Oh no. They put my class in the Princess Patter – a lot of people will line up, but sadly I can only teach 30 folks at a time. However, I noticed they created another art class to catch my over flow. (Note to self: think about how I could teach more folks at once)
I’m Already get to meetsome awesome folks!
A gal spotted me in the casino last night and said “I’m sad i missed your duck give away at the sail away party.”
I said “I have one left would you liked it? It’s a sun and moon design”
She lit up! lifted up her shirt and turned around and on her back where she had a tiny scar from a spin surgery where she placed a tiny tattoo of a sun and moon.
What are the odds on that ever in a billion years happening? Thats a “God is good” moment!
Her tattoo and my duck were like mirror images – even the art was near the same size and color … now that’s amazing!?!
Update: There is more to story – Only 19 showed up to the event. That one was left in my pocket. And she just happened to find me. This is a huge 3500 passager boat. And usually the line is too long. Oh wait. That’s not true I forgot a very important fact – there were 20th in line, now that I think about it, three brothers were in line – number 18, 19 and 20 – one of the boys handed this duck back to me saying that he wanted a duck with a black hat. I said I didn’t have any left for today in black, but he handed it back anyway – Stating He’ll try to find one on one of the other days.

Jan 16th day 2 of cruise update! he found me and got his black hatted duck.