion is March 8th, 2022. Cross your fingers…
I wanna thank my cousin Jay Lynch, all things online genius Guru, for teaching this goofy artist “how to fish online” to make money, instead of simply giving me a fish. He’s now helping me develop my website, blog, and online store, not leaving me alone to flounder…Ha! get it?
If we’re correct about the direction he’s taking us, to all my artists that I love with all my heart, we be onto something big for you guys.
All the while it’s just me, hanging at the “Zen River House,” the new name we’ve given our small space near the river in Bastrop for now. I’m a little nomad at heart.
Hey, Neighbor’s Kitchen and Yard, I had the art that I painted at your joint digitized at Bastrop Signs & Banners. Now I’ll be thinking about what we can do with it! Lol! I fell in love with the Manager, Matt Murphy, over their banners. Check ’em out local artist!
Jay Lynch is teaching this old dog new tricks. Here we go…NFT designs to the MetaVerse and Beyond!